The Typhoon's Wife

Out Of Court

Out Of Court

1Neil looked at Onita and nodded a subtle yes.Onita was once again confused at his gesture and so he explained,"Onita,in court,you have to behave as if you have no objection to sharing custody.The more adamant you are,the more Attorney Chen will try to break you in court and use whatever reasoning you have against you.The judge is in their pockets already and we dare not use the media directly after the explicit orders.Presently,I am looking for a way to force an out of court settlement so that we have more of a chance."     

Onita felt the surprise on her face show.Her forehead scrunched and she looked at Neil questioningly."Out of court?Do you think they will agree?"     

Neil nodded,"Right now,you are both on equal grounds but the odds are in their favor.But we need to even out those odds to force their handsOne thing I am going to use is the fact that your sister was a minor and that she had subsequently told Hu Ge who was already an adult about her pregnancy but he had not come forward then.I am going to threaten them to get charges of statutory r*** fixed.Also my investigator is currently trying to get the dirt on Hu Ge from the last many years so that we can force them to meet our conditions.Adding the fact that this matter is already in the media,the most damaged party will be the Hu's.     

I need you to jot down anything,even the most irrelevant information that Omaya must have shared with you.Also,give me her details like email and username,her SNS accounts etc that you remember."     

Onita accepted the sheet of paper that Neil gave her and started writing all the events that she could remember. As she wrote,she could hear the rhythmic typing of Neil working on his laptop.As hard as she tried,Onita could think of nothing much that Omaya had specially told her.Just then,Neil banged on the table with a fist and let out a bevy of curses.Feeling her ears burn at the crude language,Onita looked at Neil,who was seething and then back to the paper she was writing.     

Just then Neil turned to Onita and barked out,"Are you sure that Hu Ge is the father?Or do you have any evidence against it?"     

Onita shook her head and repeated,"I don't know.All I know about Hu Ge is what I have been able to find out after being sued."     

Neil took a deep breath to calm himself down and said,"Did Omaya have any other boyfriends or affairs?"     

Onita was offended at this and said,"Just because she got pregnant does not mean she was prosmicious!She was deeply in love with Alicia's father!I know that because till the very last she waited for him to come!And finally when he did not come,she came here to find him!"     

"Then someone is trying to scam!Hu Ge has never been out of this country.Not in the last four years atleast.And your sister travelled here for the first time after her delivery.Then how can she have had Hu Ge's baby?Science is advanced but not that advanced to be able to bring about immaculate conception.There is most definitely a missing link..."     

Onita was shocked at this revelation!She had not expected the turth to be something so different.They had been trying to look for Hu Ge's weak points but now this was entirely too revealing and too confusing..     

Onita shook her head and that is when she suddenly remembered something!Excitedly,she looked at Neil and said,"I have Omaya's old laptop with me!Though it as not working by the time I got it,we could get some clues about the identity of Alicia's father from it's stored history."     

A cunning smile graced Neil's lips and he said,"that is great news.Come let us go and bring the laptop while I call over an IT expert.Hu Ge!You messed with the wrong person.."     

With that Neil got up from his chair and walked towards the door while Onita got up from the couch as well.But Onita had been sitting for too long and her legs gave way making her lose her balance and fall towards the ground.     

Neil ran foward to catch her while Onita flailed her arms trying to regain her balance.In a split second,Onita who had been about to fall face first on the ground had a soft landing with falling on Neil's hard chest.Neil had saved her and they had fallen on the couch together with Neil under her.     

Onita had closed her eyes tightly expecting to be bruised from the fall,opened her eyes carefully and came face to face with some skin.She stilled and then tried to understand what had happened..     

Neil had saved her from the fall and her flailing hands had clutched at his shirt for support,pulling out a button in the process..Both her hands were splayed on his muscular chest while her bottom was lying in the cradle of Neil's hard thighs...His hands were placed...on her bottom..Immediately moving back she pushed Neil into the couch as she stood up...but promptly lost her balance again and fell on Neil who let out a small groan at being fallen on again which was muffled as her lips fell on his...     

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