The Doctor Who Loves Me



4At Yang Globals Group.     

Xander gave Rui a call to check how he was doing. He initially thought Rui was having vacation to unwind and destress, but he accidentally found out from Dion that Rui was studying abroad about neurology most specifically about Cali's case.     

"Hey bro! How come you say you're on a vacation but actually not. Do you know how hurt I was when I found it from Dion and not you exactly." Xander chided, which made Rui laugh on the other line.     

"You sound like a wife being lied to by her husband, bro!" Rui scoffed, still laughing and enjoying his friend's sulky tone.     

Then Xander heard a loud exhale from him before he added, "I just don't want you to worry too much okay. So I thought it's much better if you think I'm having a vacation because I am almost having one. I'm enjoying here, studying more about the human brain you see.      

The functioning of the brain, the effects of brain injuries and measures to take after the surgery. I am also learning some deep secrets of the brain, and after this entire curriculum, I can surely even read your mind before you speak it."     

"Alright then prove me all this once you come back…" Xander challenged and Rui laughed. They talked more about Rui's plan, and Xander admired him for being patient. He was too determined to make his wife fall in love with him again.     

"Okay bro. I'm always here whenever you need me. We are all here and are cheering for you. Make sure you make Cali fall so deep for you that even if she suffers from amnesia again and forgets even her own name and family, she remembers you for sure ."     

"Thanks bro. It doesn't matter if she forgot me and all our memories together because I will create fresh memories with her over and over again. I will make her fall in love with me again."     

The two of them were still talking when Xander was interrupted by Yera's surprise visit in his office, so Xander said goodbye to Rui. He looked at her wife with a bright smile.     

She was in her maternity dress, and still she looked sexy to his eyes. Xander sighed and suddenly thought how devastating it could be for him if Yera would not recognize him at all someday like Cali forgot Rui.     

Yera also had suffered with amnesia, but he came into her life at the right moment.     

"I brought you something delicious. Come here and eat while it's hot. Is that Rui you were talking to right now?" Yera asked while she prepared the table to join Xander for lunch.     

"Yeah it's him. Darling, let's go for a vacation next week. What do you think about spending a week in the villa?" Xander commented and sat on the couch beside his wife.     

He hugged her tightly as he rested his chin on her shoulder. He was dead tired, but being with her and seeing her took his restlessness away.     

Yera smiled and murmured, "Alright, we will go then. I missed the villa and would like to return and stay there longer too. Come eat first and I will give you a good and relaxing massage inside your private room after lunch."      

Xander's facial muscle flinched. He would prefer a different kind of massage and not the body massage or else his body would end up aching all over.     

Yera chuckled at the conflicted face of her husband so she said, "I'm just joking, darling. I know I'm bad at massaging since I only excel with a scalpel in my hands."     

Xander then chuckled and snuggled on her neck while he whispered, "You can give me a massage, but make sure I will decide which part of my body, you know…"     

"Shh you pervert!" Yera scolded him while she flushed. Xander chuckled and pinched her nose and said, "Let's go eat now and I will expect that massage afterw…"     

Yera suddenly stuffed his mouth with a bun of bread to silence him. The couple shared a hearty lunch together like their old times when Yera was still working at Yang Globals before joining her own hospital in disguise.     

"Ron and Shan will come back tomorrow, right?" Yera recalled as she put more vegetables on Xander's plate.     

Xander's face soured and mumbled, "That brute… He should be here today, but he said they missed the flight. Imagine that alibi?"     

Yera laughed and said, "It's only a day so let him besides he and Shan need that time since they will be busy again once they are back."     

Xander no longer commented.     

"You should eat more… Why are you putting all the food on my plate?" Xander reacted and put more on Yera's plate.     

"Remember, our three babies are inside darling." he added and touched Yera's enormous belly lovingly.     

"I'm keeping my sugar level down. I don't want a high-risk pregnancy. Don't worry I'm feeding them well enough okay," Yera replied chuckling. Her babies cooperated with her well. She actually did not find any discomfort except for the fact that of course they were heavier than a normal pregnancy since they were triplets inside her belly.     

"A few more weeks and I will walk like a penguin already," she said in a jest and Xander laughed.     

"Is it funny, huh?" Yera irritatedly hissed, which made Xander scratch his head. Yera also had those mood swings during her pregnancy, but he knew well how to handle it. The secret for it was him always agreeing with her in anything and making his wife feel better with kind words.     

His condition was far better than his brother Dion, and he was luckier because Dion said Rizie often had this temperament where everything he did annoyed Rizie.     

"No… Of course not, darling. I find it too cute, you know. You're so cute in my eyes." Xander commented, followed by a sweet hug to Yera.     

"Later you massage me instead!" Yera barked. She herself was stunned on how she couldn't control herself spurting childing things, so what she would often do was to apologize to her husband in advance or make it up to him whenever she was in her good mood.     

Xander immediately spoke his famous words, "Yes, darling."      

"You should stay home by then and remember to not exhaust yourself. I'm excited to find out their genders already, to be honest…" Xander added to divert the topic, though he knew they would need to wait a few more months.     

After lunch, the couple rested in each other's arms for a while inside the private room while watching the news. Yera noticed an exercising machine at one corner, so she asked, "Is that new?"     

"Yeah. It's your fault that I bought that. I will try it in my free time in the office to have a six-pack abs so next time you won't need to drool over some actor and fix your eyes only on my abs."     

Yera's eyes widened in disbelief as she turned to stare at Xander's serious face. "Fore real? You're still sulking over the abs thing?"     

Xander did not respond, but the pouting of his lips answered it all. Yera shook her head and burst out laughing.     

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