Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Connections (2)

Connections (2)

1Gael squeezed Angela's hand and told her, "I'll tell the security so we can form a search party. You stay here with them."      1

She barely nodded and he was already out the door. Turning to face Sister Mary, the nun looked distressed but she tried to keep calm amidst the worry. In the room, there were three more adults, four including Angela. There were five workers today in total, another nun and one groundskeeper who had been here the longest, should complete the group, but the two of them weren't in the room. Angela figured they were looking for the two missing kids.     

When the female staff made a move to go out, Angela stopped her. "I think we should wait for a minute until—"     

"Aahh!!!" A child's sharp cry echoed outside of the room, making everyone turn their heads in that direction.     

"Oh, my god! Was that Lillian?" cried the female staff who frantically rushed in earlier.      

"I'll go check," said one male staff member as he dashed out the door.     

One by one, the kids started crying, and Sister Mary and the other staff member tried to calm them down. Out of the bunch of orphans, the oldest one was a twelve-year-0ld boy who was next to Angela. The boy's eyes were wide, but he remained still next to her. She held his hand and gave it a squeeze and he squeezed back. There was another sharp cry from a distance. This time, it sounded like a little boy.     

Angela shot up to her feet. She couldn't keep still and do nothing. Each second, her heart was about to burst. "I should go out there and check—"     

Just as she spoke, someone busted in the door, a man holding a crying Emmanuel's hand. Herman. And he had a gun.     

"Mr. Mitchell…" Sister Mary muttered, her eyes widening in horror as she took in the frightened little boy's face and Herman who casually pointed the gun to the boy's head.     

"You." He nodded at the female staff. "Close all the blinds. Now!"     

The female staff scrambled to the windows and closed the blinds with trembling hands.     

Herman smiled widely. "Well isn't this nice. I knew I should come here today just to see your face, Ms. Su."     

"What are you doing?" Angela clenched her hands together, fighting the urge to rush forward and kick Herman's head in. How could he do this to the kids? Not that he hadn't stooped low before, but this was way different. A gun? Really?     

"Since you stuck your nose to where it didn't belong, I've had to lay low for months. You got me into trouble, Ms. Su. In a lot of trouble."     

"Yes, you are. The police have your face on a wanted list all around the state."     

Herman chuckled. "That's not what I'm talking about. I can deal with that. It's easier to avoid the cops if you really want to. They're a little dumb, you know?" Then his smirk fell, replaced by a sneer. "The people I work for, on the other hand, you don't want to mess with them. They're a lot scarier than the fucking police!"     

All the children were crying now. Angela had faced danger several times to know the difference of fears and if it were only her and Herman in the room, she wouldn't be so scared. Herman with a gun and a room full of kids however… That was scary.     

Angela tentatively stepped forward, but someone grabbed her arm back. It was the twelve-year-old boy, and he looked horror-stricken as he shook his head from side to side as if telling her not to provoke Herman any further. She took his hand and kept holding it, knowing it was a reassurance the boy needed during this time. Angela didn't want to provoke Herman, but she had to keep him talking. Where the hell was Gael?     

"So what? You're going to take the kids? You're here to take them away? You're not going to go far, you know. We have security to stop you."     

An evil smirk ghosted Herman's face. "You mean those pathetic men outside with your boyfriend? Oh, they're not getting inside this place. They're locked out. I've owned this place for so many years, there are passageways only I know."     

"You're sick!" Angela gritted out, her chest heaving in and out. There's no way that would stop Gael from coming back inside. Did Herman even know who Gael was? "And you're also quite dumb. Haven't you heard? Your father is already in prison. He can't bail you out if you get in trouble this time. Too bad he lost his chance at governance."     

This got him laughing so hard, the loud cackle only making the kids cry harder. "Now who's the dumb one? You think my father is the only one who has my back?"     

"What are you talking about?"     

"The people I work for? They've got everything planned, Ms. Su. Whatever happens wouldn't stop them. It doesn't matter if my father doesn't become the governor."     

Her brows knitted deeply. What was he talking about? It doesn't matter if his father didn't win? Why would that be? Unless… Was that it? It didn't matter if his father wouldn't be a governor because another one could have the same power he could've?     

"Are you saying General Leos is also in on this sick game you play? Who do you work for?"      

"Oh, I didn't say anything like that at all," said Herman, and yet the smile on his face widened, it made Angela's stomach queasy. He might've not admitted that, but anyone listening and watching should get what he implied. Before she could get a chance to say something, his voice boomed in the room, "Now you're going to help me get the kids and bring them out. If you do a good job, I might grant you a cool couple hundred thousand."      

Angela gaped, her mouth hung open and her eyes stared daggers at Herman and the kids. "What? You think I want to help you in exchange for money?"     

"You're right." Herman gripped Emmanuel's shoulder tightly that the boy shrieked, and then he pointed the gun at the boy's head. "You're going to help me or this boy gets hurt."     

Shit. Angela's heart jumped to her throat and she breathed heavily. He wouldn't really harm the kids, would he?     

When she didn't budge, the gun shook in his hand and he barked, "Move! Now!"     

She jumped in a start, and she was forced to walk towards the rest of the crying kids. Where could Gael be? Surely he was already doing something to get all of them and the kids out of there safely. If not, she had to do something. Who knew what Herman did to the people outside? Angela didn't want to wait for outside help. She couldn't let Herman win and take the kids. She would never be able to live with herself if something happened to them.     

Then out of the corner of her eye, she saw Gael taking a peek outside of the window in the far end of the room. Strangely, that was the only window with the blinds that didn't properly close. Almost as if done intentionally.      

Angela glanced at the female staff but her attention was on the kids. She looked up again and met Gael's gaze. As much as she was dying to scream for help and rush to the window, she remained calm. He placed a finger to his lips—though he didn't need to, she would never compromise him. Thank God he was okay. She subtly released a sigh of relief. And then he was gone. Angela could only hope he would find a way to get inside.      

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