The Typhoon's Wife

Who Are me?

Who Are me?

2Alicia entered the room with wary steps ready to attack anyone who posed a threat.But as she looked around she was still unprepared for the threat.Her hubby was sleeping.Evenin his sleep,his aura and charisma were undeniable..Lying on his stomach and holding her pillow close to his chest,he was fast asleep.That was also when she realized that though they slept together every night,she had hardly ever seen him sleep.He would always wake before her..Taking this opportunity,Alicia had a big smile on her face and slowly got onto the bed.She lied down sideways and with her head on her hand,she admired his beauty.The hard planes of his face and the straight nose..the thin lips.His face was clearer than any models!There was a lock of hair falling on his forehead which was usually combed back.Unable to resist touching him,she swept back the lock of hair in place with a finger and then slowly ran the finger along the lines of his cheekbones and touched his lips.     0

She was going to be the happiest bride tomorrow with only one thing poking at her like a needle.She wished that Ryu would love her back.She wanted to confess her feelings so badly to him...but what if he refused...she would hate that...She had never loved a man before,she did not know how to confess..     

Alicia who was in agony because of her thoughts,did not realize that her finger was still slowly moving on Ryu's lips and his eyes were now open. Ryu stared at the woman who was absently staring at his lips.Just as he was about to speak she murmured something which made him close his eyes and pretend to sleep.     

"Alan.."He continued to pretend but was disturbed,"Why was she thinking of her ex husband?Did she love that scum still?     

She was staring at Ryu sleeping when she thought of the past.She wanted him to know her but was also scared..the past her was a weak and too protected from the world.She did not know that big bad wolves existed in the world and not only in fairy tales.But the her today was smarter who not only knew about their existence but also knew how to wipe them out.She wanted him to love the present her and not pity the past..So she told him about the past when she thought he was asleep..     

She felt a shiver rise in her as she even uttered the name.But she forced herself to continue.     

"Alan hated me.I still don't know why he married me.What his motives were.But by the end I knew that he hated mush so that he killed his own baby to harm me..."     

"He was known as the gentlest man in our village.Every girl wanted to be with him and experience his gentle ans loving care.But nobody knew that the boy on the outside was twisted in the head."Alicia turned on the bed and lay down facing the ceiling...She knew he was awake now but she wanted to complete what she had to say before she saw his expression.     

"The day I came to know that I was expecting,my first reaction was of happiness...but then I realized that what sort of a future would my baby have?By then I had already started to loath these people and myself for still living with them.I used to look in the mirror and not recognize myself...not even my own face.I went to uncle Ye's cafe that day and kept wondering about the baby...I did not know if I should be happy or sad.I knew I wanted the baby but the future in that family made me shudder.As I sat there lost in thoughts I heard loud laughter of some people.The sound somehow jerked me.I looked up to find the source of the laughter but realized that there were not many people there.Again the sound came and then I realized that the sound was coming from a customer's laptop who was sitting across me.The customer was a foreigner and was intently watching her laptop and laughing along with whatever she was watching.Something in my brain clicked then.I knew what I wanted...I wanted that laughter-free,loud and happy,for my baby and myself.I got up and approached the customer asking her what she was watching...She gave me a big smile and said,"I am watching Run!BTS...It is a variety show of a popular big band in my country.They make beautiful music.."She continued to ramble as she was a fan about them but I had found something that was lacking earlier.The motivation to leave the leeches called Xu's. But my baby never had a chance to laugh and dance like BTS..."     

She turned her misty eyes towards Ryu who was now looking at her and met his eyes.Looking there and seeing no pity in his eyes ,only sympathy,she continued,"Ryu,until all of you came into my life,my only source of hope and motivation was BTS. They will always hold a special place in my heart.They brought back the music,laughter and hope in my life.I never thought that you would soon turn out to be more than you know what you are to me?"     

She rolled onto her stomach,tilted her head and said to Ryu,"You are the smile on my face,the warmth in my heart.You are the twinkle in my eye and the one who holds me tightly when i need to cry...Your voice makes me weak but your presence makes me strong.You are all I have ever wanted,you are all I need,you are all I've dreamed of,you are all of this to me...Ryu,I l..."     

Ryu had stopped her before she could complete her confession.Her scared and teary eyes looked at him questioning if he was going to reject her.But his answer only brought more tears to her eyes.     

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