The Typhoon's Wife

Why Are You Leaving?

Why Are You Leaving?

3"I did not expect much and was preparing to call you asking for a favor but I guess you already knew her personally so you accepted easily."      0

She did not say that she had actually been shocked when Neil accepted the case with alacrity and then she had even felt envious when she saw how cozy Neil was with Onita and Little Alicia.She would never have been able to make a client so comfortable.Mi Rae was a bit socially awkward.She never knew what to say in the heat of the moment when having conversations.Thankfully her brain worked fine in court.     

Bringing herself back to the present,she continued,"Anyways once you had the case with you I expected them to lose anyway.And you showed your mettle within 12hours when the media opinion was already against the Hu's.I just ask you for one thing,Neil Long!Win this case and throw that Attorney Chen and his despicable methods into the mud into the mud!"     

Alicia was already satisfied with this explanation as Ryu had explauned the rest to her last night.So Alicia did not question her further.But Neil was now looking at her in question.     

"Aren't you already an established lawyer?Then how come you were classmates with them!They must be younger than a few years so rightfully they should have been your juniors!"     

With a side smile,Mi Rae said,"you should say that to those over achievers who skipped a few grades because of their high IQ!"     

Neil nodded his head in understanding and then asked her another question,"Why are you leaving your company?You have been there since the last many years.In fact they should make you partner soon."     

Mi Rae looked at Neil who was staring at her intently and decided to give aother explanation,"Yes,I have been working there many years and the only times I lost a case was with you and the last time because of that Chen's dirty tricks.But even after such a superb track record and loyalty,My company has chosen to pass on the partner's spots to my juniors not just once but twice.And not just juniors but only average ones who had a 50:50track record!I have reached the conclusion I do not have the right equipment to make a pertner so working there is now futile!Anyways I have already established myself and have a good client base as well as reputation.So instead of working in that stifling atmosphere,I am going to set up my own business!"     

Neil had a thoughtful look on his face while someone who had yet to utter a word had a cunning one.If someone were to look at Ryu Long now they would know why he was called the typhoon.     

Neil had just reached a conclusion.This was why Mi Rae had been so touchy on the chauvnist subject.He never realized that attorneys could be so dumb!Of course they would lose a valuable employee by not having appreciated her but if she were the vindictive type(Like most lawyers)she could have gathered evidence and gotten their practice license cancelled for discrimination!These days the laws regarding such things were getting stricter.     

Neil was about to question her further,when Ryu spoke,"Miss Zheng,how do you plan to begin?Are you buying your own office or renting?And investment?You have savings or are you going to apply for a loan?"     

For a minute Mi Rae looked blankly an Ryu.She did not expect them to start questioning her about her plans!And she was even shocked that she was willing to volunteer the information so easily.The thought to establish a practice of her own had been in her head for sometime now but she had been pushing it back.It was only now that she had verbalized it did she think that she had been seriously conidering it.So honestly she answered,"I have not given it much thought.It is just a pipe dream at present."     

Ryu nodded and then offered,"Whenever you decide to start your own practice,you can send your proposal to Lance Inc.Neil has been undertaking more and more independent cases and we have been in talks about opening a separate office.Maybe we can invest in a team of lawyers with all the specializations.."     

Mi Rae was shocked and gratified at Ryu Long's offer.Everyone knew that Ryu Long never invested if he did not see profits that no one else did.So him offering to even consider her proposal was something of an honour and recognition.A little red in the face,she said,"Thank you Mr Long."     

After a while,Alicia and Ryu took their leave with Al promising to bring her some decent clothes immediately.But Neil asked her to wait when she came back. as he needed to speak to her.     

Once the kitchen was empty,the atmosphere turned awkward again.Mi Rae exused herself and raced back to the guest room. Neil also returned to his room but at a leisurely pace,whistling a happy tune.     

Some time later,Alicia was also back in her professional suit and in the living room browsing about nosily.Neil shook his head at her and said,"Are you done with your inspection?"     

Alicia looked at him and said,"Yes.And you have not yet acquired any good taste!Neil are you not bored already with this black and white color scheme.I mean a little color at the end of the day will not blind you!"     

"Al,there is nothing colorful in my life!And I know what you are trying to do so stop it!I need to talk to you about Onita."     

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