Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance



4My father waits for me halfway down the aisle. That's the only time my gaze on Gael breaks. My father smiles at me, kisses my cheek, and then takes my hand and folds it around his arm. We slowly walk the rest of the way down the aisle. I feel my father's hand on top of mine—warm and huge. It makes me teary-eyed to know that he has approved of my relationship with Gael and has given us his blessing. And right now, he's literally going to hand me over to him.     

A couple of weeks ago, Alessandro and Aurora flew down to Mayne and spent the weekend with my family. It was unusual to see my father with them, but surprisingly, they were all cordial to each other. Dorothy came for a Sunday dinner at my father's house and we all had a good time. Now, I can really look forward to those kinds of nights where my family and Gael's come together.     

As we reach the end, my father places my hand on Gael's and tells him, "Take good care of my daughter, son. I trust that you'll make her happy."     

Gael nods. "I will. You can trust me on that, Charlie."      

The second my father lets me go, Gael's eyes shift back to me. The look he gives me makes me all warm and fuzzy. "Hi," he says.     


"You look breathtaking."     

"So do you."     

He starts to lean in and I do the same, only we stop a millisecond after when we both remember we're not supposed to kiss yet. The audience seems to find this funny because they all laugh. Gael and I chuckled too.     

This day feels surreal, being with Gael and finally getting married to him. I haven't seen him since last night and I miss his face so much. I'm really tempted to kiss him—just on the cheek—that wouldn't count, right?     

I don't though. I can wait a little more.     

We decided to have a short but sweet ceremony, so it won't be long now. I'm no longer nervous. I'm ready.     

I catch a quick glance at the men behind Gael, all gorgeous and suited up. His best man, Giovanni, is right behind him and he winks at me; then Daniel and Sebastian, who both smile at me. I then look to my left and see my beautiful girls. My maid of honor, Nina; my sister-in-law, Gabby; and my half-sister, Anika.     

My brother, Oliver, stands up from the piano where he played during the entourage. And then he takes his place in front of us as our wedding officiator. Yes, Gael and I asked my brother to do this and Oliver was so psyched he got ordained in the next hour. He looks especially handsome in his tailored black suit and tie, and he's holding a tablet in his hands as he looks at both me and Gael.     

Something passes between my brother and my groom for a second as if they have a secret only the two of them know. And while I'm curious as to what it is, I don't plan to press on it because I love the fact that they have their own thing and it doesn't include me. Just like yesterday, Gael and Oliver spent the whole day together doing God knows what. They were gone in the morning and were laughing their asses off when they came back in the afternoon.     

My brother couldn't join the boy's night last night, so the two decided to have their own thing during the day. And I was happy about it.     

Oliver clears his throat and scans the crowd. He starts off by welcoming them and then he asks, "Gael and Angela would like to take a moment to remember family members who are no longer with them…" he goes on about how they will all be missed but will still remain in our hearts and minds. We bow our heads in silence and I appreciate my brother for this. He knows who we've lost and it warms our hearts to keep them in our memories.     

After a minute of silence, Oliver speaks again. "Should there be anyone who thinks this lovely couple should not be married today, speak now or forever hold your peace?" He pauses for less than a second before he continues, "None. Good," which made the audience laugh.     

"Let me tell everyone a love story—because my sister loves them," he looks at me and winks. "When you think of probabilities, born in different states, the many people these two meet on a daily basis, the incidents and celebrations both of them had, and the fact that they first met on Hillberry Isle. How else can we explain all of this other than your souls seeking one another?"     

I hear awws and ahhs, and my eyes become misty again because holy crap, I'm just so emotional today.     

But then Oliver adds while looking at me, "…of course. That was just one night—and that you may have to thank the Chos first, and me of course for bringing you there because our father forced me to babysit you. You know what? Perhaps this isn't divine influence? Maybe you really should thank me." We all laugh again.     

My brother smiles. "I believe in fate. And in decisions people make. So when you decided to come with me four years ago, and Gael also decided to attend his friend's wedding, you two wouldn't have met each other that night. It's a force you couldn't stop as you're being drawn to each other."     

Oliver turns to Gael. "Gael, Angela loves that you're charming and that..." he reads the tablet closer, "…you're hot as fuck. She said it right here on the text she sent years ago to her best friend as evidence if anyone wants to confirm. I don't lie." He wiggles the tablet in the air, earning more chuckles from the audience.     

My face heats up. This is funny, but I don't know whether to thank my brother or smack him because he loves to embarrass me.     

He continues, "She loves your strength and your unwavering support for everything she wants to do in life and your love for her."     

I can feel Gael's gaze, so I turn my head and we gaze into each other.     

This time, Oliver addresses me. "Angela, Gael loves your smile. He calls you Angel not just because of your name but because for him, you really are an angel. He loves that you are self-reliant, but you also seek him for help. He loves that you can be funny and serious—not at the same time. And most of all, he loves how strong you are."     

I squeeze Gael's hand and he squeezes mine back.     

"It is love that brings you here today and it is love that will bring your lives full of joy and the will to endure any hardships that may come later."     

Oliver gives us the signal. Gael and I face each other and we hold hands.     

"Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect each other, forsaking all others and holding only to each other forevermore?"     

My eyes well up, but I manage to say, "I do."     

Gael's eyes are all warm and loving when he says it too. "I do."     

"You may now say your vows to each other."     

Blowing out air, I take a deep breath and start, "I thought about writing my vows, but then I'm afraid I will end up writing a whole book." Only a few got the joke because only a few people know I'm a writer. But all that matters is what Gael hears and he chuckles.     

"Gael… Our beginning wasn't what most people call conventional. You and I have our differences, but the fact that we did meet and made special memories together despite our hectic and demanding lives that came after we found each other again… I truly believe that what we have is worth it. This is our life. This is our story. And what matters to me is that we both share our future together—our happily ever after."     

He gives me that smile that makes me fall in love with him all over again and my lips tremble as I continue. "I love you… I love you and I hope you won't get tired of hearing it because I won't stop telling you that until we grow old. I promise to cherish you forever and always. I will keep learning how to cook so I won't burn down the kitchen anymore."     

I hear a few laughs in the crowd though I don't know who from—probably from his men. Gael only smiles.     

My lips curl up and I can't help but reach for his face, sliding my hand to cup his cheek, my thumb gently caressing his skin. "And I promise you, my love, I will be here for you no matter what. I will be a faithful wife. I will be your light and your shoulder from now and until we both shall live."     

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