The Typhoon's Wife

The Dragon And His Damsel(s)

The Dragon And His Damsel(s)

0Neil took the two women home,knowing that despite everything he would have to face the firing squad at home.Al was not going to let him off until she had gained all information.He just hoped he survived this first.Onita had not spoken a word since she sat in the car and though that was not new,What was new was she was sniffling as well as glaring at him..So was she angry at him or was she sad or was she sniffling from happiness..he had no idea!He almost broke the speed limits so that he could deposit the time bomb next to him to her house.His cupcake and sheild was on the verge of falling asleep and Neil knew that the moment Cupcake fell into a deep sleep he was in for a lecture!He was about to honk so that the little cupcake would be disturbed and not fall asleep but then seeing her tired face,he could not do it and geared himself to endure the glares being directed at him.      4

Though Neil did not think what there was to be angry about!He had helped her get over the barrier of those worrisome thoughts of how she would face Al and all that!As if sensing his thoughts,Onita turned to look at him sharply and glared even more fiercely.Neil almost hunched his shoulders and saying nothing drove towards her home.     

Once at the parking,as he was about to get off,Onita firmly refused his help in carrying little Alicia and said in an even tone,"Please leave!Today has been an emotional roller coaster.We will talk tomorrow when I have had time to calm myself."     

Neil looked at her intently and then nodded,saying nothing.He turned on the ignition when they had safely entered the building.Backed away the when the lights turned on in the window and drove off when the lights turned dark.     

As Neil drove back towards his home,it started to rain heavily.Halfway home,Neil came across a car that was parked on the opposite side of the road and a familiar silhoutte kicking at the tyre furiously.Smiling,he slowed down his car and parked it on the side of the road.The girl who had furiously been kicking the tyre of the car looked up sharply at the car that had stopped on the opposite side.She almost expected to see some as***** stopping by to pretend to help her.But was pleasantly surprised to see Neil Long.     

Attorney Zheng rolled her eyes at the person who had gotten off the car.The one person in the world who was not an a****** but a pain in the neck climbed down.She was already tired and now wet and in no mood to argue with the mighty Neil Long.Though the guy was always polite,it was like he held a grudge against her for having fought his nephew's custody case against him.She had been just doing her job but seemingly he had a vendetta against that.She almost wanted to get into her car to avoid him but he had already alighted the car and mostly seen her.     

With his traditional smirk,Neil looked at the drenched Attorney Zheng and shouted over the sound of rain,"Attorney Zheng!What a surprise!What are you doing here in the rain?     

Attorney Zheng narrowed her eyes and answered with a straight face,"Attorney Long!I am playing football!Can you not see?"     

Suppressing the urge to laugh,Neil looked around as if scandalized and then whisper shouted,"Attorney Zheng your shoes are all wrong for playing football!"Neil smiled when she scowled at him.He loved to tease her whenever he saw her.The woman was way too uptight!Yes he knew that she thought he held a grudge against her,but the fact was that he did not blame her.She had been doing her job.Of course the job was something he did not agree with but even then he wonldn't blame her for it.After all he was the one who had won!!Over the years they had met many a times at various partys and banquets and he never could get a rise out of her!But he could see that she was all riled up when her eyes shot fire,like they were doing now!She was looking down at her shoes as if checking to see if they really were unsuitable for football.Of course her sky high patent pencil heels were unsuitable..Just as Neil was about to tease her some more,she shivered from the rain and crossed her arms in front of her as if feeling cold...Only then realizing that the rain was actually pouring more heavily,he looked at Zheng's flat tyre and knew that there would be no help at this time.Moving a bit forward,Neil took Attorney Zheng's hand and ran back towards his car.Opening the door,he almost pushed her into the passenger seat and the ran towards his door.     

Once inside,he immediately started the car and turned the heat high. Attorney Zheng who had almost begun shivering looked at him gratefully and was about to thank him.But suddenlt he came fcame forward from his seat,as if coming close to her and then started to try take something from the back seat.She shivered at his closeness and the way his hard chest brushed against her shoulders.Immediatelyblaming the rain,she looked down and said nothing.Neil moved back to his seat with a suit jacket in his hand and passed it to her.She looked at the jacket in his hand and politely refused saying that she was not calling cold..but then NEil said something that made her opinion of him change and she snatched the jacket from his hand and forcefully push her hands into the sleeves,donning the jacket on backwards.     

Neil Long was definitely an a******.After all who would be so direct tp say,"The beauties under your shirt seem to disagree..."     

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