The Typhoon's Wife

Wang Wei

Wang Wei

3The next morning Assistant Yang was escorted into a dilapidated building in the older parts of the city.The roof of the building was falling around one's ears and it was dark and smelled dank.He did not think anyone could live here!The man who had escorted him here had not spoken a single word through their journey and though Yang was curious,he kept his silence.He was literally pushed inside a room and the door closed behind him.Looking arond,he saw a table and chair.It looked to be in the same condition as the building.It wold collapse the moment he sat on it.Deciding to wait it out standing,he kept looking towards the room and the window.There was no escape route in this room.Just a small window if they had to escape.And considering the fact thet they were on the 4th floor jumping ot of it would be akin to suicide.Sigh!He had been essentially kidnapped by Wang Wei.     1

"Why the long sigh,Yang?"     

Whipping around to the sound of the voice,Yang saw a tall shadow of a man.With the door opening behind him the man's face was not visible.Coming inside the room,he closed the door behind him and sat on the chair that was placed in the corner of the room.Even though his face was not covered,it was not visible.     

"You haven't answered me Yang!And stop staring.Looking at my face will only put your name on the death list.It is better you do not see it ...yet."After saying this the man let ot a sinister laugh which raised goosebumps on Yang's arms.     

"I have no intention of dying..yet..Wang Wei."     

This sentence made the man's laughter stop abruptly.Like a child he claimed,"This is not right!Ryu Long is digging into history!And you are helping him!'      

"I am sure he needs to.It's not like you have told him why yo have a grudge against him!"     

"Hahah,Yes he does need to know the reason!Let him search!Come Yang!Have you brought the Power of attorney?Since you already know my name you shold have transferred it to my name already!"     

"I cannot do that."With Yang's refusal,the air suddenly turned chilly.No sound could be heard from inside.The jovial voice had suddenly turned lethal."Yang,are you changing sides?"     

"No.But like I said I do not have any intention of dying.And if I transfer these shares to you then that will be as good as signing my death warrant.You will have no need for me.."     

Wang wei raised an eyebrow at that.Thogh Yang cold not see the man,he could see glimpses of his hands and at times,the man's shining eyes..The man must be in his late to mid 60's because arthritis could be seen in his hands.But his eyes...they gave a feeling of deja vu.He could not help but think that he had seen these eyes somewhere and not just once or twice but regularly...Had the man been around him and they had not known?He couldn't think.     

Seeing Yang keepstaring at him,Wang Wei smiled.It seemed Yang had sharp eyes.He was trying to think where he had seen him...     

Amused at his sharpness,Wang Wei asked,"So if you are still my man,then how are you going to help me finish Lance Inc. without a threat to yourself?"     

"I can internally destroy the structure by making wrong decisions and creating chaos.Breaking collaborations and defaulting loans,stopping employees payments and benefits will cause unions to protest as well.Within the span of a year,Lance Inc. will be on it's knees."     

"And do you think Ryu Long will stay away from here for that long!Even on knees,that man can make the company stand up again!Why do you think I choise him to be my enemy?It is vecause he is worthy!I want him to come back to find that LAnce Inc. in the hands of his competitors.I want his employees hating him for selling them off! want to keep these shares in your hands as can keep them!You are a good man Yang,I won't harm you as long as you do not double cross me!Remember that.I will contact you again and then you must sign over the shares to the name I tell you and that time there will be no negotiation!You can take it in writing that I will not harm you."     

"As if a piece of paper will stop you from killing me.."     

"Hahhaa,You have a point YAng.You have a point..But you will have to risk it..You do not have an option.Now go!my man will drop you off at the office."     

Yang had just exited the room when Wang Wei chose to check his phone.There,he had a notification for an email from Ryu Long.Interesting!So the man had discovered his e mail address.Opening the mail and seeing the contents,his amused smile disappeared and he let out a roar in anger!Immediately calling his man,he said,"Bring that Yang back here!And haul him by the collar!"     

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