The Doctor Who Loves Me

A Ray Of Light

A Ray Of Light

3As soon as the class ended, Rui handed Cali the car keys and said, "You go and wait for me in the car. I will just say hi to a friend."      3

Cali's face crunched because she was aware that Rui was referring to their so-called 'hot' professor, hot as she heard from her male classmates.     

They were right because Professor Candice was indeed someone worth drooling over, an exquisite beauty with her long, straight, shining, ash brown hair. She had long perfectly curved lashes covering her expressive sharp eyes that gave her an alluring look.      

Not to mention her perfect height and sexy body that looked more voluptuous in her body hugging casual attire. To put it straight she was a goddess and for any man to not get attracted towards her would simply be a miracle.     

Cali felt annoyed when she found herself admiring her looks and she unknowingly grunted, "You should at least introduce me also to your friend!"     

Rui was caught off guard with that request and before he could answer… He felt a hand clasping his shoulder and immediately after, he heard that euphonious voice that could make anyone's heart race!     

"Mr. Meddler… It's been quite a while! Long time no see huh?" He heard Candice's playful, mellow voice in her distinct style of talking.     

Rui forced a smile and uttered, "Good to see you again."     

"Oh you're with…"      

Rui quickly interrupted and said, "Yeah, Cali...  my patient… You see she had a major brain surgery the second time just a few months ago and lost most of her memories from past few years, she particularly forgot her days when she returned to country D.     

Her case is very sensitive and every time she tries to recall something she ends up in a severe headache. So her grandfather has hired me to be with her all the time and take care of her. So I am here as her private doctor taking care of her in every way possible and I had even proposed that Cali stay with me in my house instead of a hostel or her own separate accommodation."     

"That is one hell of an introduction, Dr. Meddler. I was actually expecting that you will just mention her name and introduce her to me." Candice responded with an amused chuckle.      

Her nonchalant way of speaking made her look exceptionally outstanding, and Cali wondered what was the relation between her doc and the professor!     

Rui tried to summarize everything about Cali's condition so Candice would not make any mistake in mentioning to Cali anything about her forgotten memories.     

She leaned at Rui and whispered, "I asked the Doctor CEO about you, and he told me everything that happened, so don't worry… I'm pretty aware of what's going on."     

Cali who was observing what was happening felt so annoyed seeing them both so close to each other, even having some secret talk right in front of her! What irritated her more was the fact that Rui was trying very hard to explain his situation and set up with her, as if trying to make things clear that they were just a patient and doctor and nothing else was going on between them...     

She could not help but scold him in her heart, 'you're talking too much.'     

The two of them seemed to be in their own world, so Cali coughed to remind them of her presence then extended her hand and tried to be polite, "hello Professor. Nice meeting you."     

"Oh, sweetie. I'm glad to see you… I mean meet you again." Candice commented with her beautiful smile, Cali had to blink her eyes not to get mesmerized by it.     

'Sh*t!' She inwardly cursed because she suddenly felt insecure. She knew she was equally beautiful, but for some reason that professor had a very different aura, her every movement was a killer and her voice was magnetic as well.     

The woman infact seemed to be oozing with sex appeal that caught even her eyes and was enough to capture her soul if left unguarded. How much more with the eyes of men??     

"We should grab some coffee like old times Mr. Meddler!! I will call you..." Candice casually commented with her eyes closely observing Cali's expression.     

Then she added, "You can bring Cali along of course. By the way just call me Candice whenever we are out of the classroom."     

Cali only nodded. She wanted to pull Rui away and take him out of that vacant room immediately and go home and lock him in there… away from that Candice.     

'She is even so touchy with him!' Cali silently cried as she watched Candice touch Rui's arm while talking to him.     

"I will make a move first," Cali whispered because she could no longer tolerate what she was witnessing.     

Rui grabbed her hand and said, "Let's go together."      

Cali was startled but did not comment when Rui held her hand as they walked together.     

Candice nodded and had that playful grin on her face, as she watched the back of the couple leaving.     

"I guess I'm gonna have fun again while completing my task…" Candice murmured while she grabbed her things to go and start working.     

Meanwhile, Cali was too quiet in the car and it bothered Rui a lot, but he dared not ask her what was wrong. He even felt insecure with the way Cali behaved with Edward in the classroom.     

Cali was so upset with everything that she wanted to calm down before saying anything but when she couldn't contain herself she sighed heavily before turning towards him and bursting at Rui out of nowhere, "Did you really have to disclose our set-up to her?!"     

"I should ask the same question to you regarding Edward. Did you really have to disclose it to him as well? I thought you wanted to keep from everyone at school?      

But after you told everything to him I thought it's okay now to tell other people also about it since you did it first." Rui casually pointed out.      

Rui had a reason for explaining everything to Candice, as he was worried that Candice might spill out something in front of Cali. He was not aware that Xander told her everything but he was grateful that she was aware so she could be more careful in front of Cali now.     

Then suddenly a ray of light flashed in his head.     

Candice! Oh he could ask Candice for help later!     

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