Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Gael's POV

Gael's POV

2I can't shake away the unfamiliar combination of feelings I have in my chest since I woke up this morning in my hotel room. It's nothing bad. I know this has something to do with tonight's wedding. MY wedding.      0

Holy shit. I'm getting married. In less than an hour!     

I spent my last night as a bachelor with my good friends and family. There were five of us: my brother, Sebastian; Giovanni; Daniel; and my brother-in-law, Mariano. Our security was there somewhere, but only to keep us out of trouble.     

My brother was adamant about doing the traditional bar and strip club bachelor's party via a quick flight to Vegas. So…     

I dismissed the idea right away.     

We ended up hitting the hotel's bar and a sinful burger joint before coming back up to the penthouse with multiple bedrooms. We had a few more drinks on the balcony while playing poker before we decided to hit the sack, knowing that a hangover the next day was not worth it. It was the best decision because I don't think anyone would appreciate a sloshed groom. And I want to be fully sober on our special day.     

I don't know what the girls were up to last night. They could've been the ones saying, "fuck it, let's go to Vegas." I wouldn't know because Giovanni insisted we don't talk to them the whole night. However, Angela might've just stayed at home, too. After all, she and the girls already had their party a few days ago. It doesn't matter. I just can't wait to see her again. It's been more than twenty-four hours since the last time I saw her and that's way too long.     

Rick drives us towards my house where Angel and I will have our wedding. Several vehicles are parked in front of the house when we arrive. The guests have started to arrive. We didn't invite many, but the ones we did were people who mattered to us. The Sus occupy most of the list since they are a big clan, but Angela limited the size to Charlie's siblings and very close cousins. While I have all of my family here and I'm happy that we were able to fly them down for a few days.     

"Granma," I call when I spot my grandmother on the sofa with her nurse. She's very old now and I was slightly afraid she wouldn't be able to come. I bend down and kiss her cheek. "You look pretty."     

"Oh…" She softly laughs and pats the low bun at the back of her head. "We have good genes, you see." I chuckle and take the seat next to her when she signals her nurse to give us some privacy.     

"Thank you for being here," I tell her.     

She takes my hands in her wrinkly but warm ones, and then her eyes shine as she looks up at me. I see my mother on her face and it makes me miss her more. "Santi…" she starts, "your mother would've been so happy to see you get married today. Angela is very good for you. I'm so glad you found each other."     

"You and me both, Granma."     

She smiles and her eyes get watery as she cups my face in her hands. "My sweet boy. Take care of each other, okay? Our life is only borrowed and we don't know when our time will end. I don't want you to have regrets like I had when I lost the man of my life. I wished we had more time together. So you treasure your wife like it's your last day every day and make each other's happiness—and your own—a priority. Work will always be there. Money can always be replaced. But this love is once in a lifetime."     

I feel the hair on my arms stand at her words. That's exactly what I'm going to do and though I don't need her reminder, I appreciate her looking out for both of us. "Thank you, Granma. I will do my best to not disappoint her." Wrapping my arms around her frame, I gently squeeze her once as I think about my mother, and then another for my grandmother.     


I make my rounds, shaking hands with the guests arriving at the front every minute and our families usher them to the backyard through a pathway on the side of the house.     

Daniel and Samantha are already out the back, as well as Joon and Liam and their wives, Hannah, and Becca—my ex-girlfriend. The latter gave me a friendly hug earlier, and I was surprised to see her very round belly. When we were together years ago, I knew she didn't want kids, and now she has one and another on the way. I'm happy for her though.     

Another couple arrives in a Range Rover. They walk hand in hand as they head in my direction. "Thanks for coming." I shake hands with Damien first and then with his partner, Katherine.     

"It's our pleasure," says Damien.     

"I wouldn't miss this for the world." Katherine smiles. She and Angela have become closer the past few weeks, exchanging texts now and then and already planning for a holiday trip in Italy and France—like a double date or something.     

Damien hands me an envelope and I cock my brow, thinking that it's work-related—I'm using three floors on one of his buildings in Mayne for KMH's satellite office. He and I have also started working on a side project—something that came out of nowhere after a meeting we had a few weeks ago. But before I could ask, he tells me, "It's not for work. You can open it when you're opening gifts later."     

Ah… "You didn't have to, but thank you." I put it away in my inner jacket pocket and led them towards the backyard through the side path.      

Nina waves at me from the front door and I walk over. She's been such a huge help in all of this and Angela and I are both very thankful to her. "We're starting. You should go out there now. I'm going to fetch Angela upstairs." I don't get the chance to respond because she turns and climbs the stairs and talks to her walkie-talkie.     

I feel slightly jealous that she gets to see Angela right now. I stare at the top of the stairs, very tempted to be a little rebellious and take a peek at my bride. I've been trying so hard not to think about her until the ceremony because I don't trust myself right now. My feet are itchy to take the stairs and—     

"Come on. You're going to see her later." Giovanni places an arm around my shoulders and starts walking me towards the kitchen. "You nervous?"     

"I don't know." Lie. I am starting to get nervous.     

He laughs. "You're fucked."     

I elbow him lightly on the side and shake my head. "Yeah? Wait 'til it's your turn."     

That shuts him up.     

I stop just outside the kitchen door and scan the backyard. Nina has outdone herself. This place is perfect. The sun is about to set and all the guests have taken their seats in the curved seating that surrounds the large tree where we will take our vows. An aisle made of white rose petals carves a path towards it. The large tree has an arch made of white soft fabric with vines and hanging lights all around it. Everything looks dreamy and romantic, I'm certain that Angela would love this.     

All of a sudden, I can no longer wait and time seems to agree with me because everything after that goes by like a blur and now I'm standing at the end of the aisle, waiting for my future wife to appear from behind the closed double-door arch that's too fucking far from me right now.     

A new song starts. [ I Like Me Better - Piano Instrumentals ] And the doors open.     

My chest expands as air rushes in.     

There she is.     

My Angel. My bride. My future wife.     

"Hhh…" My hand comes up to my lips as an overwhelming rush of emotions courses throughout every fiber of my being. It's like a live current runs through me. And I'm shaking and moisture gathers in my eyes, so I blink fast and wipe it away quickly because I have to keep looking at her. I can't stop looking at her.     

God, she's so beautiful. Everything else in the background dissolves and she's the only one I see right now, walking down the aisle towards me. To ME.     

Someone claps me on the back but I don't pay them attention. My focus is solely on Angela, who's smiling at me right now, and looking like the most dazzling angel I have ever seen. And she's mine. And she's going to be even more mine in every sense of the term.      

I'm tempted to meet her halfway down the aisle because every second feels like torture. But at the same time, I want to savor every moment she takes a step toward me for I'm reminded that Angela is taking the leap to be with me. And my heart warms at that thought, feeling so blessed.     

I'm the luckiest bastard in the world for marrying the woman of my dreams tonight.      

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