The Typhoon's Wife

Excited Alicia

Excited Alicia

2As Alicia and the rest also moved towards the house,Alicia was sitting on the seat as if she would spring out any minute.As always the person who most had to *suffer* when she was too happy was her son Ru Long,who had to be the recepient of her excited hugs and kisses on the head.The suffering was not being hugged and kissed but having to pretend to be a grown and being annoyed that he did not want them.Ru loved to be pampered by his mother but his seniors in school always said that big boys do not liked to be kissed or hugged.Ru personally thought that it was dumb not wanting to be hugged and kissed by your parents but he held his tongue.Only because he could not be bothered by such trivial matters.But he had to keep up the pretense.Mother always got super angry and made him hug her longer as a punishment!Which was not necessarily a bad thing.      2

His mother was currently moving restlessly waiting to meet her friend and solve the mystery.He did not remember Aunty Onita much.They had only met a few times but he could remember that she had been sweet to him.And her going away had made his mother extremely sad.     

He thought back to the cute baby daughter of Aunty Onita and almost glared at his parents!He was getting older!They needed to work on getting him a little baby at the soonest!     

His eyes narrowed in thought.Maybe he could make that little baby girl also his sister?Hmm!he had to think carefully and observe uncle Neil closely,the next time they met.Then he would have a baby until his parents got him another one.     

Alicia,on the other hand had just reached a conclusion of her own.Turning her head sharply she looked at her hubby who was easily reclining on his seat.Almost pointing a finger at him she suddenly wanted to accuse,"You knew!" but held her tongue.She would question him later!     

Ryu looked at her and said nothing.As if daring her to say anything.Alicia sighed and sat back.Of course he knew and said nothing.She had told him to not tell her.Alicia remembered the time when Onita went missing.They had no idea where she had suddenly disappeared to.After a few days of worrying and racking her brains to find out what happened to her combined with her parent's apathy,Alicia had grown angry.How could Onita do this!At that time,Ryu had offered to find for her and let her know Onita's location but she had angrily refused."Let her come to me when she wants to!".though Al had said these words in anger,her heart had accepted it.Onita was a smart girl.If she had chosen to not come to them then she must have her own reasons.And it wouldn't be right for her to force Onita.So she had just told her hubby to let her know only if she was in grave danger!     

Just then,her phone dinged with an incoming text.It was from Neil saying that her hubby could explain everything and some important work had popped up so he would be seeing her tomorrow.Sighing,she turned the phone's screen towards Ryu who read the message and said nothing.Ru looked at his parents who were talking in glances only and rolled his eyes!They could have proper conversations like that!Though he felt it was a good thing,it was particularly problematic to him when he wanted to watch TV or play video games.He would try to convince them,but everytime one said no the other was in sync and said no.He really needed a sibling to distract them!Suddenly an idea popped into his head and he said with a cute face,"Mother!I want a baby like little Alicia!"     

The sudden exclamation and contents of the statement made Alicia still and she looked at Ru questioningly.That was sudden.Ru rolled his eyes at his mother's shocked face.Of course she would be shocked!He had never expressed such a desire before.Before she could question him,Ryu said,"Soon you will be getting your wish."Ru's eyes widened at this statement and he promptly and happily shut his mouth.While Alicia hissed in anger and subtly pinched her hubby's forearm.Of course her hubby was very fast and immediately captured her hand in his big one so that she would not attack him again. Both father and son had easily distracted her from the thoughts of Onita Dew.     

Alicia had been avoiding this topic for sometime now.She had even tried to not think about it.But today was different.These last few years she had had no chance to hold a baby.And even before that she had not held any little babies.Her Ru also had been a bit older.Smelling the sweet powdery smell and holding the little bundle of warmth had almost made her yearn for a baby.She had wanted to hold her longer...Even now her arms felt empty.Avoiding looking at Ryu and Ru,Alicia turned to stare at the scenery outside the car window.Though everything was dark,Alicia's eyes were shining.She had decided.She too wanted to have a little baby to hold and love!!She thought of the future...a little girl with Ryu's eyes or a little boy with Ryu's smile...With her husband's love and support,she would be able to carry a baby as well...     

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