The Typhoon's Wife

The Marriage proposal 1

The Marriage proposal 1

4Ru was worried after hearing these words..He thought back on all his activities of yesterday-he had not done any naughtiness or played a prank on anyone..what could father want to talk about..He solemnly looked at his father and waited for his father to continue.      4

"Ru,I am planning to marry."     

" are saying that I am going to get a step mother?" asked Ru in a small voice.     

Seeing his father slowly nod his head,Ru burst into tears.This turn of events shocked both Ryu and Neil because Ru almost never cried.He would always get his way by logic and reasoning or by throwing angry tantrums...but never crying.     

Seeing this,Neil who was closer to Ru hurriedly picked him up and tried to get a reasonable explanation from the garbled words coming out of Ru's mouth..     

He continuously rubbed his back and asked him his reason for crying     

Ryu,who had almost frozen on the spot from his son's sudden crying, quickly rushed to reassure his son that he would not marry if it made him unhappy.     

Hearing his father's reassurance,Ru calmed down a bit but still hisbsniffles could be heard..A look passed between Neil amd Ryu,it seemed somebody had been flapping their mouth otherwise why would Ru react in such an extreme manner..     

To distract him,Neil picked up a brownie from the box and said "Ru,this brownie seems very sad..since you are not eating it,I am going to help you bu eating it."     

Quickly reacting after seeing his uncle grab his treat,Ru took hold of Neil's wrist and took a big bite of the brownie.     

With his mouth full,he said "Amm mmam mm mmm see Alllllll."     

Neil:"uhhh..what did you say Ru?And why are you talking with your mouth full?who taught you to talk like that?"     

Ru(after finishing his brownie):"I want to go see little!!!!And you taught me to talk like that..     


Ryu:You can't go now..It is too early..You can get ready first and then we will go at a proper time     

Ru(face set in mutinous lines):Nooooooo...I want to go now.She said I can come anytime!!!     

Neil:"Yes, she did say you can visit her anytime..and you should.Come on Ryu..let me take him."Though Neil was outwardly agreeing with a serious face internally he was rubbing his hands gleefully.God was fair and he was going to have his revenge..If he was a glutton for sweet things then Al was like a sleeping bear..She loved to hoard on sleep and today that sleep was going to be disturbed...hahhahaha.     

Ru looked at his father accusingly as if to say that you are being unreasonable ..     

So at 7 am,the trio set out for a walk towards the out house where Alicia was living.Each was lost in his thoughts with Neil having plans for revenge while Ryu was worried about Ru's reaction to the announcement of marriage.Ryu had hoped to first talk to Ru and get to know hisbfeelings before adding Alicia in the mix..but now he didn't think they would be able to talk.Ru was hiding something and it was imperative that they find out what before moving ahead with their plan.Unknown to them,Ru was also planning something and for his plan to succeed he needed to get little Alice alone..     

Soon,they reached the house gates and Ryu, who was visiting this part of Neil's estate for the first time since Al's moving in ,was mesmerized.It seems the woman really was a Goddess..of nature..The garden which was once bare was now full of beautiful blooming flowers and he also caught sight of a few citrus fruit plants causing the entire place to not just look beautiful but also be very fragrant.     

Ru,who had rushed ahead was now leaning on the doorbell causing it to ring continuously.Hearing the irritating sound Neil was anxiously waiting to see the fruits of his scheme..Soon footsteps could be heard and he got his wish!!!whooop whoop     

Looking supremely angry at the irritating person who was ringing the doorbell she opened the door, and was ready to blast a tirade about ungodly hours when she saw Little Ru..The scowl immdiately wiped from her face she went down on her knees and opened her arms for little Ru to jump into.Ru hugged her tightly amd said in a sing song voice,     

"Little Aaaaalice..I missed seeing you yesterday.Thank you for the brownies.Uncle said you were busy so he wouldn't bring me to you.What were tou busy with that you woulsn't make time to play with me.I loved the brownies that you made and I did not give even one to Uncle Neil just like you told me to.I was so bored yesterday,you were busy and father was also busy..."     

Neil(who was staring at his nephew who was still chattering like a magpie):Does he not need to breathe..And everybody tells me I am a chatter box.     

Ryu,on the other hand was speechless.Last night,he had seen a woman who was elegant,with every movement graceful and a woman who understood the world and its ways.He had not acknowledged to himself but he was eager to meet her again..but now this person before him was totally different.     

This girl looked more like a teenager than a woman.Her movements, though still graceful were more free.Her expressions more open amd innocent as she heard his son's chatter.     

But what surprised him was he was attracted to her this side also.It seemed not to matter how she was dressed,in a cocktail dress like last night or like now in a long Peppa pig t shirt and shorts with her hair in a messy knot on top of her head..Never in his wildest dreams had he thought that he would be attracted to a woman wearing pigs!!Still it was worth mentioning that those oink-oink shorts were awesome as they displayed such beautiful legs.....     

Unaware that she was becoming the target of one man's lustful gaze,she looked upwards and found her gaze snared in the green depths of that man.His heated stare gave her goosebumps and when she saw him slowly give her an overall look..lingering especially on her bare legs,she felt electrocuted.Realizing the state that she was in,she immediately blushed and excusing herself ran towards her room.     

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