The Doctor Who Loves Me

Not Human At All

Not Human At All

1Cali woke up with a bright smile on her face. She turned to hug Rui, but the bed was empty. She opened her eyes and saw that he was not on the bed.     4

"Had a good sleep?" Cali heard Candice's voice and quickly got up from the bed.     

"What are you doing here?" she mumbled, blushing.     

"Checking on you. Rui is preparing breakfast. Why don't you go and get ready for school now?" Candice casually commented while she drank her coffee, sitting comfortably on the couch.     

"You're creepy. How could you just barge in here unannounced," Cali complained as she stood up.     

It was Rui's room, how could Candice act so bold?     

"Well… That's my expertise, barging in unannounced. Anyway, I'm afraid we need to move to the next level. Today is the day of the hunt, so I have to make sure of your safety." Candice informed Cali.     

"Is that why you were gone?" Cali asked, her face suddenly turned pale.     

Candice only nodded.     

"I think Rui deserves to know about this." Cali pointed out.     

"Yeah you're right, but it doesn't change a thing whether he knows it or not… The outcome will be the same… Just like whether you stay here or go out. Edward will still manage to take you. The only solution is letting him take you, and then me tracking him down that very instant." Candice reiterated.     

Edward would definitely get a pardon, without evidence of him disobeying the law. The man was very good at cleaning up his dirt and Candice could not eliminate him without enough proof of his crimes.     

"Are you sure nothing will happen to me?" Cali whispered because she was actually scared.     

Candice put her mug on the table and stood up to walk towards Cali. She held her shoulders and with a reassuring smile said, "Nothing will happen to you, Cali. I promise you that. You are under our protection. Rui would not even know that you're gone, you'll be back with him by tonight."     

Cali did not know why she trusted Candice so much but she just instinctively felt like believing her, so she followed that instinct of hers and agreed to whatever Candice had in mind.     

Then they had breakfast and afterward Candice had a serious conversation with Rui and Xander. Candice reiterated that they could not mobilize the police because technically, there was no evidence against Edward.     

Rui was too uneasy, Candice already talked to him about what could happen that day and he could not believe Candice lied about Edward. The man was still out there, lurking around, waiting for the right time.     

"How about we go back to country D?" Rui suggested.     

"He will still follow. Right now, everyone believes he dropped out, but he's just around the corner, lurking, waiting for an opportunity," Candice commented.     

Rui could not help but feel that his life was completely jinxed. He had just managed to win back Cali's heart and was hoping to have a normal and a fresh start with her soon, and this happens? Of all the women, why did that psycho have to choose Cali?     

"What can I do to help?" Rui asked.     

"Nothing… Just stay with her in every possible way. I will make sure nothing happens to her during this operation Rui." Candice promised.     

"Can they just stay here at home? It will be safer…" Xander commented and everyone agreed. Lunch was laid out and everything was normal until…     

"Where's Cali?" Rui hysterically burst out when he found that Cali was not in the bathroom where she was supposed to be taking a bath.     

Everything happened too fast, and when Cali opened her eyes, she was already in a dark room. She was not tied down but was lying on a bed in a very unfamiliar room.     

She looked at the ring she wore and was a little relieved seeing that it was still there which meant that Candice could still track her location.     

"You're finally awake…" she heard Edward's say, he approached her and sat on the side of the bed.     

"What are you doing… Let me go…" Cali whimpered.     

But Edward just gave her an eerie smirk before he frowned and said, "It's your fault, choosing him over me? Didn't you know that no one dares to refuse me?"     

Cali trembled seeing how red Edward's eyes had suddenly become.     

"What's going on?" she stutteringly whispered.     

"What else? I will have to make you mine. I will do whatever I want and however I want with you until I'm satisfied," Edward exclaimed, followed by an evil laugh. She could hear his footsteps approaching and the fear inside her grew stronger.     

Something was wrong with Edward, she felt like she was looking at someone who was not human at all. His eyes were too terrifying and his soft features were turning into something diabolic.     

"Oh my God…" she gasped as it dawned on her, the situation she was in was extremely dangerous. She suddenly thought of Rui, wondering if she would ever be able to see him again.     

She looked around but there was nothing she could use as a weapon to hurt or stop him. The room was empty except for the bed she was sitting on top of right now. She didn't even know where the door was to run and escape. It was a closed room and there was not a single opening to go out. So Cali knew her screams would just be in vain.     

Edward grabbed her. She struggled hard, but he was so strong that Cali felt as if her one wrong move would make her bones crack because of his strong grip.     

She heard a loud bang from outside and that gave her a gleam of hope so she screamed with all her might, "Help! Help!"     

The next thing she knew was a lot of smoke filled in the room, it made her cough and gasp for air. It was hard to breathe and her eyes were also swelling up because of the smoke.     

She felt Edward forcefully pull her and put her weak body on his shoulder, like a sack of grain. Cali knew she would soon pass out.     

She heard voices, she recognized that one of those voices was Candice's before she totally lost consciousness.     

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