The Typhoon's Wife

The Porch Swing

The Porch Swing

1In the quiet morning light,Alicia sat on a porch swing watching the sunrise.The slight fog and misty air,combined with the fresh aroma from the morning grass,Alicia felt a sense of peace and contentment.She caressed her stomach where the little baby was being active,playing football inside her stomach.Everytime she felt that little twitch of a kick,her heart fluttered with happiness.She could hardly wait another six months to hold a little baby.Her arms felt empty without getting to hold one.     

Her thoughts turned to her little Ru who was growing up rapidly.She worried about him.He was not behaving well these last few days.He had even refused to come out to the celebration dinner last night and wanted to stay in his tree house.She stared at the little tree house farther away.Her baby was already keeping secrets from her.Alicia was tempted to go and search through the tree house but she did not want Ru to fell that she did not trust him.But,she was tempted..oh so tempted.Her baby was hiding something and she did not know what.She just hoped that he would tell her fast and it wasn't something harmful to him.     

Lost in her musings,she did not even realize the arrival of her hubby until a thick blanket was wrapped over her.Clutching the blanket around her she smiled up at him as he placed the mug of hot chocolate on the side table.These days she was always craving hot chocolate.Picking her up as is,he sat and put he in his lap.In his sleepy husky voice,he said,"It's cold here missus."     

Alicia put her head on his shoulder and smiled,"I didn't realize.The warmth of memories was very toasty.."     

Ryu who was placing a kiss on the crown of her head smiled at that and tightened his arms around her placing one palm on top of her stomach.As if the baby had sensed it's father,it gave a powerful kick inside causing even Ryu to feel the kick.Ryu grinned at the feeling while Alicia complained,"Hubby!Your baby thinks he is playing football!With your intellect couldn't you have played chess or something?Why did you have to be a football player?Now see the baby is following your footsteps!"     

Ryu smiled and nuzzled his missus' neck and said,"Missus!Your complaints are as fake as a model's b**bs!"     

"Alicia who had just tilted her neck to give her hubby more access straightened and then turning her neck glared at him,"What do you know about model's b**bs?And how?"Ryu grinned and said,"You are the one who keeps telling me.Remember when we went shopping for you last week to buy new lingerie.You kept complaining how all the models had fake b**bs!"     

"Ahh!"Alicia grinned at the memory of that!Her hubby had had fun at that time of shopping!She grinned up at him and once again laying her head on his shoulders,closed her eyes.Rubbing his hands in soothing motions along her back,Ryu asked her,"What is on your mind missus?"     

Alicia did not open her eyes and just murmured,Uh huh..Nothing.I just couldn't sleep because of some acidity.So I came here and thought to see the sunset.I was just imagining the future."     

"And worrying about Ru?"     

This caused her eyes to snap open and look at Ryu,"Hubby!you always know everything!Yes I am worried.His nightmares have recently stopped and then he was kidnapped,but the doctor said that he has not suffered any trauma.But do you not think he has changed suddenly?I am really worried.It is like Ru's teenage years have come early!He is being rebellious at 7!"     

"Missus!Don't you worry!He is just being a boy and testing our boundaries.I don't think he is traumatized.But he is definitely hiding something."     

Alicia nodded thoughtfully and said,"Yes..I can also see that he is hiding something.Maybe we should talk to him that there is no need to hide anything and reassure him that it wouldn't be a problem whatever it is.We can just talk it out,right?"     

Ryu nodded in agreement and thought they really did need to talk to Ru but he as doubtful the boy would confess anything..Ru was usually smart and eloquent plus he trusted them without a doubt and nothing had changed to make Ru doubt that.So whatever it was,Ru must know that it would be unacceptable to them and that is why he chose to hide it.He was going to have a chat with the brat soon before Alicia could get a hold of him.He needed to distract his missus for now.     

"Missus!When is the next hospital visit and untrasound?"     

Alicia knew that he was purposely changing the topic but let him and said,"It's day after tomorrow.Hubby,There's still a few months left for the baby to come!I wish there was a way to have an express delivery of babies! so that they could come out healthily a little earlier."     

Alicia held out her arms and said,"See!my hands are aching to hold a cute little baby!"      

Ryu smiled at her over acting and then picking up the hot chocolate,placed it in her hands with an order to,"drink up!"     

Obediently she put the cup to her mouth when she heard the wail of a baby,making her pause in the process of sipping the chocolate.Frowning she said to Ryu,"Hubby!See I am telling you I am desperate.I can even hear a baby crying!"     

Ryu looked around as his mouth set in tense lines and said,"Missus,we have a problem."     

Alicia looked at Ryu in curiosity and Ryu continued,"I can hear a baby crying too.."     

The two of them stared at each other with their mouths hanging open.     

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