Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance



1I'm talking to my father and Aurora regarding logistics for the next few months after the KMH's satellite office will be ready in a week when Nina sidles up next to me.     

"Where's Anj? Your first dance is almost up," she asks as she looks over her clipboard. She's now wearing a headset with a microphone close to her mouth.     

I look around the party as I respond, "She was with Oli earlier…" I spot Oliver sitting at a table, but Angela isn't with him. Their mother, however, is there. Evgenia Volkov came to the wedding with Anika and Aleksander. Ivan, who rose up the ranks as the new Pakhan, isn't here though—which I think is for the best.     

"Has anyone seen the bride?" Nina speaks to her headset and pauses, rolling her eyes for whatever she hears from the other line. Then she looks at me and beams. "Don't worry. I'm sure she's just taking a break. We'll find her."     

"I'll go ask Oliver," I say as we part ways, excusing myself from my parents, and then I head over to the table.     

They look up when I approach and I see Aleksander with them as well. I meet Oliver's eyes and he gives me this look that I think means "I'm okay". Yesterday, he brought me to do Laser Tag with him, and then we hit the arcades—just the two of us. I got to know my brother-in-law in a way that I didn't think I would, and I'm grateful for the time we spent together. It made me realize the kind of person he is—a naturally fun person. Though just like me, he also experiences the pressure of running an empire.     

I got to know him as a person and before our day ended, we shared a beer at the port. It was actually an easy and relaxing day hanging out with him. Something I haven't done in a long time. He opened up about his frustrations and, though he didn't use the term, he felt a little "trapped" with their mother coming back to their lives. He also told me he always felt like he was inadequate as a brother to Angela because he wasn't able to protect her from Evan. And that ate him up inside.     

I shared my thoughts regarding Angela who's trying to heal from the heartbreak their mother caused. I also told him about my mother's death and how it affected me. I think that helped him out a little, seeing as they're talking right now. I don't want to meddle with their relationship, but I know it's what Angela wants. I'll do anything to make her happy.     

"Have you seen Angela?" I ask.     

They look at each other and Aleksander answers with a slight Russian accent, "She said she's going to the bathroom."     

"Try the pool house." Oliver nods towards the small building on the other side of the yard that's away from the party.     

I smile to my mother-in-law, thank them, and head to the pool house, waving at a couple of guests who call me as I walk by. Angela and I don't have our phones with us because as per Nina, we would enjoy the wedding better if we're not distracted. So I guess I'll have to find my wife the old fashion way. On foot.     

I know she's just here somewhere, but not seeing her doesn't feel right.      

I reach the pool house and walk through the front door. There's a small living room on the right; a kitchenette, a round dining table, and a half bath on the left. And behind them are two bedrooms. I check the half bath first but it's empty.     

I try the first bedroom to my right, opening the door just a little. I see Samantha and Daniel with their kids. She holds a sleeping Ashton against her chest, his head resting on her shoulder and he's drooling down the sleeve of her dress. I remember when he was still less than a year old. He was so cute and the memory made me smile.     

On the other corner of the room, Daniel has a crying Sianna in his arms as he sways from side to side, looking exhausted. But he patiently rubs his daughter's back and she hiccups as she sobs. My heart squeezes at the sight, wondering if Angela and I would look like them in the future with our kids. The thought of it makes my chest warm.     

Daniel looks up and he smiles apologetically. "Sorry. Are we too loud? Sia's growing a tooth. Maybe we should—"     

I shake my head and hold my hand up. "No. Don't worry. It's not a problem. We don't hear anything from outside. And even if we did, I'm not kicking you out. You can stay as long as you like. Though if you want a more comfortable room, you can stay in the main house. The guest room is ready."     

"No. We're good. Thank you."     

"Okay. Oh, have you seen Angela?"     

The two exchange looks and shake their heads. "Maybe the other bedroom?" Samantha suggested.     

I leave them and close the door quietly. I try the room across the hall. The bedroom is empty and the bathroom door is closed. Walking towards it, I knock first and then twist the knob. It's unlocked. I push the door open and I'm not prepared to see them.     

My brother Sebastian and Angela's sister, Anika, are making out.     

They both jump at the sight of me. Anika shrieks and then slaps a hand over her mouth while Sebastian quickly puts himself in front of her. His eyes are wide and he's breathing heavily, lipstick staining his mouth. My brother's shirt is loose with two buttons undone while Anika… I didn't really see her state clearly. Though, hopefully, she's clothed. Other than that, the two are decent. Although if I hadn't interrupted, there's no telling what they would've done next.     

I fold my arms across my chest and my brows draw together as I stare at them. I'm not really sure what to feel about what I just saw. I don't think they've met each other before. The Bratva's estate is strict, so Anika barely goes out of the house without guards. While my brother hangs out with a dangerous group. When the hell did this pair happen? Just today? The two were a pair during the entourage. And isn't he too old for her? Is this going to be a problem?     

"D-Don't tell Angela." Sebastian swallows.     

Anika peeks around his arm and she clutches his shirt tightly, her face so red she looks about to burst. "Please don't tell my sister…and my brother."     

The chuckle that comes out of me is humorless. "What am I, your secret keeper?"     

"We're not doing anything wrong," he says.     

I tilt my head sideways, studying the two. No matter how I see it, there are so many things going wrong in this picture.     

"Aren't you engaged, Anika?" I probe.     

She lowers her head and steps away from my brother. Sebastian whips around to face her, his brows knitted deeply. "You're getting married?"     

"No!" She gasps. "I mean… I'm engaged, but I don't want to marry someone I don't know."     

"Gael? Are you here?" I hear Angela calling me from the living room.     

Anika rushes toward me and grabs my arm just as I'm about to turn. "Please…"     

Shit. I sigh and shake my head as I look at my brother, keeping my voice low for what I say to them. "I'm not telling Angela." He visibly relaxes until I add, "I don't want to keep what I saw here a secret from her. So I'm not telling her, but you are. I don't care if this is just a one-time thing. You're telling her. But not today. Tomorrow. And if you don't, I will." I turn around and left the bedroom.     

Jesus. Can't I have a peaceful day at my wedding?     

I reach the living room and meet Angela. "I was looking for you."     

"Oh, I had to pee at the house."     

I smile and plant a kiss on her lips. I'm not about to ruin my wife's day by telling her I just saw my brother making out with her sister. That can wait until tomorrow. Right now. It's our day. "You ready for our dance?"     

Angela lifts her chin. "I was born ready."     

"Come on." I grab her hand, lead her back outside, and walk her to the dance floor.     

The host announces our presence and the music starts to play.     

[ I GUESS I'M IN LOVE - Clinton Kane ]     

The sky has darkened above us, and all the lights are on. We stand under a canopy of small and big lights that are like stars that illuminate around us. But I don't need them. The only light I need in my life is my wife. And she's right here in my arms.     

I pull her against me, placing a hand on the small of her back, the other holding her hand. She lays her head on my chest and now everything feels right.     

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