The Typhoon's Wife

Don't Want To Be A Lightbulb

Don't Want To Be A Lightbulb

4After the celebratory lunch,Alicia,Ryu and Qi Cheng were the only ones left in the room.Alicia had a sweet tooth and Ryu had a habit of indulging her.And so Alicia was eating and Ryu was staring.While Qi Cheng was suffering..Qi Cheng had been served enough dog food over the past years to wilfully stay here.The reason he had stayed behind was he would be going out later with another group of friends and they needed to finish their business talks first before Alicia also went back to country C.     1

After the discussions were over,Alicia invited Qi Cheng to travel with them to country C which he adamantly refused.Amused at his instant reply,Alicia who was eating her favorite blueberry pie said,"Why not?We have our own plane and we are going to the same place,why do you wish to damage the environment and go separately?"     

Qi Cheng just looked at Alicia and Ryu for a minute and then said once again,"No..And how am I damaging the environment?I am not the one taking a private plane.I am going to book tickets and fly in a plane that is already scheduled to fly with hundreds of people.Not like a certain someone who is travelling in a small group!"     

Alicia narrowed her eyes at Qi Cheng and said,"Fine, if you want to spend your money do that!You can transfer the ticket fare to my account and come with us."     

Ryu was silently observing the argument:"..." Missus we have enough money that we do not need to collect ticket fare...     

Like a true disciple,Qi Cheng worded his mentor's thoughts,"Al,you do not need the fare money then why are you trying to make money from me?"     

Al just smiled a big smile and said,"I just want you to come with us!Are we boring company?Just because we are going back,are you trying to break our friendship?"     

Qi Cheng:".." Going off the topic here...     

Finally groaning,Qi Cheng wondered why he told Alicia of his plans.Frustratedly,he said,"Al,I do not wish to be a lightbulb.."     

This made Alicia let out a giggle and said,"You won't be a lightbulb.Ru is travelling with us as well.."     

Little master Ru!Ha..Qi Cheng thought of Ryu and Al's son.If Ryu and AL were good at serving people dog food then their son was an expert.He loved to see his parents together and always created the opportunities,causing singles like him to suffer.Plus he was even more possessive of Alicia than Ryu Long.The first time he had met the boy,Qi Cheng had still been getting over his attraction to Alicia.Like his father,the boy had come over and claimed Alicia as his mother as if challenging him to try and take her away from him.The kid was too sharp sometimes.Qi Cheng thought that the boy always looked through him..     

Shaking his head,Qi Cheng finally uttered the truth,"Al.I really do not wish to travel with you.The two of you are still in your honeymoon period and singles like me have to suffer watching you."As he saw Alicia open her mouth to protest,he forestalled her,"Al,we have been sitting here for two hours now and the two of you have been constantly touching each other.And before you open your mouth,please check where is your hand and where is your hubby's hand!Sitting with the two of you is like watching a romantic movie!And now excuse me!I am leaving..Have fun..And really Ryu,when she eats desserts,you must go somewhere or make her eat in private..Your gaze makes it look as if she is the dessert.Goodbye!I will come see you off later!"With that Qi Cheng stalked out of the room.     

Alicia who was sitting in shocked stupor looked down to see her hand had been unconsciously stroking Ryu's thigh while Ryu's fingers had been playing with Alicia's hair.Realizing that the both of them were always touching each other constantly without even noticing,a blush rose to Alicia's cheeks.And she could just guess the way Ryu looked at her when she was eating...Red in the face,she bent her head and banged it on the table..How could she be so clueless?     

Ryu who had not said a word during the entire time,smiled at the embarassed Alicia and picking her up,put her in his lap stroking her hair.Alicia just gave him an awkward smile and buried her face in his neck.Just then the 'light bulb' came back and interrupted,"Hmpf!See, this is what I was talking about!You couldn't even wait a minute after I left!"With that Qi Cheng,picked up his forgotten car keys from the table and winking at Ryu,left the room in a huff again, but smiling genially.Angry at Qi Cheng for teasing her mercilessly,Alicia looked at his receding back and said,"Wait till you find a girlfriend,Qi Cheng!Then i will teach you some respect!Only laughter was the answer that Alicia received.Pouting at Ryu,she looked at him as if blaming him for the injustice done to her!He was the one who always made her forget things!     

Looking into her accusing eyes,Ryu did just what Alicia was blaming he did.He kissed her and made her forget everything.They were after all a newly wed couple!     

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