The Typhoon's Wife

Al and Al

Al and Al

2As they left the hotel room,Neil and Onita were both deep in thought.The turn of events had shocked them both.Onita was thanking the fates that Omaya had been truly loved and not fallen prey to some scheming scumbag,but Neil' thoughts were on a totally different tangent.Yes, Hu Ge had provided all evidence related to his identity but what if he was making his father the scapegoat?A man as clever as him was coerced into filing a case against someone?Everybody knew that Elder Hu had a nasty temper so why not use that to achieve his goals!The person who benefitted the most whether Alicia was the heiress or not was Hu Ge.The evidence proved that he was a twin.It did not prove that he was not guilty.Of greed or of harmful intent.He also needed to reach out to Lawyer Zheng to get some confirmation..     

As they reached the car,Onita touched Neil's sleeve and said,"We will go back from here by taxi.There is no need for you to worry.Our place is out of your way and you will only have to drive back.".But Neil overrode her objections and guided the two girls into his car.From there,he drove towards the private landing strip where Alicia and Ryu were supposed to reach in an hour from now.     

Leaning back against the seat's headrest,Onita closed her eyes.She was thinking about how much things gad changed in such a short time.Soon Onita had drifted off to sleep.Seeing that she was actually asleep,Neil let out a smile.He looked in the rear view mirror and saw that little Alicia was playing with her soft toy but her eyes were also starting to close.Neil whistled softly believing himself to be lucky that Onita had fallen asleep at such a crucial moment and would not be able to question him.All his plans and excuses were no longer required.In a relaxed state of mind,Neil drove through the deserted road at speed feeling lighter than ever.His bro and Al were returning today!     

Reaching the private landing strip,Neil put the car into park and leaving the air conditioning on,got off the car.Little Alicia woke up the minute the car had stopped so Neil took her out of the car seat and held her in his arms and turned to see the doors of the flight opening.They were right on time!He bumped noses with the little cupcake and said,"Now little princess gets to meet the ugly Alicia!"      

The moment the door opened,Alicia was standing there peeping out waiting for the stairs to be aligned.The moment she spotted Neil,she let out a loud squeal almost scaring away the air hostess and the ground staff with her volume and excitement.The moment the steps were aligned,Alicia flew down the stairs rushing straight towards Neil.Excited to see her,Neil was prepared to hug her but he was ignored the next moment in favor of the baby cupcake in his arms.     

Alicia oohed and aahed and after making some baby noises snatched the little bundle from his arms.Looking at him,she gave a big smile and when Neil thought that she finally remembered him,asked,"What is this pretty girl's name?Is she the surprise that you were talking about?Wooooo!Neil did you have a baby when we were not here?"     


Alicia looked at him impatiently and said,"Neil!name?"     

Neil looked at his ex bestfriend and his attention hogging cupcake and sullenly answered,"Alicia."     

Alicia looked at Neil and rolled her eyes,"Neil!Not my name!This little one's name!"     

Neil rolled his eyes back at her and said,"Alicia!"     

Alicia narrowed her eyes at him and was about to kick him in the shin when the little baby,put a hand to her cheek and turned her face to her,"Oaticiemetuptakeaticia!"     

Alicia's eyes widened when she understood what the girl had said.To confirm she repeated,"You are Alicia and I am cupcake Alicia?"The pretty little baby smiled cutely,nodded and kissed her on the nose.Al's heart melted at the gesture and she rained butterfly kisses all over the cute girl's cheeks.     

Ru and Ryu had also come down by now.Ru also ran down the stairs and jumped towards his uncle.He had grown taller and his features resembled more and more like them.Ru who had intended to give Neil a high five was caught in a bear hug by the latter.Groaning like a typical boy,he said,"Uncle Neil!I am a big boy now!You must not hug me like this!"     

Neil hugged him tighter and even ruffled his hair for good measure.     

Seeing a new face,the little cupcake lunged from Alicia's arms and directly pulled at Ru's hair trying to attract his attention.When Ru turned around and saw the princess in his mother's arms,he forgot all about being a grown up boy and rushed to carry her.Little Al also happily went to him and gave him sloppy kisses while pulling his hair like a handle.Everyone laughed at this.With the same happy laughter echoing,Al turned to Neil and asked,"Neil!Tell me who is the queen mother of this little princess!She has such good taste to name her after me!"     

Before Neil could answer,a small voice said from the back,"she is mine."     

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