The Doctor Who Loves Me

Would It Have Been A Better Choice?

Would It Have Been A Better Choice?

1"Did you eat breakfast already?" Edward asked and Cali nodded.      3

"Edward, I thought about it last night and decided to give your offer a try. I hope you will expect nothing during this time because it's just a trial for a week. Let's see what we will have for a week. As you said, I will tell you after the entire week if I think I can be with you as a partner romantically or not." Cali stated.     

"That's great. Thank you so much, Cali. And I will do my best to prove my sincerity to you. I really like you so much and I want you to be my girlfriend." Edward excitedly declared.     

He chuckled and added, "I have to work hard during this one week from now on…"     

Edward suddenly grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it, startling her and making her uncomfortable, as he whispered, "Thank you so much, Cali. Sorry about this I just got carried away with too much joy."     

Edward quickly released her hand and scratched his head. Cali gave him half-a-smile as she started comparing that gesture of Edward from Rui and the difference she felt.     

Rui contemplated whether to still proceed going to the university or just skip that day and stay at home. He felt so wasted, not because of his hangover but because of his broken heart.     

But then he realized Cali would be worried about him so he decided to leave to go to the school that instant.     

He finally arrived and managed to greet Cali as he sat behind her.     

The professor was giving an important lecture but Rui's mind wandered elsewhere…     

He could not help but think if it was really a wise move not to inform Cali about him as her husband. That time, when Dion and grandpa Lua decided to inform Cali about the truth of her accident and how she lost some of her present memories, Dion approached him and suggested that they could also tell Cali about him and their marriage.     

He had given it a careful thought that time for days…     

He balanced everything out, using all his experience as a psychiatrist before he came out with the decision of not telling Cali about him.     

One factor that covered most of his decision was his fear of rejection by Cali. He was afraid that Cali would reject him and ask for a divorce since she could not remember him, anyway. He knew it was selfish of him, but he did not want any possibility of divorce to happen. Never… Cali was his wife… His lifetime partner…      

He could not forget the wedding vows he took with her... he would be with her in sickness and in health, till death do them apart… So he decided he would not compromise his marriage and let even a sliver of that possibility lurk up, but fight for her and win her heart back by any means.     

That was how he came up with his plan on how to get near her, and that was by him being appointed as her private doctor with the help of grandpa Lua and nanny Shine.     

Now he wondered if his decision was wrong and hiding his true relationship was not the right choice. He wondered what would happen if he told Cali about their marriage instead at that time? Would it have been a better choice?     

Rui inhaled and exhaled, relaxing his body and his emotions. He should not waste time sulking and downcasted like this… He should quickly make another plan with this sudden turn of events, with a bug buzzing around his wife attracting her towards him and trying to snatch her away.     

He cheered his sad self inwardly and told himself that it was too early to feel like he had already lost. That was his wife over there. Even if she didn't remember him, he would do everything to get and win her back.     

He chuckled inwardly because of how redundant he was, cheering himself silently.     

Then he darted his eyes on Edward, sending daggers through his gaze in his direction. He quickly glanced in another direction when Edward suddenly turned behind to see him.     

'He probably felt the pain of stabbing while I'm killing him in my mind,' Rui mused with pursed lips and clenched jaws.     

The first class ended, and it was again time for Candice's class. As soon as Rui entered, Candice greeted him with a wide seductive smile and even winked at him.     

Rui looked around and wondered if the other student noticed. He didn't see anyone looking at them but one, and to his surprise that one was frowning at that moment. What made his mood lighter was that frowning person was Cali.     

Candice, on the other hand, gave Cali a poker smile instead. She was really enjoying this, playing a b*tch like this. She bet Cali wanted to pull her hair that instant. Reading her annoyed expressions, she gave Rui a meaningful look. Candice was even surprised when Rui answered her with a sweet smile.     

'So you two probably are playing this tug-of-war with each other, huh,' Candice mused as she interpreted Rui's positive movements towards him.     

Candice started her lecture and even walked around the classroom, reaching to each student while she gave her lecture and asked a question or two occasionally. She even patted the shoulder of her students, whether female and male, and Cali felt it was so weird. Everything that Candice did felt weird and stupid to Cali     

Cali bit her lip as she turned around and saw Candice's hand on Rui's shoulder as she asked him a question.     

Cali quickly turned her head back as she mused, 'shameless! pervert!'      

The lecture finally ended, and Edward was pulling Cali for lunch.     

"Where do you want to eat?" Edward asked while she remained in her seat as other students were already leaving.     

When everyone was out, she saw Rui walk past her.     

"Rui," she called.     

Rui stopped and turned to her. She was about to say something, but Candice held Rui's arm intimately and looked at her saying, "Can I borrow him for lunch? It's been a while since we last saw each other, so I was hoping to have some private time with Rui at lunch."     

Cali pursed her lips. That wicked smile of that woman was so sly! And annoying as hell.     

"It's okay Candice. You don't need to ask Cali. I'll go with you and let's have lunch together like old times." Rui answered instead. And in that instant, Candice quickly pulled him outside with her.     


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