Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance



1A chill ran down Gael's spine as he watched Charlie, and then he was rushing towards the older man, attempting to help him up but Charlie got up on his own, "I'm okay," he said as he put his fists on guard right away, nodding his chin to Gael to continue the last round.      1

Reluctantly, Gael brought his gloves back up too. He didn't mean to hit the other that hard. His heart pounded in his chest, worried that if he had hit harder, he could've done a lot more damage than what just happened. Something about what Charlie said hit a nerve on Gael that he forgot to hold himself back.     

  As Charlie began striking again, he told Gael: "I think you know better than to show pity to your enemy, Son. There can always be someone older than you and you just have to do what you need to do to protect your family. Even if they're someone you've trusted for a long time."     

"I hear you." Gael nodded, putting a little more effort on his punches. Even without Charlie telling him, he already knew that. But he accepted the reminder and promised himself that he'd do whatever he could for Angela and the family they would build soon.  "It's sad to say that we've been betrayed a few times in the past."     

"Hm. Getting hit by an enemy doesn't hurt as much as getting hit by a friend or a family. So strengthen your heart just as you do your body. You'll have a family of your own to take care of now."     

Gael nodded. "I—"     

Warmth spread in Gael's chest and the momentary distraction caught him off guard that Charlie landed another punch on his face. He instinctively grabbed the rope when he swayed sideways. And for a split second, he considered letting go of the rope and going down to boost Charlie's ego, but he knew Charlie wouldn't appreciate that so he kept his feet firmly in place.     

The bell rang, indicating the end of the last round.     

Angela immediately climbed inside the ring, looking worried as she handed Gael a towel. Rick had taken his headgear off, revealing a bruise on the corner of his lip and the cut on his brow splitting open again. She winced seeing the wound on his face but he was smiling down at her. Glancing at her father, she worried about him too, seeing the cut on his lip.     

When she met Gael's gaze again, he nodded towards Charlie, "I'm okay. Go." She dashed to her father, and Gael trailed behind her.     

"Dad, are you okay?" She inspected Charlie's face, biting her lip and hoping that his father didn't suffer more damage than she thought.     

"Of course, I am." Charlie beamed. He looked over her shoulder, meeting Gael's apologetic gaze and he chuckled. "I need more than just a punch in the face to put me down. You aint getting rid of me that easily."     

Gael hung his head, shaking it as he laughed. "I don't have any intentions of getting rid of you, Charlie."     

"Good, because you're stuck with me, Son." Charlie put his arms around Gael and clapped his back. "Welcome to the family."     


After the eventful morning, everyone went back home and had a delightful brunch—after Charlie and Gael had gotten medical attention on Angela's insistence, of course.     

It was already late in the afternoon when Angela and Gael drove to their new house where they would spend their first night there after a long absence. It was both strange and exciting that they were in Gael's old house where it barely had any stuff inside back then and now it was Angela's new one, now furnished and finished with only a few more construction left until it was completely done.     

The bed arrived around noon when they weren't there yet, so it was already in the master bedroom when they arrived, already made with new sheets and pillows.      

"Is this my old bed?" Gael narrowed his eyes at the bed and nightstands on either side of it.      

Angela bit her bottom lip and clutched her hands, her neck flushing. "Yeah. I hope it's okay… I had taken it out of the storage with Rick and Trigger's help. I thought about buying a new one, but I knew this bed is barely a year old and…we've had so many great memories in it. I didn't want to get another."     

A grin spread across his face and he tugged her against his body. "You kidding? It's more than okay. We did have great, very fun times here, didn't we?" He leaned in and claimed her lips in a slow, tantalizing kiss that she felt straight through her core.     

She moaned in his mouth when his tongue lashed with hers. His cock hardened against her belly and she pushed against it, making him groan. He gripped her waist and ground himself on her body. It had been too long…roughly eighteen hours since he'd been inside her. He was aching.     

Angela pulled back from the kiss, slightly panting, but kept their foreheads close. "Last night… You told me you came here and meant to offer the new owner something they can't refuse so you can buy this house back. I wanna hear it."     


"Uh huh. Come on. Pitch me" She waggled her brows playfully. "I'd love to be convinced."     

His lopsided smirk sent tingles down her spine and, unsurprisingly, between her legs. He hadn't even started his pitch yet and she was already giving in, wet for him, ready to give him everything he asked for.     

Gael backed her up until the back of her legs hit the edge of the bed and her ass fell back on it. "Obviously, it's going to be different for you than if it was someone else."      

"Obviously." She giggled, leaning back and watching him lower himself on his knees between her legs.     

"I'd take my time on you." He slid his hands on her inner thighs, grazing at her apex before unbuttoning her tiny shorts and pulling them down. "The thing is, I know exactly how to make you say yes to me, using only my mouth. But I'd very much like to use my fingers too, for your benefit as much as my enjoyment."     

Her lips part. Damn, he was so sexy like this. Her cheeks flushed when he lowered his lips on her pussy, kissing her through her underwear—it was like a dangerous teaser for what was about to come—literally.     

"Yeah? And what else? Tell me more," she panted.     

Gael swiftly yanked her panties off her with a sly smirk on his lips as he put them in his back pocket. Grabbing her ass, he pulled her to the edge and placed her legs over his shoulders. "Baby, I'd rather show you."     

He swiped his tongue up her wet slit in a long delicious lick. She gasped and bucked her hips to his mouth. "Yes!" she cried.     

His heated gaze bore into her as he chuckled against her throbbing clit, the vibration making her squirm underneath him. "Angel, I haven't even started my pitch yet. That was just a greeting." With the flat of his tongue, he playfully brushed it from side to side. "Was that yes this early?"     

Angela furrowed her brows at him but a smile ghosted her lips. "That didn't count."     

"Sure did."     

"Shut up and start convincing me, De Luca. Hard."     

Gael licked her once and dug his fingers on her thigh to keep her in place. "My pleasure." Then he dove into her and went to town.     

It didn't take long for Angela to sing multiple "Yeses" as he licked and sucked and kissed and thrust with his talented mouth and fingers. He knew how to make her come so fast and hard, but he wanted her to enjoy and savor the moment as much as he would so he made her last longer.     

And when she begged for it, Gael took her to that high and caught her when she shattered underneath him. Her body convulsed and her scream filled the room, her toes curling as the intensity racked through her.     

"Oh, my god… That was… I…" She swallowed, her chest heaving.     

Smiling, he wiped the corners of his lips that were wet with her juice with his fingers. "How was it? Do we have a deal?"     

Angela's laugh was music to his ears. She trembled as she sat up and grabbed him by the belt, quickly taking his pants and boxer briefs off of him. "Absolutely. Now all we need is your signature."     

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