The Typhoon's Wife

Clear Sky and Troubled Heart

Clear Sky and Troubled Heart

1"Your hair smells like blueberries."     

Mi Rae's head which had raised a bit for the impending kiss fell back with a thump.She did not know how to reply to such a statement and muttered an awkward,"Thank you..I think..."     

They stared silently into each other's eyes.As if suddenly realizing their precarious position,Neil fell back with a thump and also started to stare at the sky with his hand under his head.Mi Rae turned to look at him and then turned back to look at the open the sky.Using her free hand,she slowly moved towards Neil's free hand which was lying next to hers.Holding his wrist,she brought it up and then placed it under her head.Their position was now intimate and yet not.Though her head was pillowed on his forearms like a lover's,their bodies maintained a respectable distance.     

Neil's hand had stiffened the moment Mi Rae grabbed it and even now was lying straight as a rod.      

Actually Neil was at a loss as to what to do.He had no idea why Mi Rae had done such a thing and he could not bring himself to humiliate her by snatching his hand back.So he lay there quietly unmoving and stared up at the sky.     

After a while,his arm had relaxed.Mi Rae looked at him and he seemed to have fallen asleep.Taking her chance, she did not turn back but continued to stare at him.She wanted to carress his face but dared not in case he woke up.So she omly appreciated him with her eyes.Three years ago,she had faced him in the courtroom and lost her first ever case.She had almost hated him for some time.But even then he had been an enigma to her.After her first loss,she had met him ,any months later at a charity banquet,where he had helped her evade the active hands of an old CEO.Since then,she had often seen him at various banquets and gatherings.And he always made a point to greet her and tease a smile out of her.It had become so that she had started looking forward to those boring parties where all the old fa*** gathered to blow their own horns just so she could be teased by him.     

To her it seemed they were fated.Otherwise,why would he be the one who was always there for her? Even that night he was the one who had come to her rescue.But she needed to proceed with caution.Since he had never been linked with another woman,it clearly meant that he was still in love with his dead fiance.And even now he took flowers for her. Her heart ached at the way he was suffering.She wished she could take away his pain for him.With such thoughts,Mi Rae fell asleep.As her eyes drooped.Neil carefully opened his eyes. He had only pretended to fall asleep so that she would let her guard down.Neil stared at the clear sky and a tear slipped out of his eye.He wanted to apologize to his Ning Ning for cheating her memory but he could not bring himself to.It would not be fair to the woman currently sleeping on his arm.He felt like a jerk.Nothing new there though.He could see her heart reflected in her eyes and knew that she had fallen for him.Ignoring his own feelings on the matter was easy so he continued to think of ways to gently move back so as not to hurt her.Cursing the fates,Neil was also lulled into sleep by the tranquil and peace.And because they were fated,they drifted closer even in their sleep.As the sun went down,Mi Rae felt the chill in the air and moved towards the source of heat.Neil also wrapped her in his arms and forgotten were the troubles of reality in the dreams of hope.     

A few hours later,Mi Rae jerked awake to the sound of a phone ringing.Looking around she saw Neil's phone lying on the blanket but it had already cut off.Catching a glimpe of the time,her head shot up.It was already evening!They had slept for almost 3 hours!That is also when she realized her position.Neil's hand was wrapped around her and currently lying on the side of her breast.Her head had been pillowed on his chest and their legs were entangled.     

Feeling a blush rise to her cheeks,she tried to think of a way to get out of this situation without further embarassing herself..The slight movement though caused Neil to wake up and his eyes popped open.Seeing his sleep dazed eyes and not knowing what to do,she chose the most uncommon method to distract him.She planted her lips on his.Feeling hte sudden softness of her lips on his,Neil was fully conscious in a blink.Her soft tongue licked at his lips causing him to gasp and this gave her access to explore his mouth with her tongue.     

Neil's hand on her tightened and the other hand which was lying on the side came up to hold her.Responding to the kiss,Neil forgot everything and continued to devour her.Soon,he rolled them over and Mi Rae was on her back with Neil leaning over her,kissing her for what she was worth.His hands explored the contours of her curves and his tongue explored her mouth.All the promises and curses he had given himself three hours ago were forgotten.     

The sudden ring of the phone brought them back to their senses and Neil pushed himself away from temptation.They were both breathing heavily now and even though their bodies had separated their hads were still entwined.Neil was again cursing himself and this time decided to be blunt for his sake and hers.But before he could open his mouth and apologize or explain,Mi Rae put her finger on his lips and said,"Neil Long,I was the one who kissed you so don't you dare try to be a gentleman.And I know what you were going to say so keep your reasons to yourself.I have no intention of hearing them.but you need to know one thing,someday soon I will confess to you and you will not have this shocked expression on your face.So prepare yourself,from today onwards I am going to woo you until you have fallen for me."With that,Mi Rae got up and walked to where her horse was standing.Climbing it she rode away.     

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