The Typhoon's Wife

Mother Wang Hao

Mother Wang Hao

1As soon as Wang Wei received this message,he understood who the sender was.He ordered his assistant to put his men on standby to take orders as soon as he gave them.Turning to Yang,he said with a smile,"Yang,you are free to go...for now.."With that Wang Wei left the building of Lance Inc,leaving it in the hands of another of Ryu Long's enemies and leaving behind a state of chaos for all those associated with Lance Inc.Public opinion and fear is no trivial thing.The longer people did not recieve a reply,the larger the fear and panic.People who had invested their life time savings and those who had just started out,were all gathered outside the building.The panic was increasing as each hour passed.Rumors and hatred for Ryu Long was also proportionately increasing specially since it was fanned by the people that Wang Wei had planted.     

As Wang Wei was driving north,he recieved another message from Ryu Long,"The Medicare Center,Room no 305."Accelerating the car,Wang Wei speeded towards the hospital to see his mother.Wang Wei had last seen his mother more than 4 decades ago.The people who had sent him to prison had not been satisfied with that.To avenge their son,they had even targeted his widowed mother and his girlfriend forcing them to flee.His mother had been unable to read and write.The only news he had recieved of her was through his girlfriend when she fled with her.After that when he came out of the prison his lover was dead and when he found no trace of his mother,he percieved her to have passed away as well.He had always lamented not being able to be filial to her.Not even in his wildest dreams could he have imagined he would get to see his mother when she was still alive.     

Wang Hao had become a young mother when she had married at the age of 18 years and then been widowed at the age of 20 years.For the next 20 years,she had lived her life in hardship only to dedicate it to her only son,Wang Wei.She had tried her best to free him from the prison as well only to later flee withthe woman he loved.They had been lucky to have met the Long couple along the way.The Long's had been a middle classs couple,the same age as Wang Hao but they had been kind.They had given shelter to her and her son's pregnant lover.Wang hao's heart had ached at the suffering both these children had to endure at such a young age.Mr Long had been a very astute and smart man.Seeing the vulnerability in both women,he had taken Xu Tao under his wing to teach her so that she would be able to work to improve her living.He had even promised to let Wang Hao to become his housekeeper and and then nanny for his child that Mrs Long was expecting.But fate had yet to finish it's work.Xu Tao had passed away during child birth and Wang Hao had no way of left of contacting her son.The Long's had even been kind enough to hold a funeral for Xu Tao and the baby.She could have asked for help but she had felt too ashamed to mention to the Long's that her son was in prison.She wanted him to come back and take her with him with his head held high.She had waited for his return,counting the days as she took care of Master Ruan.She even fooled herself at times consoling that she was playing with her son instead of Master Ruan.But her son never returned.Months turned to years and her health started to decline.Master Ruan grew up to be a fine young man talented in business affairs.The Elder Master and Mistress passed away.Master Ruan was also like his parents,kind of heart.Seeing her suffer,he moved her to the cottage on his estate and set up a few care takers and pension for her.She was able to attend the birth of his children as well.At that stage,she had only one wish left.Seeing her son.But by now she too had given up hope.Maybe her son had never survived the prison.Then suddenly 15 years ago,Master Ruan came to her and excitedly told her that he had found a person who could be her son.He had even told her that he wa sgoing to arrange a meetig soon.But the fates had been against Wang Hao again.Master Ruan had been killed before she could meet her son..She cursed the fates that took away her son as well as Master Ruan.But from then on she held to life dearly.Even when her body suffered,deteriorated daily,she stubbornly held on.Slowly she lost her ability to walk,to move but she did not give up.She was not going to leave the earth without seeing her son!     

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