The Typhoon's Wife



4The radio then played an advertisement while Wang Wei tried to digest what had just been said.The news was supposed to talk about the take over of Lance Inc so what was this talk about merger and historical moment?Ryu looked at the man next to him and with a smirk pointed towards the small tablet computer."Why don't you take a look and you will know what is going on.     1

Wang Wei picked up the tab and unlocked the screen.There was a picture of Ryu Long and the CEO of Ystava Investments alongwith another third boy.He guessed this was a recent picture from the pub that Ryu Long had secretly visited.He had guessed correctly!James was in cahoots with Ryu Long!But he had sold his shares to Elise Ziyao!He had seen the hatred in her eyes then how come she had collaborated with them?He swiped the screen and the next picture was the answer he recieved.While Ryu Long and James were sitting in the same place in same clothes,the third person sitting with them was not a boy but a girl.She was the same person form the previous picture only her hair was longer. Elise Ziyao was also in cahoots with Ryu Long!Immediately taking ot his cell phone,he logged into his bank accounts but found them frozen and empty.Angry at this loss,he dialed a foreign number but before he could put the phone to his ear,it was snatched from his hand and thrown out of the window.     

"What is the hurry..grandfather?I have carefully prepared a present for you."Elise Ziyao is a wonderful actress is she not?It was so easy for her to convince you that she hated me.Did you know,James just happens to be my best friend and Elise Ziyao is his fiance?They were only waiting for this opportunity before announcint their relationship."Ryu then clicked a button on the wheel and gave a voice command,"Play the live stream of Lance Inc press conference."     

The picture on the screen changed immediately.The conference room at Lance Inc. was packed with media persons and even the civilians who had been sitting outside had been given a place.On the head table sat three people.CEO James, CEO Elise Ziyao and Neil Long.Near the podium stood Liang Wenbo,who was to lead today's conference.As was the norm,the press had been provided the agenda for the meeting.     

Just then,Liang Wenbo started his speech,"A very warm welcome to our members of the press as well as our shareholders present today.Today's day has been a roller coaster ride for all of us.From the rumors about the bankruptcy of Lance Inc to the alleged absconding of Ryu Long.We are here to clear all your doubts.Please listen to us patiently and then all questions are welcome.First,Let me introduce you to the new shareholders of Lance Inc,though most of you must already know their identities..CEO Elise Ziyao has invested in Lance Inc.with the intention of expanding the company to untouched foreign shores and Jade Group will be collaborating with Lance Inc. to set up new ventures in three more contries in the upcoming financial year.On this side is CEO James of Ystava Investments and former football star.With his co operation Lance Inc will charter into the unknown waters of sports investments..All financial projections will be provided to the shareholders in the upcoming week."As Liang Wenbo paused in his speech,all he could think of was 'a week..forget overtime,his department people will have to live here to meet the impossible deadline..'     

After the pause,he then continued,Rumors regarding the transfer of shares of the biggest shareholder,Ryu Long are just that-rumors.Yes some shares were liquidated but they belonged to our older directors who wished to retire.This was their personal decision and did not affect us in anyway.Regarding a forced takeover,Ystava and Jade both have also offered the same percentage of shares in their respective companies as guarantee to which we have agreed.Let me assure all the shareholders,clients and employees,your money and livelihood is safe in the hads of our CEO.You may now proceed with any questions you may have.Our CEO's and lead attorney of Lance Inc will be answering the questions."     

As the press digested this overload of information,Wang Wei was seething.He glared at Ryu Long and said,"Well well well.So this time you won..You really are just like me.Very smart..But I will deeat you Ryu Long..Do not gloat."     

Before Ryu could answer,the media had recovered and started asking questions that were brewing in their minds.They asked the two CEO's about their future plans.Discussed the effects of the collaboration on the economy as well as Lance Inc.Neil answered questions pertaining to the legal ramifications and the benefits that each party would be gaining.All the financial experts were glued to this and wanted to put their hands on this information.All competitors of Ryu Long were in shock as well.They had never expected Lance Inc to take such a high jump.It would be impossible to catch up now.Wang Wei was carefully listening to all this when Ryu Long interrupted him,"I must thank you Mr Wang Wei for this success.If you had not convinced those three traitors to sell their shares this collaboration would have been really difficult.And you did say one thing correctly.I am really like you..and do you think I will let you live after you have repeatedly harmed my family?"     

Wang Wei laughed at this and said,"Ryu Long,are you trying to threaten me?Ha!You need guts to kill someone and a straightlaced person like you cannot dirty his hands.But if you do wish to kill me and have the guts do it,then please go ahead.With my death,your so called conscience will be full of guilt and you can spend some time in jail.Though I am not sure you will be able to survive prison.And your family,they must have already been kidnapped and finished off by my men.Lance Inc. may survive but you will not."     

Ryu Long just smiled at this and accelerated the car onthe speedway going towards his chosen destination.Wang Wei tirned his attention back to the screen when a reporter asked a pertinent question,"We are aware that CEO Long is the one who orchestrated the deal.But where is he and why did he not come back to be a part of this conference?Is he really on a hiatus?Or is there some other reason.     

Neil Long was the one who came forward to answer this question,"My brother just got married.Of course he needs to take a break.But his absence here today is not because of that.On his way here,he was in an accident and is currently being transported to the hospital even as we speak.I am letting you all know this towards the end only because we needed people to not panic.All I request you is that Ryu Long will get back to you soon and then be here to answer your questions.Until then please be patient."     

Wang Wei heard this and looked at Ryu Long askance,"You are faking your own accident to garner public sympathy?How childish..."     

Ryu Long looked at Wang Wei and said,"Your minions have already been eliminated by my security personnel.And who said about faking an accident?The accident is real.."     

With that,Ryu Long pressed the brakes suddenly.The car had been going at the highest speed and thus immediately the air bags exploded hitting Wang Wei on the face and the car took 360 degree turns before crashing into a a truck which had been parked onthe side.The collison was such that it caused the fuel tanks to explode,immediately setting the car and truck on fire.Ryu,who had already planned this and the truck parked,had just jumped out of the car but was also injusred becase of the explosion.His last thought as he watched the burning car and before he closed his eyes was,"I told you I am taking you to hell.You should not have doubted me."     

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