The Doctor Who Loves Me

Eyes Looking Only At Her

Eyes Looking Only At Her

0The very much awaited day of the wedding ceremony of Rizie and Dion was almost there and everyone was busy in preparing for the party. Everyone wanted to look their best.     

Xander's family wanted to have the best wedding as this would be the last for a long time in their family. Xander's wedding was also a very low profile due to Yun's attacks, and hence all of them were very excited for the coming wedding ceremony of Rizie and Dion. Yera was one of them who pulled Xander to accompany her to buy a dress she should wear for the wedding ceremony.     

She already had one designed by their family fashion designer a few weeks ago, but seeing how her size was getting bigger with each passing day, Yera disregarded it and didn't feel good in that dress. She wanted something that would fit her perfectly on the spot. So she looked into her wardrobe just a day before the wedding ceremony.     

Their designer prepared a lot of dresses to choose from for her, considering her pregnancy, so it should not be a problem in her thought. She just needed to choose something that would make her look better, given her current shape.     

She and Xander walked hand in hand inside the boutique.      

"I still remember the first time I chose clothes for you, darling. That was the first time I saw your bare legs when you were trying to fit in your dress." Xander whispered while he helped Yera choose a gown that would fit her nicely.     

Yera pursed her lips and teased, "Was that the first time you felt it could get up?" Xander reddened as Yera playfully nuzzled her lips, pointing it to his crotch.     

He heard his wife chuckle, seeing his embarrassed look. Yera pinched his cheek and said, "Do you know how lucky and thankful I am that your hmmm… You know that… only looks up at me?"     

Xander pouted his lips and Yera eased his embarrassment by giving him a light kiss on his lips. "See how fated are we to be together?" Xander proudly whispered and Yera nodded.     

"Darling, this one… I think this will look good on you." Xander commented and called the manager since they already picked five.     

"Try it already darling, I think you can choose one amongst these from there." Xander added and Yera went to the fitting room with the manager to assist her personally.     

Xander sat down on the sofa and grabbed his mobile phone to take photos of his wife in every dress she would wear.     

Yera came out of the fitting room in her first outfit, and Xander faced the camera towards her and began clicking her pics on his mobile phone.     

"Darling, that looks good. The color suits you well. Oh, all my little babies are growing up so well and can be seen so nicely in this dress," he commented with a smile, admiring his beautiful wife looking more alluring with her big baby bump.     

"I don't like this." he heard Yera whimper with a crumpled face and went back inside the fitting room.     

Yera then came out again in another dress. It was a nude colored dress, and though Yera's stomach was already big, Xander could still feel the growing desire in his lower body. She always looked too sexy to him.     

"Darling, you look sensual," he whispered, gulping at the cleavage of his wife. Her breasts were getting bigger too than her normal size.     

Yera looked at her reflection in the wide mirror from head to toe. Then she looked back and hissed, "I don't like this. I look like a seahorse with this bump."     

Xander stared at her with his mouth agape as he watched his wife stomped her feet back inside the fitting room.     

"Did I say something bad?" he wondered, seeing how his wife was frowning at him. He was simply admiring her baby bump and swollen breasts with his looks.     

Yera again tried another dress and like the other dresses, Xander found her so gorgeous in every gown she changed into. But his dear wife seemed still not satisfied as she commented, "I can't breathe in this one!"     

Xander moved his neck left and right, then looked at his wristwatch. They've been there for like almost an hour and he was itching already to carry his wife back to their home and lock her in their room and play naughty with her.      

He was feeling so aroused after seeing her in every dress she fit that he wondered why she still could not decide what to wear when everything looked so great on her.     

Yera came out again wearing another gown this time. "Oh, darling… I think that one is much better for you. Like a maternity evening gown. You look so beautiful." Xander praised the crystal beaded gown on a heart-shaped cleavage line.     

But Yera knitted her brows and commented, "My breasts look like a chandelier in this!"     

Xander blinked several times in disbelief while his eyes followed the back of his wife, returning inside the fitting room.      

He was yawning when Yera came back out into another dress. She saw him yawning, so she grunted, "You can go home first if you feel so bored!"     

Xander gulped and gave his wife a sweet smile as he stood up and cupped her face.      

"Darling… I'm not bored, okay. I'm enjoying seeing you in so many different outfits, but the problem is that your beauty is making me feel hot, so much so I'm getting impatient already to take you back home with you." he whispered in his wife's ear, loud enough only for her to hear.     

Yera's cheeks blushed, and she gently hit her husband's chest and muttered, "Stop that! We're not alone here."     

Xander chuckled. "That's the reason you are still dressed otherwise… By the way, this dress is gorgeous and is very suitable for you. Let's get this one." he then commented with a wink.     

Yera shook her head and said, "No. I don't like this. I feel like I'm wrapped in a curtain."     

Xander's jaw dropped while Yera turned around and walked back inside the fitting room. He couldn't believe how his dear wife became conscious about dresses, whereas earlier she did not even care about those kinds of stuff at all. Now an hour has already passed and she still could not decide what to wear.      

After some time, Yera came out again in a black dress… This time she seemed satisfied, but Xander could not help and comment, "Darling, the dress is absolutely stunning and you look great but the color… I think wearing black to Dion's wedding gives a dim vibe. It's best you wear something bright and colorful."     

Yera's face crumpled. But her husband had a point, however. Black was satisfying as it gave her a slim look, given the current shape of her body she wanted to feel confident, but black was definitely not right. She could not help herself from being self conscious.     

She looked at her husband, who stood up and picked another dress.     

"Oh this, try this one, darling. Let me help you fit in it…" Xander said and dismissed the manager to help his wife instead.     

It was a hot pink pleated chiffon long gown. Inside the fitting room, Yera gasped when Xander bent down, kissed her tummy and said, "Babies, mommy is having a hard time choosing a dress for herself."     

Then she heard him sigh and added, "Doesn't she know that she is the only one and the most beautiful woman in my eyes? She probably thinks she's no longer sexy, but how do I make her believe that I honestly adore her sexiness right now with the bump.      

Please tell her to choose this dress already so we can go home? Because daddy will soon have blue balls if she still takes more time in fitting a dress while daddy is imagining her without a dress?"     

Yera chuckled and with pouted lips whisper, "Alright stop bugging our babies and I'll get this one. Hmmp."     

Xander straightened and hugged her tightly. "Whatever you wear doesn't matter because you always look super hot and super sexy to my eyes. Aren't my eyes the only things that matter, darling?"     

Yera's lips curved into a beautiful smile. Her husband was right. His eyes looking only at her mattered the most after all.     

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