The Typhoon's Wife

The Truth

The Truth

2Onita took a deep breath and let it out.She did not wish for anyone to know the truth but she understood that it was imperative.So,in a small voice,she continued,"Alicia is my sister Omaya's daughter."      0

Neil stilled.Blood relative.Thank the heavens.Though he could feel his mind working,he said nothing,letting her continue at her own pace.     

"Neil,do you remember when we first met?That night was the last night that I met my sister.."     

Her face softened in reminiscence of that night.She had been charmed and enamored by him to the extent that she had forgotten her car at the university itself.Her sister had gotten such a laugh out of that...Gulping and stopping the tears that were threatening to come,Onita continued,"A day after we met,Omaya messaged me that she would be leaving the country for an international student's conference.Since Omaya was always involved in some activity,I thought nothing of it and pouting a bit I let the matter go..But when she lost contact with me after that,I started to get worried.I tried to get my parents to ask her but they refused and forbade me to ask around as well...That is when I realized that something was not right.I called her school and even they refused to answer.Finally,I went to the principal and confronted her.That is when I came to know that my parents had withdrawn Omaya's name from the school with no apparent reason and had instructed the school to not let out any information.I asked her friends at school and everyone I could think of but nobody knew where she went and why.Confronting my parents was like banging my head against a blank wall."     

Onita paused in her recitation.Tears were now flowing out of her eyes as she relived the past agony and confusion.Neil passed her a glass of water but otherwise said nothing letting her unburden herselfYaking a sip of the water,she continued,"About four months later,I received a call from her begging me to take her to Country C..I was shocked and went to find her.She was heavyily pregnant while she lived in a small dank room passing her days.She had been three months pregnant when my parents came to know about her pregnancy.They were the ones who imprisoned her in that room when she refused an abortion.They were being *good parents* and told her to live there while considering adoption.They would have helped her predicament if she agreed.The dank room was a punishment and reminder to her about the future should she go against their wishes.Since she was on the last leg of her pregnancy,I cinvinced her to have the baby before leaving the country.."     

Again,Onita paused but this time her voice was shvering and she was almost hiccuping.Neil could feel her pain and agony.He understood whatever she was going to say next would be even more painful.     

Neil never understood why some parents failed their children in such ways.Was the society and it's strictures more important than their own flesh and blood?Shaking his head at their loss and idiocy,he moved next to her and took her into his arms letting her cry her heart out.     

He thought back to his own parents who had always been supportive of their children.Even when they disagreed.Oh Ruan Long was nobody's fool.Neil remembered when he had started dating at the age of 15 years..Even though they were childhood friends turned sweethearts,his father had laid into him..He had given him a stern lecture as if he was the father of the girl but in the end,he had let him know that he would be there if things did not work out..Sadly,when things really did not work out,his father was already gone.But even then Ryu had been his pillar of strength.     

He looked down at Onita who's sobs were now slowing as he rubbed her back..     

As Onita came down from her emotional high,she became aware of their precarious position and she could see that she had almost soaked Neil's shirt and there was a wet spot there.Moving back,Onita felt her cheeks heat up and she in a husky voice,"I am sorry..I did not mean to breakdown..It's just that..talking like that is painful and makes me relive the past."     

From the table,Neil pulled out a couple of tissues and balling them up a bit,wiped her tears as if he was helping out a child..Once her eyes were dry,he made her look up with a finger under her chin and said,"You need to continue telling me.."     

Though his voice and eyes showed sympathy,he was still in the cold lawyer mode.Neil knew that once she stopped,getting her to open up again would be even more painful.So though he wanted her to stop torturing herself and take a rest,he forced her to finish..Excavating the wound once and for all would be best.     

Onita took a moment to compose herself and then began again,"Omaya had a premature delivery and so she was very weak after the baby was born.The emotional roller coaster,the harmonal imbalance had taken a toll on her and she was unable to care for the baby after that.By then,I had arranged a small clean apartment for them so I took the baby home and cared for her.For the next five days,we visited Omaya daily but she refused to even look at the baby let alone hold her.I was getting worried so I spoke to a post pregnancy psychologist and he said that I should let her be and not force her.She was just having post baby blues and thay would be willing to give her some treatment after some time..By then,the university's semester had come to an end so instead of going home,I was already living in the small house with the baby..     

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