The Typhoon's Wife

Riding Into The Sunshine

Riding Into The Sunshine

0"How do you know my name?"     

The butler realized his mistake immediately.Since he could not obviously confess that he kept up with the latest gossip,he said stoically,"Miss Zheng,It is my duty to know the names of the guests.."     

Neil shook his head in amusement and then said to Mi Rae sideways,"It is his hobby to read gossip!"     

Tang Ji heard this and was obviously scandalized that his master would think like this about him even if it was the truth.Putting on an offended expression,he bowed and left their presence.Mi Rae's eyes had yet to come back to their proper size after all that was going on when suddenly Neil turned and accused her,"Now you have offended Tang Ji!And we can forget the muffins for the evening.."     

Mi Rae had no idea what to say.She was still in shock over everything that was happening and plus the fact that she had realized that she had fallen for a complicated man like Neil,she was having trouble wrapping her head around it!Ignoring him,Mi Rae went and sat on the nearest couch in a daze.Neil,who obviously was not used to being ignored frowned and called out to her but received no reply.Thinking that she was trying to absorb everything from this morning he did not call out anymore and went upstairs to change.     

A little while later Neil and Mi Rae set out from the stables.Neil's horse was a magnificient black Arabic horse called Lightning while Mi Rae's was a gentle but strong Irish mare called Rose.Mi Rae was thoroughly charmed by her horse.She stunned Neil with her ease at handling horses even rode the horse properly instead of side saddle as she had claimed.This of course distracted Neil who wanted to touch the exposed milky white thighs.Trying to distract himself,he proposed a race which was promptly accepted by Mi Rae.They were on a trail towards a small man made lake and the first one to reaach would win the race."And what are we betting on?"demanded Mi Rae.     

Neil pondered for a moment and said,"I can't think of anything.You decide."     

Mi Rae saw this as her chance and said,"a day."     

Neil looked at her and confirmed,"A day?"     

Nodding she said,"A day of the person who loses will be spent doing the wishes of the winner."     

Smiling sneakily,Neil asked,"Mi Rae,aren't you scared of losing badly?You'll be my slave and let me tell you I am a tough task master."     

Mi Rae just smiled and said,"Let's see."     

Though Mi Rae's horse was a mare,she could tell that it was a pure blood.So of course it was made to race.So she was confident she could win.And the biggest reason she was sure of this was that she had a reason in mind for the purpose of the bet.She was no damsel in distress kind of girl.Her work had taught her one thing.To get what she wanted.And she wanted this man's heart.So even though they already would have to spend time together in cooking classes and discussing her case,she wanted to win him over and spend as much time with him as she could.     

They began the race and Neil's horse sped forward.Neil's rode with a controlled power and the sight was something to behold but Mi Rae gve free rein to the horse.Once the mare realized that she was free and her rider was not a novice,it sped forward and soon overtook the horse by a few hands.Soon Mi Rae had won the race.She was exhilerated and jumped off the horse before it could even come to a stop.Neil,who had lost by a hair's breath also jumped off.Both of them had a hard ride and were breathing heavily.Neil,looked hadsomely disheveled while Mi Rae's cheeks had turned rosy and her hair looked beautifully wind combed.Laughing like a child,she stuck out her tongue at Neil and said,"I won,Mr Hard task master!"     

Neil shook his head with a smile and accepted defeat.Bowing,he said,"This slave is here to serve it's master."     

Giggling,Mi Rae nodded regally and commanded,"I will let you know when I need you slave.For now let us eat.I am starving." Both the horses were ignoring their riders and went to drink some water from the lake.Neil and Mi Rae also moved to sit at the picnic blanket that had already been laid out under the shade of a big tree.Sitting cross legged,Mi Rae opened the basket and was immediately assaulted by the smell of freshly baked muffins.     

The basket was packed with fresh sandwiches,muffins and fruit juice.Hungry from the exercise,Neil and Mi Rae finished the goodies in a short while.Mi Rae then fell back on the blanket with her hands spread out and groaned,"Neil,I am not moving from here for a few hours.You are going to have to call a crane to lift me."Mi Rae was looking at the clear skies and different shaped clouds as she spoke.So she did not even realize that Neil had not replied to her.     

And it was a good thing that she did not know.Because Neil would not have been able to reply.He was busy staring at the picture of fresh innocence she presented.Her shining face,her tresses which were spread out around her face on the blanket,her brea*** which were accentuated by the belt around her tiny waist and her long legs were like a siren's call to him.Unconsciously he moved forward and lied down next to her,drinking in her beauty.     

His sudden closeness made Mi Rae suddenly alert and she turned her head towards him.If she had done that a few seconds earlier,their lips would have met.As it happened,their lips were just a breath away.All she had to do was lean forward a bit..and she was about to do that when Neil said,"Your hair smells like blueberries..."     

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