The Typhoon's Wife

Wang Wei

Wang Wei

0Mr X was indeed called Wang Wei.He had no idea that his name and history had been discovered by Yang and Ryu.He was a man who looked forward and never bothered about history.Sometimes being a genius is not enough!Wang Wei had ignored a basic fact that was usually said,"History makes a man."He did not believe in this and that is why he never bothered about hiding his history or looking into Ryu's past before he turned 18 and took over the business.Wang Wei was involved in the underworld and had earned his money with committing various crimes like drug pedalling,thievery,kidnapping and even murder.He was indeed called Mr X in the underworld as well because of his ferocious temper and hidden identity.The only reason he had never been caught again was no one who worked withhim or for him could describe his looks.In fact,nobody even knew his real name.The only thing everyone was aware of that,Wang Wei could have ruled the underworld if he wished.The only thing that the man hated to do was get involved in human trafficking..which is why he only amassed his wealth and never got into the politics of becoming the king.He was so opposed to human trafficking that the pimps and pedalers usually got a cold sweat fearing what he would do to them if he got to know.Wang Wei was aware of these people but he never bothered with them as his policy was to live and let live.There were only two ways to live inthe underworld.Always keep your senses closed to the happenings around you or "Kill and be killed"     0

The only time Wang Wei had brutally murdered out of anger instead of wanting wealth had been when a human trafficker had trien to offer him a teenage girl as a s** slave.He had been enraged and had openly killed the man putting the fear of God in the others!     

Sitting back inthe chair,he thoght of the funny thing called time.He had been an average boy stuying hard to become a doctor.Hapy in a relationship,the future he envisioned had been vastly different from his present.His girlfriend had left him with a note,promising to wait for him to return.He was the only one who knew where she had gone.He had been sentenced to ten years in prison but released in 8 years because of his good conduct.He had pt down the idea of revenge hoping to only live peacefully with his lover.Hence,immediately,after being released,he went to find her but was devastated to find that she had indeed not been able to wait for him!The fates had been cruel to him!He had not been able to see her when she took her last breath.Mad with grief and a thirst for revenge,he accepted the offers with the hefty money,that the prison mates had given him and soon chose a new career path for himself.Two years later,the day he was set to actually be released from prison,he staged a robbery and killed the entire 'so called powerful' family in his village which had been responsible for all this.In another year,the judge who had sentenced him,was found to have committed suicide,leaving behind a list of his misdemeanors.     

A knock on his door shook Wang Wei out of his reverie.A young man entere through the door after gaining permission. He placed the two folders on the table infront of him and bowed deeply.In a serios voice and trying to not quake in fear,the youth gave the informationon that had been asked of him,"Sir all the preparations for the meeting with CEO Yang have been made as you instructed.These are the files of the foreign and domestic companies who are trying to compete with Lance Inc.There is no company in the domestic market,which is powerful enogh to bring down Lance Inc even with provided sources by us.Two of the overseas companies are able to do this if we are able to provide the resources.Both the companies are trying to gaina foothold in this market bt have been nable to because of Ryu Long's cunning and acumen.The detailed reports on both companies and their CEO's are here.Once we have control of the shares and stocks from Lance Inc,you can decide which company you want to partner up with."Once finished with the report the man was gestred to leave.Picking up one of the files placed before him,he read the contents.His aim was destruction and not helping other companies..He took note of the two companies..One was called Jade Group of Companies while the other was Ystava Invesments.Both the companies were known to have ruthless and cold CEOs.Both had risen from ashes and shot into the sky during these last 10 years.The only difference in these companies was that though they had manipulated the markets to suit their needs,they had not hesitated in taking risks and tearing down other companies..Jade Group was run by a woman who was called Ice Queen by all those who knew him.Ystava Investments was known to be more amicable and approachablethan the aggressive Ice Queen.The question was whom to choose to be his means for the final revenge!A woman or a man who named his company Ystava which literally means friends.Picking up the phone,he called his assistant and ordered him to set up a meeting for tomorrow afternoon with the CEO's.     

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