The Typhoon's Wife

Where is He?

Where is He?

3Later in the evening:     0

Alicia was getting ready for the dinner.She was wearing a simple light blue gown that accentuated her curves and made her look even more delicate and feminine.She had to accept both father and son had exceptional taste in fashion.Ru had taken a bath and was wearing a grey suit and his shirt matched his mother's dress in color. He looked like a miniature version of Ryu..Just then Ryu entered the room and he was wearing the same outfit as Ru's making Alicia feel as if she had been given an overdose of handsomeness.     

When the family reached the dining room,the party was in full swing.Everybody was dancing with wild abandon. Ryu had planned a quiet dinner and this...He looked at the wedding planner,who was standing there flustered,questioningly.With a nervous voice,she answered,"Umm Sir,your father in law...he said that the dinner idea was very staid and insisted on getting a DJ for everyone to have fun..."     

Ryu just nodded at the planner indicating that she may leave..Alicia looked at Ryu apologetically and mouthed the words sorry.He gave her a small smile and shook his head indicating that he was not offended or angry.. Soon,Alicia,Ryu and Ry were a part of the crowd and enjoying the festivities.     

In the city:     

Assistant Yang was working late into the night.The entire office building was empty..He had planned to come back tomorrow to the office but he received a cryptic message from boss,not to leave anything pending.He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the time.His work would be finished in a little time and then he'd be able to leave as well.     

Just then the lights in the office blinked out,leaving darkness behind.The only light was coming in from the streets lights that were visible from the window to the left that had it's shades open.As Yang was about to call for the security to check the issue,a hand held his wrist blocking him from holding the phone.He stilled and his senses turned sharper.It seemed he had visitors...     

Straightening in his seat,Yang put his hands casually on the armrests.Nobody knew that there was an emergency button on the side that would directly and silently alert the police if pressed.With a calm attitude,Assistant Yang asked,"Sir X,you have come here to visit me..What a surprise..You should've called me and I'd have come."Though he had never seen the man's face,he was able to recognixe him from his body structure and guessed.     

A silky voice devoid of emotions answered,"Of course not.How can a mere small person lke me order the CEO of Lance Inc.Tell me CEO Yang,where is he?"     

Yang was genuinely puzzled by this question.Was he talking about Ryu Long?He had e mailed him yesterday as well asking about his he had answered honestly..     

"Sir,as I told you,Ryu Long is in Village B with his family.He went to visit his wife's family home.They left last evening..."     

Yang was not sure why he was being questioned.Usually,Mr X had multiple people following boss and did not need to approach Yang for such a menial task.But today something seemed off...this was the third time he was being questioned...     

Mr X had started getting suspicious when Assistant Yang had been unable to give him Ryu Long's details.But it seemed that though Yang was loyal to him,Long Ryu was suspicious of him...He needed to be extra careful. There was a short time left for their plan to succeed and he must not let Ryu Long suspect anything. Afterwards he could let Yang take the brunt and dispose of him.He decided to inform Yang about the situation.Yang needed to know that he was being suspected..     

Mr X replied,"According to your information,Long Ryu has gone under the radar..My team of guards followed him towards Village A but lost him halfway there.They have yet to find him.He has not reached Village A..Then where is he?...His security head is our person but he too is left in the dark.He is waiting near village A for further instructions...It seems he is suspicious of all the people around him.."     

Seeing that Yang was indeed shocked,Mr X decided to leave him be for now.As of now Yang was an important piece of the plan.Him falling now would be tantamount to failing.Mr X had now confirmed that Yang was really unaware of Ryu Long's current location and was not double crossing him..But just to be sure,he had lied about the security head.He just needed to wait and confirm if anything happened to the guard then he would know if Yang was acting like a double spy..All his plans recently were failing horribly...There was someone in his team who was a spy..But if t was Yang then he needed to be disposed of sooner rather than later.With that ,Mr X left the cabin and soon the lights returned.     

In actuality,Assistant Yang had no idea about Long Ryu's whereabouts.But he did know that the head security was waiting somewhere as well.He was worried and needed to tell who the mole was..but he dared not...Boss had always instructed him not to pass any information about any person that Mr X gave him.Yang understood that this was a trap that Mr X had laid out.Yang could feel the pressure from both sides.By not informing him of his plans,he had effectively sent a message to Mr X. that he did not trust him too much and was suspicious of him.This had made Mr X wary and he was testing to see who's side Yang was on.     

Leaning back,Yang took a deep breath and decided to continue his work.There was no point in wondering if his boss really trusted him or not..After another hour of work,he was done and went towards the parking.Once in the car,he found a note stuck to his car's steering wheel."Be ready at 5.00 am.A car is going to come pick you.Inform X of this plan.Make sure that you are being followed."     

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