The Typhoon's Wife

Who Are You?

Who Are You?

4The murmurs around the hall grew.This was a small town and like every small town they knew each others' business..All the ladies and men thought back to the way they had treated that girl.They had thought that she had fallen astray after her mother passed away...but this...They could feel their hearts seething with anger at what old Xu had done.They had been friends with both women-Alicia's mother and Old Xu but when Alicia needed them,they had chosen to stand on the wrong side.      2

An older man thought back to the past.Only one mad had stood by that girl.He had cursed them all and said that they would regret their stand.It seemed that he was right!How were they going to face Old man Ye's gloating face now?     

Mrs Xu heard the agitated murmurs and felt angry.Who as this man and why did he come to ruin tonight's party?She glared at Alex for his stupidity in going to meet Alicia today!That s***!If she came in front of her now,she would pull the b**** by her hair and teach her a lesson.Angry like a bull she charged towards the projector and pulled the plug.She then turned towards the smirking man with the intention of slapping him.But even before she could reach within a meter of him,she was stopped by his guards.Seeing her aunt like this,pulled Qin QIng out of her trance.She rushed towards her and pulled her back.Who was this man and how was he related to that woman?She pulled her hand back and gestured her aunt to be quiet.Then,schooling her features into a helpless look she looked at Ryu and said,"Sir,we don't know who you are and why you would bring up the past like this.It is cousin's engagement today.Do you have an enmity towards him?Are you here because that woman told you some type of sob story?Everyone here knows that she was in depression after her mother's death.She was delusional and Alex felt sorry for her when she lost her child.But she mistook his sympathy and started falling for him."     

Passing through the barrier of the bodyguards,she reached Ryu and after confirming that he was listening continued,"When elder cousin came to know her thoughts,he finally gave up and filed for a divorce and forced younger cousin to confess in court..But she started imagining that she had been betrayed by him and wouldn't leave him alone.She would even get violent and sometimes hurt herself.That is how she lost her baby!"Her far fetched explanation failed to convince the people in the hall and they even started casting doubts on her innocent personality.They had once blindly believed all the lies that this family spouted.There was a saying that said'fool me once,your bad and fool me twice then I am dumb.'And no one was that foolish. Qin Qing finished her explanation and placed her hand on Ryu Long's arms looking intimate and pitiful. Ryu glanced down at the hand on his sleeve in distaste.     

However Mrs Xu grabbed this life line thrown her way by her niece and claimed that Alicia was trying to mislead the people and ruin the Xu's for her own desire for revenge and continued to malign the missing Alicia.She kept on claiming that she had never done wrong by her late friend's daughter and the house had been brought by them to settle the medical debts of Alicia's mother.However,the projector had already been plugged back by one of Ryu's staff and this time the scene that played was even more interesting than before.     

A woman in dirty and creased clothes was sitting in a small room and impatiently dialing a number.Her hair was unkempt and eyes ere wild...She was muttering something unintelligible under her breath. But everyone recognized the woman to be Mrs Xu and the place to be the town's police station.     

Mrs Xu's breath caught in her throat and she rushed to turn off the projector again.She remembered this day and conversation very clearly and she would be ruined if this was played.Running to the projector she took off her heeled shoe and threw it at the screen.The screen shattered into pieces.     

Ryu smiled and stated,"Mrs Xu does not appreciate a good gift.Do not worry.I can just upload it on SNS and tag you or just send the video on the cell phones..."Hearing the threat stated so silkily and smoothly,Mrs Xu was terrified and even did not dare to breathe.     

Looking down at the distasteful hand,he softly warned,"Ms Qing, I suggest that you take your hand off me if you wish to keep it intact."     

Qin Qing's hand tightened on the sleeve.She knew that this man was the key to getting the answers for tonight's happenings and she dare not let him go.She thought he was an actor who had been hired by Alicia to ruin the party tonight.Firm on her thought process she tightened her hold on the man's sleeve and cried pitiful silent tears to incite his sympathy. She was sure that no man could refrain himself from helping a damsel in distress.And she had perfected the act to a T...     

The murmurs rose once again and this time everyone was checking to see if they had received any messages or videos.Just then a shrill scream ran throughout the hall and everybody turned their heads to see Qin Qing kneeling on the floor with her hand bent backwards at an awkward angle.They looked at Ryu to see if the man was really heartless enough to physically assault a woman but soon realized that the hand which had forced back Qin Qing belonged to a woman.Just then, a lethal voice rang out,"Tsk tsk,Ms Qin,your habit of coveting what belongs to me is just the same.Why would you touch something that does not belong to you?"     

Standing there like a Goddess between a standing Ryu and kneeling Qin QIng was Alicia.     

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