The Doctor Who Loves Me

Daddy Is Back

Daddy Is Back

4Yera finally woke up and the first thing she asked for after coming back to consciousness was about Xander.      4

"Dear, how are you feeling?" mom Liz who held her hand asked.     

"I'm good mom Liz. Is there any news about Xander?" Yera asked. She looked around and noticed she was inside the vip room of Life hospitals.     

"James is outside monitoring Xander's arrival. Last I heard was he boarded a private plane to come home to us, my dear," mom Liz responded with trembling hands. She was so relieved and very grateful that everything ended up finally. Yera and Xander both were safe.     

Mom Liz briefed her about the result of the trial. She informed Yera that Yun was already dead.     

Yera's eyes welled up in tears of joy. Her dear husband was safe and everything had now ended.     

"Mom… It's really all over..." Yera murmured as the tears continuously kept flowing like waterfall from her eyes. She was crying hard and mom Liz hugged her while she gently patted her back.     

"Yes, dear… You and Xander could finally breathe now. My children… You are all free now." mom Liz comforted with a contented smile.     

"Come and rest more my dear while you wait for Xander's arrival." mom Liz added as she helped Yera to lie down on the bed.     

She had a dextrose drip on her vein, and the doctor gave her a shot to calm herself up. Soon Yera once again fell in deep slumber.     

Meanwhile, Xander was so excited about finally going home while he was inside the plane. He had mixed emotions inside that he was unable to get any sleep during the flight.     

When the pilot finally announced that the plane was about to land, Xander felt his heart would burst with happiness anytime soon…     

"Home… Home safe home…" he mumbled.     

Outside the plane, he saw Ron, and he immediately hugged him tightly.     

"Oh, God, Ron. It's nice to be back," Xander yelped and released Ron to gently pat his cheeks.     

Assistant Ron smiled and said, "Welcome back Boss'. Dr. Dee also wanted to welcome you personally but Cali is not yet awake and he wants that Cali should see him first the moment she opens up her eyes."     

Xander nodded in understanding. His friend was going through a big ordeal at that moment. "Get me to Yera first and I will check on Rui later."     

Ron nodded with an ear to ear grin and escorted Xander to the car going to Life Hospitals where madame Yera was recuperating. He was also feeling ecstatic as now they both, he and Shan, could finally stop using their natural method of family planning. It's time that they finally start planning for their future babies as well.     

Seeing his Boss had succeeded in his mission was a true blessing, and now they could all breathe freely and live at ease.     

Xander half walked and half ran towards Yera's room as soon as the car stopped at the entrance of the hospital. He knew that Yera and his babies were already safe and sound, and yet his heart was pounding hard with each long stride he took to Yera's ward.     

Soon he reached the room and quietly entered. He saw his father and mom Liz looking after Yera. They both stood up and ran towards him for a tight hug.     

There was only a moment of silence and silent sobbing.     

"Son… I'm so grateful right now. Thank God we finally receive our justice," Senior Yang muttered while he kissed Xander's cheeks.     

God answered his prayer and protected his son from the enemies. Xander was now back with him completely safe and in one piece, unscathed. There was nothing more he could ask for. He looked at Yera on the bed and whispered, "She fell asleep due to medication."     

Then James looked at Liz and said, "Let's leave Xander and Yera and give them some private time now."     

Liz nodded and left the room with James to give the couple some privacy.     

Xander immediately walked towards Yera and grabbed her hands. He leaned down and kissed Yera's stomach, then he kissed Yera's lips before sitting on a chair beside Yera's bed.     

Xander raised his arm and put his other hand on Yera's belly.     

"Babies… Daddy is back. I can now talk to you guys more than your mommy. I will tell you a lot of funny stories while you're inside mommy's womb so you can remember daddy's voice. I love you, my babies… Now daddy will focus on finding an excellent name for each one of you…" Xander, lovingly remarked.     

"Darling, we don't know their genders yet for you to think of names this early." Xander heard Yera speak sluggishly.     

Yera moved to sit, and Xander quickly helped her.     

"I missed you so much, darling," Xander hummed and cupped Yera's face for a gentle kiss followed by a tight embrace.     

Yera's tears once again built up and she could not control the fire of too much joy burning in her heart at that moment. She was so grateful and blissful.      

Yera gently pushed Xander from her embrace to have a better view of her husband's handsome face. Her loveable husband looked so haggard and tired. He might have not been sleeping properly there because of the trial.      

"You have lost weight." Yera whispered. Xander smiled at her and said with pouted lips, "Don't tell me I don't look attractive anymore in your eyes."     

Yera laughed. How she missed her husband and his sweet talk so much.     

Yera smiled and showered her husband with kisses while she said the words 'I love you' directed to her husband over and over again.     

Xander laughed and complained, "You're not answering me."     

Yera cupped his face and said, "No matter how you look… Attractive or not… I will still love you wholly and fully, my love, because in my eyes… you will always look attractive. My heart will not stop thumping erratically by your charismatic voice and exciting touches."     

Then she pulled him in for a passionate, deep kiss.     


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