The Typhoon's Wife

Worried Sick

Worried Sick

4As Ryu carried Alicia to bed,she stared up at him,the way she always did.Putting her down,Ryu got into the bed next to her.Lying sideways,Ryu Propped his head on his hand and looked at his missus.Her soft skin beckoned him like a siren's call and unable to resist,he started to stroke his finger on her in random designs.      2

Alicia looked at her hubby in wonder.She had never expected Ryu to be so aggressive and so gentle.Feeling her stare,Ryu's eyes looked up and met hers.The heat in his eyes made her shiver while the look in Alicia's eyes made him lust for more.Everytime she looked at him with such admring eyes,he felt the world was well around him.Staring into her eyes,Ryu went closer and kissed his missus slowly and gently.This kiss was the opposite of the previous ones.While the earlier kisses were like that of conqueror these were filled with sweet warmth...Ryu's hands found her hips and slowly he turned her to towards his side.But this time,Alicia had something else in mind.Breaking off the kiss,Alicia placed light kisses down his jaw and then went downwards.Slowly she peppered his face and neck withlight kisses moving towards his adam's apple.Ryu fisted his hands at the sight as he enjoyed the sight of his wife who was now kneeling and moving towards his chest.Alicia looked at the hard points of his nipp*** and put her tongue around them one by one making Ryu curse and leaving him wanting more.She teased and licked her way over his body making the already crazy him even more mad with desire.As she prepared to tease him some more,Ryu caught hold of her and pulled her onto his thighs making her straddle him and opening the hidden place that his little brother coveted.Looking into his eyes,Alicia understood what he wanted and ever so slowly moved her hips upwards and positioned herself over him going down at an excruciatingly slow pace.Ryu's fingers on her hips tightened enough to leave marks and before Alicia could slow him down,he had slammed his way in.Combined with their juices from the previous round and now the wet heat engulfed him tightly as his c*** slipped inside with ease.Throwing the worg gentle out of the window,Ryu turned over now pushing Alicia under him.Like an avenging knight,he wanted to show his ownership of her.Alicia met each of his strokes in perfect rhythm and together they reached the pinnacle of their passion.     

Some time later,Alicia had fallen asleep while Ryu was still staring at his missus.He finally fell asleep with her image still in his eyes and a soft smile on his face.     

While Alicia and Ryu were lost in their world,Qi Cheng was trying his best to rescue his friend.He had called the police and he had called his father but nothing had been resolved yet.The police had arrived but refused to take action.Hs father had berated him but was currently sendind his assistant to help them.Though the police had arrived soon,they were only asking unimportant people some useless questions.The lively music had been brought to a stop and the VIP area cleared of people other than his *friends*.Even the couple that had been sitting with the dangerous man had left sneakily.Qi Cheng paced up and down the corridor as he cursed himself for his stupidness.Just when he was reaching his wit's end,he felt someone smack him on the head.It was his father!Never had the old Master Qi thought that he would have to come and save his second son someday.All his other children were useless and hedonistic except this boy.But today he had created a scandal that could potentially destroy them!Really his blunder was as big as his intelligence.Qi looked up in shock at his angry father.Usually when one of his siblings committed a mistake,the assistant would come to the rescue and his father had come here,the first time he did something passably wrong..But he was not the one who had drugged the girls so why did he look worried.Keeping aside his own feeling on the matter,Qi Cheng said to his father,"Father,I know you are disappointed but please save my friend.You can punish me however you want but please make the police bring her back.I really did not expect Janet to do something so vile!"     

Master Qi looked at his son and felt his heart shake.This was one of the reasons he had wanted his son to go to university.He needed to know all the sides of other people.But sadly,this side was shown to him by his own cousin.Qi Cheng had learnt his lesson but the price had been paid by an innocent girl...Master Qi turned to Qi Cheng and said,"Xaio Cheng,the person who took your friend is not someone even I can approach.Currently he is the most sought after businessman in Country A and his power is unrivalled.Add to the fact that he is not a citizen of this country,our hands are tied.This is why the police have beenonly interrogating the drug part of the business.No one is going to mess with Ryu Long just to save a girl."     

Before Qi Cheng could explode in protest,the VIP lounge turned silent.Qi Cheng looked up to see the reason for it and was confused to see a simple man in a grey suit standing there.He did not understand the reason for the silence but the next conversation that took place enlightened him.Assistant Kim came into the room and ignoring everyone else,went straight to Master Qi.     

With a bow to him and his son,Assistant Kim introduced himself,"Master Qi,I am special assistant to Mr.Ryu Long.I would like to thank you and your son for your efforts in trying to save Madam Long.Your son's alertness helped the police catch the perpetrators swiftly as well as proved that he is a loyal and good friend."     

Master Qi:".."     

Qi Cheng:".."     

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