The Typhoon's Wife

The Purpose

The Purpose

0Onita wondered once again whether the person Omaya had given up her life for was worth all the sacrifices.If Neil was right and this person was not Hu Ge then was really his greed the reason for this court case?And even if that was the case it meant that Alicia was somehow related to the Hu's.And if that was the case and she was indeed their deemed heiress,then it was going to only create future troubles for them.But she still did not understand the reason for this meeting.Neil had already found the information about the will so what was the need for ths farce?      2

After sorting her thoughts,she looked over to Neil only to see him eating the dessert he had ordered.She almost felt a stomachache coming on just looking at him eat.And now she had to wait for him to finish eating and eat hers as well otherwise he wouldn't answer.So quietly picking up the spoon,Onita finished her sweet treats and once again questioned Neil on the purpose of the meeting.     

Just then, a knock sounded on the door and the hostess came in followed by a security guard.Neil looked at them and raised a brow in question.The hostess came forward and answered the unasked question,"Sir,the samples have been collected and sent with the person you mentioned."     

Neil smiled and taking out the two packets,passed them to the two people and thanked them for their hard work.     

Turning to Onita,Neil continued,"we need the DNA tests done to reach a firmconclusion and naturally I needed samples.Obviously if I had went the direct route there were chances that the results could have been rigged.So I used some friends to gather the test smples.Hu Ge's hair sample was collected when he was under security check and Elder Hu had to bleed since he is bald.. Plus I really need solid evidence.Though we are fully prepared,out hands have been tied for not using the media so naturally we cannot relax.I am going to prepare for every eventuality and scenario.Elder Hu is famous fo his bad temper.I goaded him to blurt out the truth and he almost did.Did you hear the words he uttered.Prove that she is not related to me by blood!So whatever the case,they are really blood related in some way but not necessarily as grandfather and granddaughter.So how.and you need all the information to before you let Alicia become known as an heiress.It is only a matter of time before the lawyer managing the will approaches you if it is confirmed that Alicia is indeed the great grand daughter of the elder Hu.Noe the only thing left to do is wait for the DNA results.That taked about a couple of weeks,I think so we will have to postponethe hearing until then somehow.."     

Onita could feel her head spin with the onslaught of information that Neil had given.She almost regretted asking Neil to explain the truth.No wonder he was considered the best.There was nothing he did not think of.The man was almost like a machine accomplishing so many tasks at once.THe amount of information he gathered in a few hours and studied through it was phenomenal.Did he even sleep?     

Once Neil had finished explaining (and eating) he got up from the chair and held the chair for Onita.She was still in a daze as her mind sorted through all the pieces of information.Seeing Neil's car,Onita automatically got into it and Neil drove through the town to go towards the baby day care where Alicia had left.     

Reaching the day care,Onita was asked to wait outside while Alicia was fetched.The young attendant who was sitting at the reception kept staring at Neil throughout the waiting period.Neil turned to the receptionist and turning on his charm."Hey sweet girl,Is there something stuck on my face.I hope there isn't otherwie I would really embarassed for the blnder in front of such a pretty girl.Can you please pretend that you never saw anything.."     

The girl had started to blush furiously while stammering a reply.Onita was taken back to the time when she had also been reduced to a fool by Neil.That was the last night she had seen her sister laugh...Nostalgic,she almost missed the reply that the receptionist gace,"I always thought little Alicia's father was handsome but you are even more so.     

Neil's eyes had sharpened at that though his demeanor remained the same.In a silky voice he asked,"Her father?"     

The receptionist nodded,"Yes,Alicia's father.He comes here some days to play with her and always brings her sweets or toys.He started coming here almost a year ago.Since he is a busy man,the director allows him to go and play with her whenever he has the time."     

"Really.that is very sweet of the director.So is he here even now?"Seeing the name tag on the girl,Neil continued."Min min,can you show us the live CCTV footage.I'd definitely like to see that big man playing with the little girl."     

Hearing her name being called so beautifully,Min min acceded to Neil's request mindlessly and turned the computer screen towards them.Neil and Onita both bent forward to look closely and indeed Hu Ge was inside bidding goodbye to Alica as the director waited to bring her back.     

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