Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance



1"You're pregnant," he repeats my words.      4


"Like… You're baby pregnant?"     

I giggle. I think I broke my husband. "Is there any other definition of being pregnant?"     

Gael pinches the bridge of his nose and squeezes his eyes briefly. I must've shocked him with the bomb I just dropped on him while he was half asleep. He props himself up on one elbow, facing me. Then he throws the cover off us, exposing our naked bodies. His eyes immediately land on my belly. "You're pregnant."     

I can't stop smiling. "Eight weeks."     

"Holy shit!" He reaches down and puts a hand on my tummy as if he's trying to feel something in there. His chest heaves up and down, unable to say anything else for a while. "H-How?"     

"How…I got pregnant? I mean… I'm pretty sure you helped," I joke because it's not often that you get Gael tongue-tied.     

He looks at me and shakes his head. "No… I mean," he swallows, "you're on a pill. And how did you find out? When?"     

Gael's shocked expression turns warm as the seconds go by and I'm relieved to see it. "Yeah… I think I messed up the timing of taking my pill when we stayed in L.A. for a week…"     

"The time difference…" His eyes move from side to side as if he's calculating. "We conceived it…there?"     

I giggle and nod again. We were in L.A. for Gael's work last November. And Vincent Stone, who couldn't make it to our wedding, insisted we stay in his friend's luxury hotel for the duration of our visit; his treat. Gael was being difficult at first, given his dislike towards the man for momentarily going on a couple of dates with me, but he eventually gave in and took full advantage of it by ordering all the expensive meals and using the most expensive services the hotel offered. Needless to say, we fucked like bunnies on every surface available.     

"The other day, I realized I haven't had a period. I kinda forgot about it even after the week I was supposed to have one and then had another set. So I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I decided to visit the doctor yesterday with Nina while you worked. The doctor confirmed I'm eight weeks pregnant."     

The entire time I was explaining, Gael kept his eyes on me. Now, he brushes his fingers to his lips and then a huge grin cracks on his face. "Angel… We're going to have a baby!" He engulfs me in a big hug and squeezes me tight, knocking the air out of my lungs.     

"We are." I laugh and wrap my arms around him in return. "Oof—You're squishing me."     

"Oh, shit." He leans back but still keeps his hands on me. "Did I hurt you? Wait… Fuck!" His eyes are like saucers. "I was so rough with you earlier… I shouldn't have…"     

I shake my head. Heat creeps up my neck at the mental image that brought me. He did fuck me against the door as soon as we got home last night. And he fucked me hard, and again in bed—there might've been spanking involved. I bite my bottom lip. "I'm not complaining."     

When his brows didn't relax, I add, "The doctor said sex is fine. As long as I'm enjoying it, we can keep at it. So let's keep at it."     

"Are you sure? Is the baby fine? Because, Angel, we sure did some good hard fucking a few weeks ago. Remember Saturday night?"     

How could I forget? We broke the bed and had to buy a new one the next morning. We laugh whenever we remember it. And we're laughing again now.     

I place a hand on his chest and he puts his on top of it. "I promise you, it's okay."      

Gael nods and then he smiles wide again. "Wow. I…" He runs his fingers through his hair. "You're going to be a mom… I'm going to be a dad… Holy shit." He attacks me with kisses on my face, his joy so immense that it warms my heart. "We're going to have a baby!"     

I squeal when he pushes me down and hovers on top of me, then he claims my lips and kisses me deeply, his hard cock brushing against my leg. No matter how long we've been together, I'm still always surprised and excited when he gets turned on by me so easily.     

Moaning, my legs spread wide and I lift my hips toward him. His huge tip nudges at my entrance. I'm already so wet that when he pushes into me a little, the head of his cock slips inside easily.     

He pauses and looks me in the eye. I'm breathless and aching for him that I urge him to drive deeper. "I love you," he whispers against my lips and he slowly buries his whole length inside me.     

I gasp at the sweet sensation. His cock is now fully seated inside my pussy but he doesn't move. It's as if he's savoring the feeling of being one with me and I do the same. "I love you too, Gael." My love for this man knows no bounds.     

For a moment, we gaze at each other in silence and a tear falls from the corner of my eye that he wipes with his thumb, a small smile laced on his lips. In several months, we're going to be parents. And just the thought of Gael being the father of my child makes me love him even more.     

He kisses my temple where the tear was, he kisses my eyes next, and then my nose, and finally my lips. Then he shifts in a position that brings us much closer and starts to move in and out and rotates his hips.     

"Yes yes yes!" An erotic sound comes out of me. This position is so different and so good, every time he thrusts into me, his groin rubs my clit, sending me into a spiraling path of ecstasy. I don't last long. "I'm coming."     

"Aahhhh!!!" I meet his every thrust, desperate for that delicious friction I crave for.     

And then I go still, my toes curling as my mouth remains open in a wordless cry. My nails dig into his back, I'm pretty sure he'll have scratches on him that will last for days.     

Gael growls, and then he pounds me harder like his life depends on it. "Fuck fuck…fuck." My climax is so strong that when he reaches his own peak and roars, mine bleeds into another one and I'm screaming so loud, I think I'm bringing the whole building down.     

His cock pulses inside me and he grunts when I clench around him, wanting to keep everything he's giving me. We keep thrusting, wanting to lengthen our orgasms. He buries his face against my neck, sexy moans so hot in my ear as we continue to move until we slow down and all that remains is our heavy breathing.     

He feathers my shoulder and neck with kisses, then plants a long and deep one on my lips. When he pulls back, he asks, "Are you okay?"     

I smile. "Very much. I think I want to go again."     

A laugh comes out of him. "I'll be ready in five minutes." He kisses me chastely on the lips before slipping out of me, then walks to the bathroom to clean himself. He comes back with a wet towel and takes care of me next. After discarding the towel in the bathroom, he returns to the bed and pulls me to him, releasing a satisfied sigh.     

"When's your next doctor's appointment?" he asks.     

"In a few weeks. Wanna see the ultrasound?"     

"You recorded it?"     

"Of course." I'm already grabbing my phone and the printed ultrasound pictures from the bedside table. "When I got the PT, I didn't want to tell you right away in case it was a false positive, so I had to visit the doctor first to be sure. I asked Nina to take a video during the exam so you wouldn't miss anything."     

He turns on the lights above us and studies the ultrasound pictures in awe as I search for the video on my phone. A smile plasters on his face the whole time. I play the video and show it to him.     

The doctor explains the health of our baby and what we're seeing on the monitor, and Gael watches with full attention. "Is that little thing…"     


"Woah… Did it just move? Its little hands wiggled!"     

"Yeah!" I giggle. "It's cute isn't it?"     

"It's so fucking cute. I can't believe that's ours…"     

And I tear up again. Damn it. I'm so emotional. He tightens his arms around me and we watch some more. We listen to the heartbeat and he's so stoked because the beat is loud and clear. "That's our baby. So strong."     

"It's like the size of a kidney bean."     

"A bean? That's so small… But our Bean's strong."     

"You're calling it Bean?"     

"I am. Do you know the gender?"     

I shake my head. "We'll find out around the time we return from our babymoon."     

"Babymoon…" He smiles and kisses me. "I like that."     

Me too. Next month, we'll enjoy the Parks' gift—a luxury stay in Damien's new mountain resort in Monaco.     

We're excited about that, but for now, we watch the video many times more with smiles on our faces.     

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