The Doctor Who Loves Me

Exclamation Points

Exclamation Points

3"Don't turn around. Let her have enough time to sort her feelings out. She will definitely differentiate while she is going out with Edward, so give her a little more time and be patient..." Rui heard Candice uttered.     

He chuckled and said in a jest, "Wow… Are you really Candice? I thought you only love bullying people how come there's actually a pearl of hidden wisdom in your words now…"     

"Shut up or I will let you do the rest on your own lover-boy…" Candice threatened with her serious tone. Rui quickly zipped his mouth because he was aware of how scary Candice could be when annoyed.     

"Where are we going to eat?" Rui asked.     

Candice pulled him into the school canteen instead.      

"I'm sure those two will also get here. By the way… Did Cali somehow received a black rose?" Candice nonchalantly asked.     

"No… Why? What's with the black rose?" Rui asked, suddenly feeling worried.     

"Oh, nothing, but just in case she gets one you have to inform me immediately…" Candice plainly reminded him.     

Meanwhile, back inside the room, Edward had to wave his hand to get Cali's attention.     

"Are you alright, Cali? What's going on?" he asked.     

Cali gave him a half-smile and said, "Yeah, let's go eat." She stood up from her seat and walked out with Edward with a very disturbing heart.     


The last class that day soon ended, and it was time to go home. Rui could not help it and approached Cali saying, "Let's go home."     

Cali looked at Edward, who was talking to one of their classmates. A while ago at lunch, she promised him that she would go on a movie date with him after school.     

"You go ahead. Edward and I will watch a movie." Cali informed Rui.     

Rui's face darkened as he grunted, "Cali, your grandpa is not aware of what you are doing right now. You've been going out and coming home late lately."     

Cali's eyebrows raised as she answered, "Stop being so extra and over-protective. Can't I have a life apart from staying with and around you always? It's really annoying doc so please stop meddling in my personal life. If I'm not mistaken, you're only in charge of my medical condition, so please don't suffocate me!"     

Rui was caught off-guard with those words.     

"Is everything alright?" Edward asked, who at that instant went and stood beside Cali.     

"Yes, Edward… Everything is well. If you're done, we can now leave." Cali replied.     

"Yes, I'm done. Let's go." Edward answered.      

Cali was totally pissed off and her annoyance started when Rui had that lunch with Candice.     

'I thought he wanted to avoid her, but he just threw himself into her!' she mused as she walked past Rui to go out with Edward outside the room.     

She cleared her mind and thought to enjoy herself on a movie date with Edward instead. Edward was a funny man to be with. Cali did enjoy her time with him since the man was also full of a sense of humor but for some reason, her mind kept drifting towards Rui.     

"You're spacing out…" Edward commented while they were having lunch.     

Cali smiled and said, "Oh really?"     

Edward nodded and said, "Yeah. I think something is bothering you. Cali, I want you to open up to me. You can tell me everything and maybe I can help you out. I'm also good at giving a piece of advice you see."     

Cali smiled and mumbled, "You won't give biased advice?"      

Edward chuckled and honestly said, "Wait... If it concerns me, then I can't promise not to give bias advice. I might end up saying things for my advantage."     

Cali laughed. She actually liked how honest and candid Edward was. She thought she and Edward could get along well. But then something in her heart was somehow always making her feel uncomfortable…     

So she wanted to give it more a try and spend more time with Edward in that span of a week. Now it had been two days already, and so far everything was smooth sailing between them.     

Her mobile phone beeped, and she looked at it.     

She bit her lip, seeing it was Rui.     

[Don't stay up too late! Tell Edward to bring you back home early!!!]     

'Is he yelling out on me with those exclamation points?!' she irritably mused. Rui was acting like a protective father at her, and she could not help but get more annoyed.     

With a crumpled face, she typed a replying saying… 'Don't tell me what to do because I'm old enough to do what I want! I will come back home as I fit!'     

She waited and heaved a long deep sigh of relief, hearing no negative response from him.     

"Is that Rui?" she heard Edward asked, who she did not notice was looking at her intently.     

She gave him an awkward smile, followed by a nod.     

"What's really the relationship between you two?" Edward asked with a serious note.     

"He's my private doctor," Cali whispered.     

"Yeah, I know that, but what I mean is what are you really feeling for him? I want my girlfriend to like only me, Cali. I'm a possessive person and I want a woman who will only think about me…" Edward directly said, making Cali gulped.     

She heaved a long deep sigh, tilted her head down, and muttered, "I'm honestly confused…"     

Edward's face became gloomy as he clenched his jaw, but he quickly changed it into a soft and understanding expression.     

"Cali, what I said is true. I'm biased in giving advice so I will ask you to still date me for a week… And I will help you not to get confused anymore. After that one week, you will be able to decide what it is that you really want. So please give that one week to me and try not to think about Rui. He's been with you longer than I have, so he has more advantages, so please try concentrating only on me whenever we are together…" Edward pleaded.     

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