Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Angela's Anger

Angela's Anger

1It was difficult for Angela to part with the kids, knowing what she learned about the orphanage's dirty scheme. However, the children had already been through so much; she didn't want to add any more anxiety to them. This was why despite wanting to take all of them with her and leave this place, she could only smile as they hugged. After all, Herman and the orphanage indeed have the legal rights to the children's custody.      

Her heart ached at the thought of their situation. It was a battle she so badly wanted to win, but only so little she could do at the moment.     

The smiles that painted their faces as they watched her and her family leave the orphanage was so heartwarming; a tear fell from the corner of her eye. She quickly wiped them away. 'You've already cried back there, Anj. Crying is for the weak,' she told herself—as if a reminder that she shouldn't cry in front of Gael.     

Chairman Su and Oliver drove out of the orphanage first in their Town Car, then Gael and Angela followed after them. She saw the little ones going back inside the building through the side mirror after they waved at them. Herman appeared nonchalantly, looking as if he was so confident that nothing would happen to him—or that Angela couldn't stop him. She was pissed at the thought of trusting that vile person, making her wish he burned in hell for what he was doing.      

Gael glanced at Angela every now and then, checking and worrying about what happened back there. It made him angry to see that she was so happy and excited on the way there, but now—it was as if she left a part of her there with the kids. He couldn't blame her, of course, he blamed Herman for all of it. Wordlessly, Gael reached out and took her hand in his, squeezing it as if he was trying to transfer his energy to her. She turned her head and met his gaze, a small smile forming on her lips, which quickly disappeared when she looked out the window again and closed her eyes.     

"Do you want to stop by someplace? Coffee maybe?" he probed.     

"I just want to go home," she responded weakly.     

"Okay." Gael let her rest and quietly drove.     

Twenty minutes into the drive, the Town Car in front of them slowed down and pulled over to the side of the road, causing him to slow down as well and park behind them. Angela, who wasn't really asleep, opened her eyes when she noticed the change. They were about a couple of kilometers away from an intersection where they were supposed to go on separate routes from her father and brother.      

"Why are we stopping?" she wondered.     

"I don't know," he replied and then nodded at the men in front. "But I think they wanna talk to you."     

Angela saw her father and brother stepped out from the backseat, so she and Gael got out as well. The cool wind hit her skin as soon as she opened the door, thankful that she wore a thick hoodie after changing out of her Santa outfit back at the orphanage. She could have just thrown over an oversized coat on her that Gael gave her to cover the Mrs. Claus costume when they went back to the activity room to end the program, but she didn't feel so Christmassy after the confrontation with Herman.     

They walked towards the back of the Town Car where the two men stood and waited for them. "Tell me what happened," Chairman Su asked as soon as they were close enough.     

She no longer hid it from her family this time because they were no longer at the orphanage. "I overheard Herman talking to someone while I was on my way back to the activity room after changing into my costume. It wasn't my intention to eavesdrop, but when I heard them talking about kids and money, I couldn't help it."     

"What did you hear?" Oliver asked.     

Angela then began to tell them everything from when she started listening to them behind the wall and her conversation with Herman at the back of the orphanage after they gave the children their gifts. She tried to relay what happened objectively, but talking about it made her blood boil again. "I just can't believe this. How have I not known about this when I chose the orphanage? I feel so dirty."     

Her father had been quiet since she started to explain, but the shock and anger in his face were apparent. Oliver wasn't any better; a string of curses left his mouth throughout her narration. "I should have known that bastard is just the same as his father!" Oliver bit out.     

"You heard about his father too?"     

"He tried to gain our support, hinting at the fact that you chose the orphanage that his son managed," said Chairman Su. "I didn't give him a definite answer and kept it neutral, but as soon as Congressman Mitchell left my office yesterday, Attorney Jenkins told me what he heard from the grapevine."     

"Support? Support from what?" Angela questioned.     

Oliver whipped out his phone, tapped it a few times, and showed the screen to Angela. "He's running for Governor."     

A photo of Herman's father signing the candidacy form spread across the page. She skimmed the article on the headlines of today's news which stated that Congressman Mitchell filed for candidacy first thing in the morning. Today was the last filing date. She scoffed at the information. Great! Now Esmea's possible future leader would be a corrupt official.     

But that wasn't the only thing that caused her heart to race. In the second paragraph, the write-up mentioned a certain person she did not expect to see in today's paper. Below it was a photo of General Leos, which was taken yesterday after filing the candidacy form. "Opposing General Leos," Oliver added. "That's why I went to your apartment yesterday to tell you about it."     

Angela's mouth hung open from shock. Her eyes flickered between her father and Oliver, not knowing what to say. What could she say? Evan's father was running for governor too? Her hand flew to her chest. This was too much to take in today.     

"Dad…" was the only thing she could mutter, her brows drawn together.     

Her father stepped forward and slightly opened his arms out—it was the only gesture she needed for her to run into his embrace. These years, it's been rare for her to act like a little girl with her father. But during these rare moments, no words were needed. She let her father's warmth surround her.      

So many things happened six years ago. Apart from what happened to her, Charlie Su also lost a long time friend because of what Evan did to her. That wasn't something his friendship with General Leos could repair. Her father may not have been the best, but he did what he could, choosing her and his family's safety. He just wished he was more powerful than that person.      

"Why don't you come back to the mansion with us? I'll cancel my dinner appointment so we can eat together," Chairman Su offered.     

However, Angela shook her head as they pulled back. "No, don't do that, Dad. Don't give your partners a headache. I'll be fine."     

Chairman Su nodded, patting her shoulder. Oliver asked her to send him the recording that she took earlier during the confrontation. When she was hesitant, he reassured, "Don't worry, I won't do anything without telling you first. But I'll have to consult Jenkins on what we can do about it. We'll get him, Anj."     

Jenkins was their business lawyer who had been at their aid for a long time. She agreed to send it to Oliver once she gets home.     


When they arrived at Angela's apartment, she slumped on the sofa, her brows knitting together as her frustrations got to her.      

Gael had been patient and silent the whole time, letting her have her peace. But now that she was in her safe zone, he decided to help her out. He stood at the side, his arms folded across his chest as he watched her fall sideways onto the sofa. "You're shaking," he muttered.      

Then all of a sudden, she sat back up again, slapping her hands on the pillow and groaning—more like growling. "Ugggh!!! I'm so angry, Gael! I'm so enraged, I want to punch and kick someone—preferably Herman's face!"     

She looked up at him, her nose flaring. Yep. She was like a teapot that was about to whistle from the pent up emotions she was bottling up inside.     

'My Angel… I wish I wasn't trying to be a gentleman—an angry fûck would definitely calm you down,' he thought while poking his tongue inside his cheek.     

Nodding at her, Gael said, "Go change into your workout clothes."     

Confusion laced her face. "Why?"     

He pulled her to her feet and led her towards her bedroom. "Just change. I'll get something from my car and when I come back, let's release all that tension and rage you have inside you."     

Angela still looked unsure, so Gael planted a teasing kiss on her lips. Then he smirked. "I'll be right back."     

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