The Doctor Who Loves Me



3The very much anticipated garden wedding ceremony of Dion and Rizie finally came. The setup of the dusty color palette including crystals and cherry blossom like plants stressed the rustic theme and beauty of Lim's villa gardens even more.      

"Hmm, you look so pretty dear!" Rizie's mother exclaimed.     

"Yes sis. I still can't believe that our youngest already has her own family. Goodness, and even a baby of her own. It feels just like yesterday when you used to complain about seeing couples visit here in the villa." Her sister Lyra, who recently gave birth, commented.     

"Yes, so true. I can recall how crumpled her face often used to be whenever you or your brother Zach would show off their affection to each partner… Hahaha now here she is pregnant before even getting married!" Grandma Terry seconded.     

"Grandma stop that! I'm already married, remember? We have already registered our wedding in advance!" Rizie defensively corrected.     

"Oh, yeah. Okay… I'm just teasing you, my dear, so stop frowning. It's your big day today." Grandma Terry murmured with a grin.     

Soon, her twin Josh entered together with her father and big brother Zach.     

"Ready? The ceremony is going to begin soon." Josh informed and Rizie nodded. For her a ceremony was unnecessary, but Dion with his family and her family as well begged to disagree, saying a wedding ceremony was a must even though she was already legally wedded to Dion.     

She stood up from her seat and smiled as she proceeded outside to walk towards the reception. The glam of nature brought about by the ravishing surroundings and embellished scenic views encompassed by the cool weather made everything look so lovely.     

Grandpa Shen walked her on the white carpet, leading her to Dion. A satisfied smile curved up on Rizie's lips seeing her husband lovingly staring at her and waiting for her to arrive to him. That was what made the day perfect… Seeing her husband there, waiting for her.      

He was so handsome, and Rizie felt proud of herself that she could captivate such a perfect man for her. 'Is he crying?' Rizie mused, seeing Dion was scratching his eyes from afar.     

"I think he wanted to back-out at the last moment or finally he realized he made a big mistake marrying you but he knew there's no more return…" Rizie heard her grandpa Shen tease with a chuckle.     

"Hmmp, grandpa, this is my wedding. Why are you teasing me like that," she murmured with a smile still plastered on her face. She loved seeing her husband becoming emotional like that. Between the two of them Dion was more emotional, sweet and clingy.      

"Look at that crybaby…" she lovingly whispered as her eyes welled up too.     

Dion sniffed, and Xander passed him a tissue.     

"No bro, I have my handkerchief…" Dion replied, picking up his handkerchief. Then a beautiful smile curved on his lips, recalling how his love story started because of his special handkerchief.     

"Bro, do you know that everything started because of this handkerchief?" Dion whispered to Xander, who stood beside him as his best man.     

Xander knitted his brows and replied, "Hmm, tell me about it later. Right now focus on your wife. Eye contact is very important and touching for the bride. I'm thrilled for you, bro."      

Dion chuckled and nodded.     

Among the crowd sitting as an important guest and witnessing the wedding was Shane, who could not help but give Rui sneak glances now and then.     

"Stop that?" Josh commented, noticing how his wife kept on looking at the table where Rui was seated.     

Shane heaved a long deep sigh of frustration and said, "Cali… How I wish she was here. I will leave soon to accompany her with Kane… It's hard to see Dr. Dee being ignored like that when before it used to be Cali who was head over heels running after him, using every means to bring him in her life."     

"Hmm, you and Cali are alike I guess. Running after your man to get his attention?" Josh teased that made Shane blush so hard. She could not even defend herself from her husband because it was a fact. She was the one who pursued Josh, whatever side you would look into it.     

"I'm not complaining though… I'm even grateful…" Shane heard Josh added that gave a sweet smile on her face.     

Rizie finally reached in front of Dion and grandpa Shen handed her hand saying with a wink, "Our hardheaded Rizie… we entrust her into your hands."     

"Grandpa!" Rizie scoffed, rolling her eyes. Dion chuckled and nodded as he held Rizie's hand to face the marriage officiant.     

At the moment of the marriage vows, Dion looked at Rizie deep in her eyes and said the words he never did to her before.      

"I'm really grateful Rizie. Thank you for not friend-zoning me…" Dion started that made Rizie chuckle.     

"Is that your vow?" Rizie whispered, but the crowd heard it and laughed.      

Flushed, Dion quickly replied, "Of course not!"      

"We started as friends and I want you to know that I will remain not just a friend or a husband but a man deeply in love with you and will stay by your side for a lifetime through thick and thin, for richer or for poorer till death do us part…" Dion added with a loving beautiful smile.     

It was now Rizie's turn for her vow. She had a mischievous smile on her face as she began, "We started as friends and I want you to know that I will remain not just a friend or a wife but a woman deeply in love with you and will stay by your side for a lifetime through thick and thin, for richer or for poorer till death do us part…"     

"Did you just copy my vow?" Dion burst in disbelief.      

Rizie nodded and explained, "I heard a lot of vows perfectly prepared and it's so nice to hear all of them but keeping them sometimes is hard so I thought whatever your vow is to me I will repeat the same. Those words are pleasant, but I would rather see actions than hear words…"     

Dion pouted his lips and commented, "If I knew you just didn't prepare something for me…"     

"I love you!" Rizie blurted out with a wink.     

"Look at those two talking like we are not hearing and watching them!" Liz complained and James laughed saying, "They are cute and fun to watch though..."     

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