The Typhoon's Wife

The Truth Unfolds

The Truth Unfolds

2That night,Onita dressed up Alicia in a pink princess style frock.She really did not want to dress Alicia up so that she would look adorable but Neil had been insistent.In fact he had almost threatened her that if Alicia was not dressed the way he wanted,he would dress her himself.And he had included the same orders for her as well!Ha!As if he would dare! She had mixed feelings about Alicia's father.Whatever happened today,if Hu Ge agreed to the visitation rights then she too would not object.She had never wished to keep Alicia away from her father.The only reason that Alicia did not know her father was that Onita had never known who the father was.From what Neil had told her and from she could guess,maybe he had not come ahead because he wanted to protect Alicia.And maybe Omaya as well.After he did profess his love for her with that pendant.And he had been secretly visiting Alicia for over a year..      1

But the cyncal side of her disagreed.Even if he had been trying to protect Alicia,he could have revealed himself to her.Onita felt that maybe all this had been planned by Hu Ge so that once they win custody,they would not have much problems with getting Alicia to adjust.Plus he was the reason that she no longer had a job.Her colleague had finally found and informed who had been responsible for her sudden removal from the job.     

Currently Onita felt as if she was sitting on a fence and she could lose her balance and fall anytime.Due to this,she too dressed herself in her new outfit and donned proper make up after so long.The outfit and makeup were like an armour to her making her battle ready.They reached the hotel with Neil five minutes before the appointment time and were immediately escorted upstairs by the man's waiting assistant.     

Alicia was happily dressed like a princess and went forward holding her prince charming's hand while Onita walked a pace behind them trying to get over her nervousness.The luxury suite was much more spacious than what Onita had imagined.As a former heiress herself,she had been to many luxury hotels but this was a class apart.Still her childhood training did not allow her to show her emotions which in this case was definitely a good thing.     

Alicia saw Hu Ge standing a little further and pulling Neil's hand pointed to him,as if introducing her father,"Pa".Neil looked at Alicia and asked,"Little cupcake,would you like to go meet your pa?"     

The little girl nodded her head vigorously and once Neil let go of her hand ran to her pa.Hu Ge got down on his knees and smilingly hugged the little girl.At this moment,Neil once again held Onita back and rubbed his hand over her arm trying to soothe her. Once Alicia had met her pa,she ran back at the same speed to Neil and pointing at his said,"Tuptaketrendnie"     

Onita who understood her at once was about to explain when Hu Ge interpreted,"This is cupcake's friend Neil?"The girl happily nodded her head and trned to look proudly at Neil as if to show him how smart she was!Neil patted her head and smiled jovially at her as they all sat down on the sofas facing each other.     

Onita could no longer keep quiet and asked a bit aggressively,"what is the meaning of this Mr Hu Ge?You don't come out to introduce yourself for two years and then suddenly I am sued for my child's custody.And then I come to know that you have been meeting my daughter sneakily behind my back!Just what are you trying to do and what do you want?"Though she had meant to be polite,Onita finished her sentence in an accusatory tone.     

Hu Ge looked at Alicia first and then staring straight at Onita said,"I want you to leave this country and go."     

Onita felt a dam of anger burst at his reply.Two years she had struggled to create a home here and this man had created innumerable problems just so she would leave this country.Exploding,Onita rudely asked him,"If you think I am going to simply handover my daughter to you then you are severely mistaken!"     

Before she could continue further,Hu Ge interrupted and said,"Take Alicia with you and go!This place is not safe for her or you!The Hu family is full of money grubbing b******* with my father being the leader."     

The words that he was willing to let go of Alicia cooled Onita a bot and she tried to understand the situation objectively.She had many questions but no answers and nor did she know where to start.She looked at Neil for guidance but he was staring at Hu Ge with narrowed eyes.Sensing her gaze,Neil turned to look at her and understood her plea for help.     

Sighing,he said,"Mr Hu.Stop beating around the bushes.Please tell us what you have to say and finish the atter."     

The man,Hu Ge,rotated his neck a few times as if trying to dislodge something and finally answered,"I guess you do have a lot of questions that you need answered.Let me start from today and then explain the past!"     

Looking at Neil Long,he asked,"Did you already send the DNA samples to the laboratory?"     

Onita was shocked and looked aghast but Neil's face remained the same.Though he too was a bit surprised,his face did not show it.Not really expecting a reply,Hu Ge continued,"If you have,then let me tell you that it is a waste of your time and money.Though I have never met or even seen,forget sleeping with her, Alicia's biological mother,my DNA results with Alicia are going to match!"     

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