Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

A Creep, A Thief, A Sniffer

A Creep, A Thief, A Sniffer

0Angela woke up when the pilot announced that they were about to land in Mayne City, Esmea soon. She fluttered her eyes open nearly the same time that Gael did. Her gaze immediately dropped to his lips, and her core began to throb, recalling the time when those lips were on her.      3

The last time she remembered was that that beautiful mouth gave her the most amazing orgasm in a long while. She couldn't remember when she had that kind of pleasure—well, actually, she did. It was three years ago. And what do you know? The man whose mouth belonged to was the same man who gave it to her that night—oh, he gave it to her good.     

She tentatively reached up to trace Gael's lips, and then its corners curled up into a smirk as though he knew what she was thinking about. Even his smile was so damn sexy. It wasn't fair that she was getting wet again.     

"You fell asleep," he said the obvious. "Well, more like—you passed out."     

Biting her bottom lip, her hands flew to cover her now flushed face. How could she pass out after that? Her question rang in her head, her inner self answering for her, 'It was friggin' mind-blowing that you got knocked out cold.'     

Angela parted two fingers, creating a slit, enough for her to peek out and see his eat-shitting grin. "I didn't mean to fall asleep. I was...going to...return the favor."     

"Oh, yeah?" Gael cocked a brow and pulled her close; her breasts flush against his bare chest. "What were you going to do?"     

A mischievous smile broke her face, and she lightly pushed him away. "Too bad, you're never going to find out."     

She tried to get up from the bed, but he pulled her back to him again, his lips aiming at her neck, and he began kissing her there, making her giggle. "Then I'll just have to make you say it."     

"Stop—" Angela giggled some more when his fingers tickled her sides while he trailed kisses towards her chest.     

"Did you like the personalized 'How to mile high club', Angel?" When he was close to her nipple, he skipped it and aimed for the side of her rib, nibbling and playfully biting the skin while trapping her hands above her head. She squealed and moaned simultaneously; the combination made her squirm under him. "We didn't get to home-run, but you certainly loved the pussy-eating, didn't you?"     

"You're torturing me…" she managed to utter.     

"You love it." Gael hovered over her left nipple, and he flicked his tongue on it once before blowing on it. She moaned. He smirked at the effect he was causing her. "Tell me how you like it. I'm offering my services as your 'consultant' for materials on your book. I'd love to show you more."     

He released her wrists, and her arms instantly circled his neck, pulling him up for a kiss. "It was phenomenal. The best orgasm I've ever had," she said.     

Gael chuckled, and the sound of his laughter caused her stomach to flip. Could this man get any sexier?     

"That high, huh? I'll have to step it up some more the next time, then."     

'There's a next time? Hello—Can time get any faster?' said her inner voice, which she suppressed with a soft laugh.     

He leaned in and placed a couple of pecks on her lips before saying, "Come on. We're about to land." And then he rolled out of bed.     

The two of them changed back into their clothes, and Gael watched as she bent here and there searching for something. "I can't find my underwear," she muttered.     

"You mean this?"     

Angela whirled around and saw him pulling out the black lacey panties from his pocket. She extended her hand out, but the bastard shoved the underwear back into his pocket. She scoffed. "What are you now? A panty thief?"     

He shrugged, appearing nonchalant about her accusation while he grabbed their coats and gave hers to her. "Come on, let's go up to the front."     

"Seriously? You're making me go commando? What if I flash someone?" She furrowed her brows as she followed him outside the bedroom and put on her coat.     

"You won't, or they'll go blind."     

His answer made her think that when he said they'd go blind, he meant he'd blind them. She could only shake her head as they sat in the chairs and buckled their belts.     


Gael's private plane landed on the tarmac at 12:45 after midnight. They flew for 2.5 hours, but because they crossed a time zone, they arrived in Mayne before one in the morning even though they left around midnight from New York.     

The air was slightly chilly as they stepped out of the plane. Gael and Angela thanked the pilot for flying and getting them there safely, and then they got in Gael's car, which Rick and his other men brought to the airport.      

Gael drove towards her apartment, his men following behind from another car. Halfway down the ride, he saw her crossing and uncrossing her legs as she sat in the front passenger's seat.     

"You cold?" he asked and adjusted the car's temperature.     

"What's that, panty thief?" She arched a brow, a little annoyed that he stole her panties. She liked that underwear. It was one of her sexy ones from her favorite lingerie brand, La Folie.     

The car stopped at a red light, and he threw his head back laughing. "Finders keepers, babe." He winked.     

Angela sighed. "It's breezy down there. It's cold, Gael. And technically, it wasn't lost. You literally took it off me."     

"Uh-huh. It was warm when I found it." He laughed, making her roll her eyes.     

"Creep. What are you even going to do with that?" Her hand flew to her lips, and she gasped exaggeratedly. "You're not only a panty thief, but you're also a panty sniffer?" She chuckled.     

"Sure. I collected the ones you left around my room and placed it over my face while I jack off thinking about you." Gael stepped on the gas, stifling a laugh at his own joke.     

"What the—oh, my god! You're disgusting." She then playfully slapped his bicep, her face blushing at the image of him in bed—completely naked with her panties on his face and his hands going up and down his engorged member. She wouldn't lie—that scene would look so hot. It made her hot and bothered.     

"Right…and you're thinking about it now. That turns you on?"     

Yes. Definitely. But she wasn't wearing any undies, so she was warm and wet down there. Of course, she wouldn't admit that. The car was too small; there was no room for escape. "You're so full of yourself."     

"And you're blushing because you can't stop thinking about it." Gael's grin was annoyingly handsome. This man loved to tease her so much.     

The car stopped at another red light. He tilted his head as he looked at her. "If you're cold, I can warm you up. I'm really good at giving heat."     

Angela turned to face him, folding her arms under her chest as she narrowed her gaze. This man was really having fun right now. "Right."     

He shrugged. "Not kidding. The last time I did, she passed out on me. Wrote me a card for Christmas and told me it was phenomenal—her words, not mine."     

She was fuming. Her nose flared as she knitted her brows together. Gael would never let what she said go. It hadn't even been an hour, and he already used it against her. Now, he was looking so serious as if he just told her the best sales pitch for a new invention he's selling. Then his face cracked a smile, and damn it, she couldn't help herself. Angela ended up bursting out a laugh.     

Wiping out a stray tear from the corner of her eye, she calmed down from her laughter just as they were about to reach her apartment building. Then she told him, "Fine. Keep it. But you owe me another pair."     

Gael flashed her a sexy, knowing smile as he parked in the underground parking. "I'll buy you a dozen new pairs. Only as long as I get to take them off you." He winked and stepped out of the car.     

Angela's heart skipped a beat at the promise.     

"You don't have to walk me up," she told him when they got to the elevator.     

"I want to make sure you get to your door safely."     

Once they got to her unit, Gael insisted that he make a quick sweep inside her apartment before he left. So she let him in, and when he was ready to leave, they lingered at the door, not quite ready to separate yet. She wanted to talk about what happened on the plane, but she couldn't.     

"Thank you… I had so much fun in New York," she said.     

"You're welcome. I'm delighted that you...came." His smile was so naughty; she knew exactly what he meant by 'came'.      

Then he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips, his hand gently caressing her cheek.     

"You want to come with me to the orphanage tomorrow?"     

Gael's eyes widened as though he was surprised that she invited him. And then he nodded. "I'd love to."     

Angela beamed, giving him a quick kiss on the corner of his lips. "Okay. I'll see you then."      

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