The Typhoon's Wife

The Truth Unfolds (2)

The Truth Unfolds (2)

0"My DNA results with Alicia are going to match!Even though I have never met Alicia's biological mother."      4

Onita and Neil were both dumbstruck at that statement.Neil had still been struggling with the immaculate conception theory and now this...They had entered some sort of twilight zone or this guy was smoking some dangerous drugs.     

Seeing both their blank faces Hu Ge gave a wry smile and decided to explain from the beginning.     

"Let me start with something and soon you will understand everything.I came to know of Alicia's existence about a year back from my grandfather.Last year my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer and told that he would have very little time to complete his pending affairs and obligations.he had known about you both and been keeping an eye out.It was then that he called me and asked me to take care of you.Like him I had every intention of keeping my distance and observing from far but whenever I saw Alicia my heart moved and all I wanted to do was play with her.So finally,I bribed the director at daycare and sneaked in every once in a while till Alicia wa scomfortable in my presence.Then last month my grandfather passed away.The will he left created havoc in the family almost causing war and the members to beat each other to death.      

Around that time my father found out about Alicia and threatened to harm her if I did not co operate with him.He could have chosen anyone.All my cousins would have willingly cooperated with him in his devious plan but why did he choose me?The answer is DNA test.He had no idea how much you knew about Alicia's biological father so he dare not use any one else as an imposter.So now to answer your question,how would my DNA match with Alicia's?It is because her biological father was my twin.We were identical twins.Do you understand?That means that though our DNA is not the exact same it is similar enough to be claimed as identical.So as long as the DNA matches 98% it will be concluded as a father and daughter situation."To protect her I pretended to side with you but I have tried to help you along the way."     

For the first time in his life,Neil was speechless.He felt like a character from some fantasy novel!(Author:You are a character from a novel!Neil:Shut up author!)      

Even Onita was having trouble keeping up with the story.Alicia was the only one who seemed to understand since she applauded the moment Hu Ge stopped speaking.     

"My brother Hu Wei,was identical to me and younger by two minures.He fell in love with Omaya over internet games and went to see her that year.I was in the countryside during those days setting up a factory so I could not keep in touch with him much.But whenever we did get to talk,he would always talk about Omaya as if she was the only girl in the world.He was already planning to propose to her asking her to be his wife.But fate is cruel.When he came back,my father was trying to arrange his wedding to another heiress and he responded angrily before leaving the house,promising to never set a foot back in our father's house.Who would've thought that his word uttered in anger would come true!The next day on his way to the airport,he was hit by a speeding truck rear ending his car and causing an accident.He lost his life due to severe blood loss!     

In a panic I rushed back hoping against hope that I had received false news..but all I got to see was my brother's body.For a while I hated your sister,cursing her for not even coming to his funeral.Immediately after the funeral I rushed back to the countryside to bury myself in work and hide from reality.     

It was only last year when I was summoned back did I come to know that Hu Wei's lover had been pregnant and unaware of the accident.For sometime I assumed that you were Hu Wei's lover and I felt too guilty to meet you and dig those scars that the past had given you.I chose to see only my neice.It gave me comfort knowing that my brother had left someone so lovable behind.Only after my father forced me to file the case did I come to know that Alicia's biological mother had committed suicide when she came to know about my brother's death and that you are Alicia's biological aunt.By then,it was too late and the case had already been filed.I dare not approach you for fear of my father discovering the truth..When I realized that my father had gotten you thrown out of your job and he had hired the best lawyer to go against you,I approached Lawyer Zheng.After understanding the situation,she offered to send you to Neil Long.She said that Lawyer Chen was known for his dirty tricks and there was only one person who could intimidate him into forgetting those tricks and that was Neil Long.But Ireally did not expect for you to find the clues and reach me so soon.I must commend you on being your speed."Having finished his explanation,Hu Ge left his seat and poured the three of them some wine and a glass of juice for Alicia.     

Neil had now obviously connected the dots but he wouldn't be a lawyer if he did not doubt such a fantastical story.Identical twins!Taking out his phone,he messaged a name-Hu Wei.Then composing his reaction,he asked Hu Ge,"Do you have any evidences to prove what you have just told us? Also how do we believe your motive is purely brotherly love and you are not driven by guilt?"     

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