The Typhoon's Wife

Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken Noodle Soup

2As Neil drove towards the place where their 'torture' cooking class was to be held,he ws unable to control his laughter.Mi Rae was looking at him as if her had lost a screw and said as much.But Neil just smiled it off and said,"Ms Mi Rae you have just racked up a few more favors.And how are you going to pay those back?"     

Mi Rae looked at him with a frown and said,"What do you mean favors?I hired you to be my lawyer and I am going to pay you for that ofcourse!"     

Neil just laughed harder and then responded,"Do you think it is that easy to hire me,Ms Mi Rae.You have to wait weeks in advance!But I wasn't talking about that anyway!I was talking about the fact that you claimed me as your boyfriend!You are really fast!We are on our way to out first date and you are already my girlfriend!By the third you will be my wife then!"     

Shaking her head she said,"who wants to be your wife!Not me certainly!And when did this this thing turn into a date!I am just repaying your favor!"     

Finally,bickering all the way yhey reached the cooking academy.Once inside,Neil expected a few kitchen stations and many couples to be loitering inside.But what greeted them was an elegant lobby and a middle aged foreign man dressed in a chef's uniform standing there.Seeing the two of them standing there rather awkwardly staring around,he approached them and introduced himself."Hello,My name is Chef Pierre.I am the head chef here.May I know what class you are here for?"     

The two looked at each other and shrugged.Both of them had not bothered to read the coupons once they realized that it was for cooking.      

Mr Pierre looked them over once and then suddenly clapped and let out a smile."You are here for the couple cooking 101 class.You must be Neil Long and Mi Rae Zheng!"     

The two nodded in sync and he smiled again.He then happily said,"Madam Long called me and told that the two of you know nothing about cooking so to save you from embarrassing yourselves,we have prepared a special classroom for the first few sessions."     

Neil and Mi Rae who were quietly following Pierre suddenly stopped and stared at him in horror.Mi Rae raised her voice a bit and said,"What do you mean first few sessions?"     

the chef turned around and said,"Well,cooking is an art and a science.You did not expect to learn it in a day right?But do not worry.I have been told that you are both very busy lawyers so we will adjust the classes around your schedules.And since you are both not dressed properly for cooking,I suggest you take off your jackets there and roll up your sleeves.We are going to cook some chicken soup noodles!"By now they had reached a small room.It was actually a tastefully decorated kitchen.Neil looked at the assorted equipments and once again vowed revenge against Alicia.Mi Rae on the other hand was thinking that it would have been better to be stuck in the rain all night than have to repay it like this.Never in the future was she going to accept anyone's help!     

Taking off his jacket,Neil went to help Mi Rae take off hers.Mi Rae was wearing a plain white sleeveless blouse while Neil was wearing a white shirt,sleeves of which he did roll up.Pierre approved of their quick actions and passed them their aprons.Donning them,the two people looked ready to cook.Like a general,Pierre gave them simple but explicit instructions like boiling water and adding the noodles.While Mi Rae was put in charge of the stove(because she actually knew how to use one as compared to Neil who just stared at it as if it was an alien machine)while Neil was thought to use the knife skills to chop vegetables.Though he was inexperienced,Neil was quick to pick up the skills and was chopping away like a pro in no time..attracting her attention to his flexing forearms.That is when her gaze fell to a small tattoo on Neil's forearm.Seeing the caption she smiled and said,"Do you really need a reminder to 'love yourself'?"     

Looking up with tears in his eyes(he was chopping onions)he scowled and said,"It's not a's a BTS band album name!"     

"Omo!You are a fanboy!"     

Neil almost chopped off his finger when he heard the exclamation and scowled all the more harder!"I AM NOT!I AM A POOR VICTIM OF A FANGIRL.She got this done on me three years ago when I was drunk as a skunk!"     

Mi Rae laughed at that and said,"Who has the cheek to offent the mighty Neil Long?"     

"The one who is also responsible for our predicament today,'Alicia!'"     

Neil said the name with such venom that Alicia who was currently dancing at her home with Ru sneezed a couple of times in a row.     

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