The Typhoon's Wife

Please Eat

Please Eat

1Alicia was still snuggling into Ryu as if trying to merge their bodies.She always loved doing this.Alicia felt cold all the time and Ryu's natural heat was like a magnet to her.He acted as a dual heater and blanket.Sleepinly she rubbed her nose against him and inhaled his scent.Ryu looked down at the girl in his arms ans rubbed his hand up and down her back in circles.Instead of waking her up that lulled her into a deeper sleep so Ryu stopped doing that and started to coax her to wake up.But that did not seem to work and she only kept her eyes closed.Finally,Ryu threatened her,"Alicia.Please eat.Otherwise I will have to forcefully make you eat."      2

The only reply he got was a garbled,"Mmm"     

Finally,having no option but to make true on his threat,Ryu went ahead and took a spoonful of congee into his mouth.He then put a finger under her chin and pressed his lips to hers.The next moment hers opened in shock and the congee was passed into her mouth.The sudden taste and Ryu's attack woke her up and Alicia was wide awake.The kiss continued untl Ryu made sure that Alicia had swallowed everything.He pulled back to see her eyes were wide open shock.She stared at Ryu and was at a loss of words.She opened her mouth to scold him but quickly closed it.While Alicia was still grappling with Ryu's way of feeding her,he brought another spoonful of congee to her mouth.Without further ado,Alicia opened her mouth and gulped her food.Her hubby and his ways were dangerous.     

When Alicia had almost finished the bowl,(handfed by her hubby),Ryu asked her,"Did you like the taste?Do you want some more?"     

Alicia's answer was a nod and then a shake of her head.Then verbally she answered,"This egg congee is Yummy.."     

Ryu looked down at the bowl and then his wife..He had prepared fish congee and egg congee.It seemed she was still half asleep.Shaking his head,Ryu picked her up and made her stand on her feet.She fell on him as if she could not support her own weight.Ryu then supported her all the wat to their room where she fell back into the bed.Shaking his head at his sleeping beauty,Ryu took off his clothes and got into bed beside his wife.     

As soon as he lied down her scent assaulted his senses making him think of their activities from this morning.His little brother down there stood at attention expecting to recieve some more of the warmth.The person that ths desire was aimed at did not even know of the situation and made things worse by snuggling her hips into the cradle of his thighs."Sigh!It was going to be a long night.."Ryu thought to himself.He started reciting complicated mathematical algorithms to distract himself.     

The next morning arrived soon and the two tired *babies* from last night woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed.Alicia was in the kitchen humming a song and preparing waffles for breakfast.She had prepared beforehand and now the aroma had spread around the house.Just as she was laying the table,Ryu entered the kitchen,holding a file in his hand.Placing the file on the small table,Ryu went to Alicia and taking her hand pushed her into the chair."I will set the table.You need to sign these papers."     

Alicia looked at the file and then curiously at Ryu.She assumed that he had some official papers for her to sign.Opening the file,she glancedat the papers and in the next moment threw the file back as if it was hot potatoes.Glaring at Ryu,she asked,"What is the meaning of this?"     

Ryu looked at his angry wife questioningly and said,"It is your birthday gift!"     

Alicia glared at Ryu in exasperation and said,"A gift can be a set of clothes,jewellery,shoes,purse or anything.It could even be a house of a car if you want to be extravagant. But this! Ryu Long,who gives something like this as a gift?"     

Calmly looking at his wife,"I do.I could get you shoes and baubles as well though I think this is much better.But if you want those as well,let me just make a call." Pulling out his phone he made to call but the phone was snatched from his hands.Taking the phone,Alicia glared at Ryu who was being deliberately obtuse and said,"I will not sign this!"      

Putting his hands on his hips,Ryu said in an equally demanding voice,"Yes you will."     

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