The Typhoon's Wife

Take Me Shopping

Take Me Shopping

3As Alicia moved to get up from the seat,Ryu made her back down with a hand on her shoulder and indicated for Yang and Kim to go out first.She looked at him curiously but he was staring at the door closing.Once the door had closed,Ryu knelt down in front of her and asked,"Are you sure that you have forgiven me for last night?"     

Alicia smiled at him and said,"Of course I have!I did tell you,you just have to do a penance!If you are willing to do that,then I will let it all go!Do you promise to do that?"     

Almost not agreeing because of her vague terms,Ryu still managed to get over his doubts and promised her.     

With a big smile,Alicia said,"then I will clear your schedule for tomorrow.We are going shopping!"     

Ryu:"..." Shopping?Huh!She really had chosen her punishment well.Still he tried to protest,"If you need clothes,we can hire a personal shopper or I can get the stylist send you clothes!"     

Alicia wagged her finger at him and said,"No no no no.You agreed to my condition and you have to fulfill it!And anyways I don't need to buy clothes.I need YOU for tomorrow!We are going to shop for someone's birthday!Now let's go,Assistant Yang and Assistant Kim are waiting for us!"      

Deciding to endure the torture tomorrow,Ryu was abot to stand up when Alicia caught him by the tie.With a small tug she pulled him towards herself and fused her mouth to his.This time,Ryu was not as shocked as the earlier times and returned her kiss with the same passion.Every time she touched him,he had a feeling of homecoming and warmth.Finally,Alicia was also the first to end the kiss.Ryu followed her lips and re initiated the kiss this time with aggression as if punishing her for pulling back.     

The sound of a phone ringing brought them back to the present and both of them jerked apart.Alicia composed herself and immediately rushed out of the office covering her flushed face with her hands.Ryu straightened his clothes and went outside where Yang and Kim were waiting.     

When the two assistants saw their boss,Kim felt his ears turn red while Yang looked to the side and rolled his eyes.Forgotten his wife!This was proof that the only person who could attract the Boss was Alicia Lu whether he remembered or not.Kim bowed hurriedly and moved around the car to sit in the driver's seat.Ryu looked at Kim in confusion and then at Yang's face which he was trying to keep straight.As Ryu climbed down the stairs,Yang extended a hand holding a handkerchief.Ryu looked at the white Handkerchief and then raised a questioning brow at Yang who stoically replied,"Boss,you have lipstick on your lips...It is a nice shade but maybe does not suit your image.."     

Ryu glared at the man and snatched the white piece of cloth from Yang's hands and wiped the offending thing.Though he could still feel the taste and feel of her on his lips.Yang just smiled and sat in the passenger seat of the car and they waited for Assistant Lu.     

In a few minutes,Alicia was in the car and they made their way towards the office.The atmosphere in the car was amiable as Ryu worked on his laptop and the others concentrated on planning their next move and soon the car reached the office.Assistant Kim was the first to alight and he held open Alicia's door.Yang also opened the door for Ryu from the other side.Ryu stood at the entrance while Alicia and the other two assistants stood behind him.     

Nobody had been informed of the big boss' arrival so when the entourage entered the reception,it was empty.The receptionists who were about to greet the visitors felt themselves freeze.They may not have recognized Ryu Long who was not very well known in country A but they recognized their supervisor and she was standing behind this man with the extra ordinary aura so he had to be someone important.Alicia messaged her Assistant Edward to reach the reception immediately.Seeing the message,the man rushed down and was greeted by the sight of the big boss and his three assistants..Gulping and bending at a ninety degree angle to give his bow,Edward greeted Ryu Long as if he was answering to a King.Seeing Edward's reaction,the two receptionists were also shaken out of their stupor and immediately greeted the Boss.Soon a secret message was sent to all the workers to be on alert as the Big boss was here on a surprise visit.A particular employee in the finance department read the message and was put on guard.He wondered over the sudden arrival of Ryu Long just when everything was going according to the plan.Unknown and unlucky for him,Ryu Long was an extremely fast worker.He had already encrypted the phones and email accounts of all the known employees on the way here and soon this employee's activity would be reported to Ryu Long.Country A was soon going to know about the power that was Ryu Long     

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