The Typhoon's Wife

Nighttime Fun

Nighttime Fun

4He quickly tore open her top ruthlessly into two parts.The exposed skin made him lose his breath and he could only admire the beauty in front of him.Like a thirsty man in a desert,he drank in her beauty.His lust filled stare made Mi Rae feel shy and she moved to cover herself with her hands.This jolted Neil into taking action and he moved forward and caight her dainty wrists in his big hands.Bringing them together,he pushed them up and easily caught her wrists in one hand.The move caused her small breasts to arch up and look as if a Goddess was offering a treat to her slave...Neil laid down beside her and kissed her again this time running his hands over her smooth stomach and her red lace covered breasts.He wanted to pull down her jeans and see for himself that she was wearing the matching set that he had gotten her in the morning but refrained himself..His lust filled mind had one clear thought and that was,'It was too early.They needed to wait.'     

As their upper bodies touched and rubbed against each other,Mi Rae felt as if she was on fire.She wanted to touch him and feel his skin under her hands.So she tried to pull against the restraining hands and the moment he loosened his hold,her hands directly went onto his shoulders.From there,her delicate fingers touched the hardness of his muscles,his back and his taut stomach.THe touch incensed him further and he pushed his hips into the cradle of her hips torturing and pleasuring them both.Panting,Neil moved away and held her hands again.."This time is only for you..",he muttered and once again moved her hands upwards.His fingers then explored her supple body,touching places yet untouched. He discovered and exploited every sensitive zone and took Mi Rae to the heights of pleasure. Finally his hands opened the button of her jeans and moved towards  the forbidden territory. Mi Rae was now in a totally mindless haze and had no notion of anything but Neil and his touch.His fingers entered her wetness and Neil almot lost control at the tightness and the way she clenched around his fingers.Slowly moving his fingers in and out in a rhythm,he kissed her and mimicked the motion of his fingers  with his tongue.The dual sensations made Mi Rae's desire spiral out of control and she soon experienced her first release.     

Feeling her come around his fingers gave Neil an unexplainable feeling.As he watched the array of expressions from lust to wonder to now a pretty blush as she opened her eyes to stare at him,his heart softened even more.     

He felt joyous and humbled.Thi beautiful woman had given herself to him without any reservations.He never could have believed himself worthy and felt gratified..Softly kissing her lips and then on her eyes and forehead,he moved a bit back and said,"I'm going to take a shower,be back soon."     

With that,Neil raced out of the room leaving a bewildered Mi Rae.She was still trying to absorb everything that had taken place and feeling mushy..Only after a moments did she realize what he meant be a shower..He had not..not done that!So he needed to take a shower.She hit a hand on her head and thought how stupid she was..But she felt no guilt only warmth at his care.WIth a smile and red face she thought of all that they had done and turned her head to the side suddenly feeling shy..     

Her downturned eyes looked up but then her gaze fell on the mirror and her eyes widened...She looked like a wanton!Her tod was lying around her in tatters,her jeans was unbuttoned but not even moved down and there were little purple marks all over her stomach and breast....She looked like ne of those poster girls who posed for naughty things..She wanted to rush out of there and change into night clothes and hide in the bathroom!She really wanted to run but she was drained of energy and her legs were like noodles..She was trying to gather the energy to get up when the door opened and Neil entered...She screamed and threw a pillow at him which he deftly caught..and said with a naughty smile,"My sunshine!You still seem to have energy to throw things at me!I'll have to do something more to tire you out.!"     

He came to her and tenderly ran a finger down her face.Taking his hand to her unbuttoned jeans,he hooked his fingers and was about to pull them off when his wrist as held suddenly.."Helping you change,sunshine..Why?Do you want to do something else?"He raised his brows and stared at her lewdly giving her goosebumps.She pyshed him aside and at the speed of a cheetah,ran across the room towards the bathroom followed by Neil's echoing laughter.     

Deciding to pass some time,so that Neil would be gone by the time she went back and she wouldn't have to face him,Mi Rae took a short bath,being careful to not jostle her dressing and went back..only to see a half naked Neil sprawled across her bed fast asleep..     

Shaking her head,she went towards him slowly to see if he would go back to his room but as soon as she reached the bed,his eyes shot open and he pulled her onto the bed.Kissing her forehead,Neil spooned behind her and whispering a soft,"Sweet dreams sunshine.." fell asleep!     

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