The Typhoon's Wife

Ru is Back!

Ru is Back!

3The sun had just risen in the sky when a pair of man and child packed their belongings to return to civilization.The child was as vigorous but the old man could feel his age to his bones.Oh!They both had fun but were now ready for the vacaion to end.After a hearty breakfast,they made way towards the village.     

Ryu woke up in the morning with the intention of continuing what they had done last night only to come across a cold and empty bed.Opening his eyes,he frowned and looked at the time.It was too early to make where was his wife?     

Since he was already awake and without a bed partner,Ryu made his way downstairs to look for his missing wife.Every time he looked at her,his breath was caught in his throat and this morning was no different.Since the beginning of their honeymoon when he had hid her clothes,she had made a habit of wearing his t shirts and he absolutely loved seeing her like this.With her silky hair tied in a messy knot on the top of her head,she was looking down intently while whisking something in a bowl.He had noticed a cute habit in her,whenever she was working she wold keep muttering to herself as if she was a commentator on some sport!He was really curious Aabout what she kept muttering but never understood a word.Looking at her delectable back view,Ryu quietly entered the kitchen and would his arms around her.It was a simiar position reversed from last night with one major difference.Alicia's hands had been at his waist while his cupped her breasts and his mouth was already nibbling at her ear.In a low voice he whispered,"I missed you"Alicia tried to get out of his hold and said ,"I did not miss you."Ryu smiled and said again,"I wasn't talking to you...I was talking to them...",he continued to fondle her.     

Angry at herself for falling for his tricks again but already seduced by his masterful hands,Alicia threw back her head in abandon and let him continue his ministrations.But before Ryu could reach his goal,the timer on the oven dinged ,indicating it's readiness to bake a cake.     

Jolted out of her haze,Alicia quickly escaped his hands and said sternly,"Ryu Long,let me do my work!and stop distracting me.My Ru baby is coming home..He will need cake."     

Sulking like a boy whose favorite treat had been snatched,Ryu pouted,"And what about my needs?"     

Alicia looked at Ryu from across the table and was amused."Awww baby good and I will save you some caramel frosting for later...hmm?"     

Narrowing his eyes to confirm that she had the same use of frosting in mind like him he nodded and then sat down to ogle his wife.Used to Ryu's habit of watching her work in the kitchen,Alicia poured the batter into the mould and put it into the oven.She then continued to whip the cream for the frosting...     

After a while,the feast Alicia had prepared for Ru and uncle Ye was ready and both the husband and wife were also ready.Once she knew that they were about to reach,Alicia was having trouble sitting still.Finally,she heard the voices coming from outside and she immediately opened the door.     

Ru who was walking happily saw his mother standing at the door and with a whoop of happiness ran towards her.Kneeling down to hug him,Alicia gave a big kiss on his cheeks and said,"My little baby Ru,I missed you so much..How come you have grown so tall!"Holding his hand she happily took Ru inside.     

Uncle Ye and Ryu who had been ignored by the pair were left to stare at each other.With a polite nod,Ryu moved aside to let his elder enter.Uncle Ye harrumphed and ignoring Ryu went inside.     

Once inside,everyone comfortable settled on the kitchen chairs and Alicia and Ru chattered animatedly and the other two men looked on...     

Once there was a lull in the conversation,Uncle Ye asked Alicia,"What happened to the furniture in the living room?"     

"I gave it to charity..It was ruined.",came the curt reply.Uncle Ye understood immediately that Alicia did not wish to talk about it so he backed off.Ryu was not the same.He too heard the curtness but stored the information for later.He wanted to know every small thing about his wife.     

Suddenly,Ru turned to his father and said,"Father!We had so much fun at the camping trip.Can you tell me.."     

Ryu turned to Ru and said,"So you finally remember you have a father!"     

Ru heard his father,but not understanding the sarcastic tone in his voice,he answered,"Of course I remember you!I am not like grandpa Ye who keeps forgetting things!"     

Uncle Ye: "..."How am I forgetful?I only mistakenly called him the wrong name once!     

Ryu smiled at the unknowing jab his son had delivered and said,"So what do you want to know?"     

Listening to the conversation,uncle Ye almost rubbed his hands gleefully.Now he was going to get to watch that little brat pester his father with questions!     

Finally,Ru asked his father the most important question,"Father,was I born as a monkey?If I was then where did my tail go?"     

Ryu,used to Ru's absurd questions kept calm and said,"No you were not born as a monkey so you naturally do not have a tail."     

This made Ru glare at Uncle Ye accusingly and then accused,"But Uncle Ye said that all humans were monkeys at first.So how did they become human?"     

That is the process called evolution.Over many years apes became humans.You will study them when you grow up."     

Nodding his head in an understanding manner,Ru turned back and stole another cupcake to gorge on.Uncle Ye who had been watching excitedly felt himself deflate like a balloon.In an agitated voice,he asked,"Ru!Why are you not asking more from your father?What happened to your why's,when's and how's now?"     

Ru looked innocently at Uncle Ye and replied,"I am allowed to ask only 3 questions every hour from old people.I will ask more after an hour!"     

Uncle Ye narrowed his eyes and questioned,"Then why did you keep asking me so many questions every minute when you knew this rule?"     

"Because you did not know this rule!" came the pat reply.     

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