The Typhoon's Wife

Chicken Noodle Soup Dance

Chicken Noodle Soup Dance

0Ryu came home to loud blaring music coming from the speakers.Though the music was loud,the listeners were nowhere to be found.Making his way to the living room he opened the door and immediately went to shut it!His wife and son were dancing!Actually it could not be considered as dancing.Opening the door he checked again and right..they were looked more like headlesschickens flapping their wings.And even more funny was Alicia who was only moving her hands and nothing else since she was pregnant..     0

At a second glance,it was funny!So he leaned against the door and watched them do a parody of a dance.He even rolled his eyes like his missus when he heard the lyrics,"Chicken noodle soup..with a soda on the side!"     

Just then Ru spotted his father and stopped abruptly even going so far as to pull his mother's sleeves to indicate to her to stop.Standing straight,Ru said,"Hello father!I'll go bring some water for you!You must be thirsty!"With that Ru made to runa away but Ryu made no move to let him pass.Raising hie eyebrow,he asked,"Just what were the two of you doing?"     

Though Ru did not mind doing crazy things with his mother,he always felt embarrassed in front of his father..Rubbing his head,he said,"The baby was bored!So we were entertaining it with song and dance.And now I'll go get that water."With that Ru went around his father and went straight ot the kitchen.Next was Alicia's turn.     

"Missus?Are you already trying to turn our baby into an Army like yourself?"     

Alicia pouted at that and said,"Hubby!I am doing no such thing!It is as Ru said,we were trying to entertain the baby."     

"With Chicken noodle soup dance?"     

A vigorus nod and further explanation,"Yes!It is a good way to workout also!"     

Going to his his wife,he kissed the top of her head and asked,"You alright?     

She smiled and nodded a "Yes."     

Just then Ru came back and handed the glass of water and sat down on the chair opposite his father.     

Ru had been given the news that he was going to have a sibling this morning.Both Alicia and Ryu had wanted to confirm that he would not feel insecure in any way so they gave him the surprise.He jumped in joy and instead surprised them with his excitement and even knowledge.While the two of them were still adjusting to the news,Ru had already started online shopping for his baby sibling by buying clothes,toys and even new born diapers and baby care books!     

By the time Alicia had come back early from work,Ru's had managed to put himself in a frenzy.To distract him and expel some of his energy,Alicia had turned on the music and together they began dancing.     

Ru looked at his father earnestly and said,"Father!I want a baby sister!"     

Ryu heard his son and looking at him amusedly said,"Getting a brother or sister is not in our hands kiddo!But you must remember to love whether you get a baby brother or baby sister.     

Ru frowned at that and thoughtfully said,"But I need a baby sister to coddle and protect."     

"Well you will have to coddle and protect a baby brother also,atleast for some time and then you can teach him all the games you know!"     

Ru thought about that for a while and then agreed slowly."Alright then.I have to go."     

Ru who was about to turn back to run out of the room again was caught by the scruff of the neck."Where are you running off to now?"     

"I have to shop for boy clothes also!"     

Alicia shook her head and glared hatefully at her hubby!"I had just distracted him from shopping!"     

Ryu laughed at his wife and picking her up from her chair,sat down and pulled her into his arms."Missus!let him shop!Heck I've done some shopping too!Let me show you!"     

With that Ryu took out his cell phone and showed her gadgets!Looking at them blanklyAlicia asked,"What are these?"     

"They are child monitors and small GPS installed devices for babies.And this is a customized baby baby blanket for the winters.."     

Alicia was staring at her hubby with cross eyes.Her husband had voluntarily shopped!Even if it was odd gadgets..She started to cry or rather wail.     

Ryu was shocked at his wife.She was fine now!Hating her teary eyed,he asked her what was wrong.."Nothing.",she said bur cried louder..     

"Then why are you crying?"     

"I am not!It is the little bun!He is really happy with his family..and so he is making me cry!!"     

Shaking his head at his wife's drama,Ryu just patted her head.The song continued to play on repeat and finally Ryu asked in amusement,"chicken noodle soup?missus?"     

In another sudden change of moods,Alicia stopped crying and narrowed her eyes at her hubby,"Are you insulting my J-hope's song?"     

Trying to maintain a straight face,Ryu shook his head,"No I wouldn't dare to."     

"You totally are!My hubby is making fun of me and my favorites!Next you will make fun of my clothes and then you will make fun of me!And then I will loathe you.Then you will be seduced away by that third secretary..And then me and Ru and little bun will be left alone.And then I will have to kill her!How can you be so heartless hubby to make me a murderer!!!"     

As always to stop her from dramatizing and going off the point,Ryu sealed her mouth with his.     

His only thought was if his little girl was as dramatic and cute as his wife,he was going to have a lot of grey hair.     

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