The Typhoon's Wife

Happy Honeymoon

Happy Honeymoon

0As Alicia was hiding under the covers,her face was beet red.She knew that she was attracted to her hubby and the only thing stopping them was her fears...She almost went back to thinking of the past but resolutely suppressed her thoughts.No need to tarnish these moments with negativity...Only after a few minutes did she realize her precarious position..Why was she hiding here!Wasn't that like inviting the lion into her home to devour her!She should have ran to the bathroom and locked herself in until he fell asleep.There was still chance to escape!She could just tiptoe to the bathroom now....But before she could move,she heard the sound of a door opening.     

"Dash it!She was so dumb!"Alicia berated herself.Next option was to pretend to sleep!Yes that would be best!She immediately smoothed her features and closed her eyes.She was really good at pretending after all...     

Ryu stared at the un-moving lump under the blankets and smiled to himself.She really thought that hiding could help her!She was like an ostrich burying her head in the sand and believing that the danger was gone.     

In a gentle voice,he called out,"Alicia,come out from under there...."     

No reply.     

Ryu:"Come on missus...I was just teasing you...come out..."     

Still,no reply.     

Exasperated he picked held the blanket and uncovered her seeing that she had fallen asleep!Ryu was astonished!He had worked her and himself up,only for her to fall asleep!He knew that she was attracted to him too!He could feel her body's response.If only her mind stopped over thinking...     

Grimacing,he decided to sleep too.However he did something that was not a part of his habit and started talking to himself...     

Just as he was about to get into bed,he said,"Hmm,my dear missus is already asleep,there is no need to observe propriety. I'll just sleep like I used to."With that he turned around and removed the bath robe he was wearing.When Alicia heard this cryptic statement she got curious and her eyes opened a sliver..But Alicia's heart had only now started to settle when she thought that he had believed her and now it was moving at the speed of light!On opening her eyes she was immediately greeted by a view of a muscled and toned backside...Immediately shutting her eyes she prayed that he would fall asleep quickly otherwise she would definitely have a heart attack this night!Ryu saw her quick glance in the mirror and smiled to himself,'Caught you.'     

Getting under the blanket,he lowered the room temperature so that it would be even more cold.He then rolled towards Alicia and pulled her in to his arms.     

Alicia was scared out of her wits...she was sure that Ryu could feel her heart thundering inside her chest.She closed her eyes tightly and continued to pretend...Suddenly,Ryu said,"It's too quiet tonight...Why???" as if he was still talking to himself.     

" I know...then my missus is not snoring tonight.I have gotten used to her snores..she must really be tired tonight that is why she is not snoring like a pig.."     

Insulted at being compared to a pig and forgetting all about her acting,Alicia snapped back,"I don't snore!And how can you compare me to a pig!You are a pig!!"     

Ryu just looked at the angry Alicia and drawled ,"Really???"     

That was when Alicia realized that she had been trapped by him again.She really was dumb!!Her IQ of 143 was a waste when it came to him.Just how did he manage to do that every time!!     

Since she could not win,she decided that attack was the best form of defense,"Hmpf,you fooled me!",she tried to accuse him and struggled to move out of his arms.     

" did it first.I mean tried to do it.You are just too silly to succeed.",he answered back.     

"Hmpf,behaving like a kid and then trying to justify by saying I did it first!",Alicia muttered angrily.     

Ryu,however was busy with his goal and had easily opened the knot on Alicia's bathrobe...Once successful,he looked into her eyes and said,"So my missus is angry at me?Does your heart hurt that you were fooled?...Let me kiss you some to make you feel better."     

With that Ryu sealed her mouth with his.As the kiss continued , Alicia forgot all her anger,indignation and her fears...she gave herself to him with wild abandon and returned his kisses with the same passion and aggression.Sensing her surrender,Ryu immediately gave in to his desire and let his hands roam the soft curves of her body.Ending the kiss,he moved his mouth lower and slowly tasted every inch of her delectable body.They made love until the first rays of the sun rose in the sky and then fell asleep in each other's arms.Finally,their game of teasing had come to an end and their relationship reached a new stage...and new beginnings were what awaited them..     

The next morning,Ryu woke up early.He stared at his sleeping wife and smiled a wolfish satisfied smile....His plan to bring her here had succeeded beautifully.He was the one who had planned the accident..And he had gotten more than he had dared to hope.Her response at the beginning of their love making had been hesitating and un-sure but by the end of the night she had been wild and carefree in his arms.He placed a soft and caressing kiss on the top of her head and thought about his surprise....With a grin that felt foreign on his lips,he rolled out of the bed and padded softly towards the bathroom.A spring in his step,he wrote a note and left it stuck on the bedside table.He then picked up his still sleeping Ru,left the suite and moved to a smaller suite on the floor below theirs.There he quietly knocked on the door.The door swung inwards almost immediately and a disheveled person stared at Ryu.He was being stared at as if he was an alien... Murmuring a soft "good morning",Ryu went inside the door as it swung shut behind him.What he did not know that his grin really was alien to the person at the door...who was still standing in a daze while his mouth hung open.     

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