The Typhoon's Wife

Curse The Boss

Curse The Boss

0Yang had been warned by Ryu Long that he would not be able to leave Wang Wei easily but this took the cake!He had been about to sit in the car when he was unceremoniously pulled and dragged back!Just what had his boss done now!Resigning himself to his fate,Yang kept his face composed and prepared himself to recieve a new face(he was going to need one after the beating he was mostly going to endure today!)     

Pushed into the same dark room,Yang stopped himself from falling and stood back p.With an expressionless face,he asked,"You changed your mind about not harming me?"     

A punch in the face was the answer he recieved..Wang Wei angrily grabbed Yang and hitting him once more before dragging him to the only chair in the room.The only thought in Yang's head currently was,"The man might be old but he knew how to pack a punch."     

Just then a knock sounded on the door.An employee carrying a laptop came inside.Placing the laptop on the table,he went back out.In a minute,he returned with a silver metal bag and also placed it next to the laptop..but this he opened and displayed the contents to Yang.Seeing the various needles,knives and scalpels and other unknown but rather sharp looking instruments,Yang gulped!Sigh!He was going to be dead meat today.     

Wang Wei,who had moved back to lean against the wall came forward when the employee was out of the door.Yang could feel the cold sweat on his back and forehead.With a hand on Yang's head,Wang Wei said,"Yang..I have known you since you were a teenager..I see you as my own son..So I hope you will not lie to me.Because when sons lie,fathers have to be strict with them.That is the first rule of parenting."Holding Yang's hair,he pulled back the man's head and continued,"Answer carefully..Hmm?     

Leaving Yang,he opened the laptop and after typing something turned the screen towards Yang.There,Yang saw an old woman,a really old woman who mst be atleast 100years or in her 90's,sitting on a hospital bed,leaning against the headboard being fed some tea.Though it looked like the woman was in an elderly care house,there was nothing to indicate where this place was.The video ended there and soon another played.     

The same frail looking woman asked in a thin whispery voice with her hand extended,"Have you found my son?"But this time,what shocked Yang was the hand that was extended to the woman to hold belonged to his Boss and the voice that answered was also his boss."Soon..Your wait will end soon."     

Yang looked in confusion at the video.He did not understand what this was about and how this concerned the now enraged Wang Wei!Boss,keeping me in the dark for my own good is not done!Just what was going on.His poor wife may soon become a widow or worse have to take care of a crippled him!She would definitely kill him if he returned to her in a messed up way!     

Wang Wei had ben observing Yang's reaction to the videos.He had seen the confusion in the man's eyes and then the shock.He cold see that Yang did not know anything abot this but he had to make sure!In a cold voice,he asked,"Where is this place."     

In a monotone,Yang answered,"I do not know!I don't even know who this old woman is!How would I know anything else!I have no idea what her connection to Ryu Long is." Not satisfied with this answer,Wang Wei picked up a small sharp knife from his assorted toys and placed the point on Yang's finger..Calmly,as if he was talking about the weather,Wang said,"even if I were to believe youthat means you have been lax in your duty!So many years,you have been with Ryu Long and you did not know this pertinent information!What was the point of placing you by his side!"the tip of the knife entered the finger and blood started oozing out.Yang wanted to cry out inoain but dare not for fear of provoking the man further.Seeing Yang take his punishment like a good boy,Wang wei stopped the knife before it could cut through the bone and pulled back sharply,causing a spray of blood to gush out.In a monotone he said,"Go and find where this place is and if this patient is still there!And I want reslts within the hour!Understand?"     

Cradling his injured hand,Yang went back downstairs and once in the car,asked the driver to take him to the hospital.finding the information was not going to be a problem..the problem will be when Wang Wei realized that he had recieved incomplete reslts.!     

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