The Typhoon's Wife

Alicia is a Seductress!

Alicia is a Seductress!

1The scene being played on the projector had made everyone in the hall go quiet.Everyone was shell shocked except Alex.He had turned pale and was sweating profusely now.He knew what was coming and understood Alicia's intentions.He resigned himself to being looked down upon very soon.He knew that the engagement would not be cancelled because Liu Shan was in love with him.Yet there was also the fact that he would lose the respect of a lot of people.It seemed Alicia's motive for calling him had been revenge.So what she had said this morning was the truth!     

The video proceeded as he went in to the room closing the door behind him.The angle had been set up thus that only he was visible.He remembered that he had asked her to sit and she had refused..Now he knew Why!Why she had easily agreed to see him and why she said those things...he let out a sigh and accepted his fate.As long as she got what she wanted,he was willing to accept this punishment.     

In the video:     

Alex had just entered the room and sat down on the living room sofa.The same soft voice, that hinted at hidden pleasures, continued,"Alex,I don't know how to stop you.I have moved on and I need you to do that as well.Please stop pestering me everywhere you see me.I have nothing to say to you.You are getting engaged tonight.The least you can do for her is show her some respect and not follow another woman."     

Alex stared at Alicia and said,"Because I love you.I have loved you for years now Al.I know...I know what I did was selfish and wrong but I had no other choice!"     

Alicia who had been behind the camera until this point came forward angrily and asked,"Love Alex?This is how you show your so called love?I hate to wonder how you will show your dislike for someone.!Forgiveness?Some offences cannot be forgiven!And how can you expect me to love you!You knew I saw you as a younger brother... Alex!I wanted and needed you to be my brother and what did you do!You feel guilty and want to apologize?Fine..Let me see what do you feel guilty for?Do not give me a half a** apology,Alex.Show your sincerity!Just what exactly do you want me to forgive you for?"     

Though Alex had always wanted to apologize and practiced a thousand times,he was presently too nervous and felt himself go blank.All the words he had practiced sounded meaningless and insincere.He looked at the woman who was same yet different. He had always seen Alicia as an open book with eyes that reflected her inner thoughts and her beautiful soul but now looking at her cold and unemotional eyes,he was scared that he was responsible for these changes.At that moment,he gave up on receiving forgiveness knowing that he cold only hope for it but not gain it!After today,he was going to do just as she said and not pester her.There was no need to scratch her wounds to get what he wanted     

Taking a deep breath.Alex started,"I know you saw me as a brother.I am sorry I wanted more."     

I am sorry for the betrayal I gave you.I broke your trust as a friend."     

"I am sorry for lying in court and thus humiliating you here in front of everyone!"     

Cold Laughter suddenly echoed in the room.In a mocking voice,the woman interrupted the apology,"You are sorry for these little things?I will tell you what you should be sorry for!You should be sorry for loving your brother's wife!You should be sorry for lying in court that your sister in law seduced you.You should be sorry for not leaving the woman you claimed to love a safe haven to turn to.You should be sorry for helping your brother and mother in defaming the woman you claimed to love.." and in a mellow voice she continued,"you should be sorry for causing the loss of her unborn child,Alex.Go away and do not come back with your apologies.I will never forgive you.Your brother may be the person who was the brain behind this scheme..but to me you are the one who is more responsible..."     

Alex who had been sitting on the chair knelt down after Alicia's tirade and apologized again,"I am sorry Al...I really am sorry for all these.I swear to you I did not now that you were pregnant!When I stood in court and said those lies,I only wanted you to be free of my brother.I had thought that I would be able to take you away from here once everything settled and we could start over.     

I even came to the hospital but you were gone...I swear if I had known you were pregnant..."     

"You would have done the same thing even then!And assured yourself that you would accept the child with me...since you 'loved ' me!Stop lying to yourself and to me,Alex.I am no longer the naive and innocent Alicia who trusted you and your brother.I signed over everything I had to him and received betrayal,pain and humiliation as payment.But I will give the same to you all so be prepared.All the gifts I have received will be returned tenfold.Get out now."     

The video had finally come to an end!Everyone in the hall understood who the woman in the video was.And everyone who was aware of the past understood the shameful things the Xu's had done to humiliate and force the girl out of town.Many years ago,Old Xu had branded Alicia a seductress and humiliated her in this very town hall...But now everyone knew that they were all lies fabricated to get out of paying alimony and not returning the money they owed her..Some even felt guilty for sympathizing with the woman and helping her in ostracizing the girl.This old Xu and her family was really shameless.They had behaved as if they were the victims while they were the culprits all along!     

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