The Doctor Who Loves Me

Please Wake Up

Please Wake Up

0Xander went to Global Hospitals to see Rui and Cali as well. Dion welcomed him at the entrance of the hospital and hugged him tightly before asking him about everything and then walked him inside the private room where Cali was staying.     

According to Dion, Cali was already stable but until now she had not woken up.      

"Her condition is stable. Rui had been staying with her twenty-four seven… Waiting for her to wake up." Dion commented. Cali was in a comatose state at that point. Everyone had started losing hope for her to wake up except for Rui, who hadn't left her side for even a few minutes.     

Xander entered the room and saw Rui sitting beside Cali, staring at her face and kissing her hand.     

He walked towards her and patted Rui's shoulder.     

"Brother…" Xander whispered.     

Rui turned and quickly stood up and hugged Xander tightly. He was filled with all kinds of emotions suddenly, and Xander could see wetness at the corners of his eyes when he separated. They shared a real close bond with each other.     

"Oh God! I heard you're back!!!! Finally!" Rui burst with so much joy in his heart.     

Xander gently pushed him and said, "Look at you… You should have a proper sleep and rest. Cali will wake up soon, so you must be in good shape when she does. Don't you want to look good when she wakes up and sees you, look how wasted you are looking right now. You have not taken care of yourself at all Rui."     

He could see the dark circles under his eyes. And Xander could tell Rui had cried a lot, and it was evident with those bulging eyes of his.      

He gained his victory, but seeing Rui in that state, he felt as if his heart was being ripped apart. His friend, his dear brother was suffering and yet he could do nothing but simply give him hope and say a few comforting words.     

Yera performed the surgery and his wife said that it would be possible for Cali to wake up still since her vitals were normal and she was breathing on her own. It was up to Cali now, how much she wanted to be back. Her will to live would make her come back now .     

Rui pulled Xander so they could sit on the couch.     

"Tell me how did the trial go?" Rui asked and Xander narrated him everything.     

"I'm glad that you finally have your freedom from those who wanted you dead," Rui said with a smile.     

"Yes… You too should stay strong now, Rui…" Xander consoled while he turned his head towards Cali's bed.     

"It hurts… Seeing her like that… But my hope that she will wake up sustains me not to give up." Rui helplessly whispered, and Xander could feel the burden in Rui's voice. His voice laced with grief and showed how he was waiting for his wife to wake up.     

After some more conversation, Xander decided to leave Rui and said, "I will come back with Yera tomorrow so she could check on Cali closely. Now, Yera can monitor Cali's condition and can personally check on her often, there is no lurking danger now."     

"Thank you bro," Rui muttered while Xander hugged him once more.      

"We will pray for Cali to wake up soon Rui. I'm sure everything will turn up good…" Xander comforted once more before leaving Rui alone with Cali.     

Rui sat beside Cali and held her hand once more. He kissed on the back of her palm gently while he lovingly said, "Sweetheart… Are you mad at me? Don't make me wait too long, please. I miss you so much. I want to hear your chirpy voice and eat the food that you cook. I also want to feed you desserts that I would make for you. Please open your eyes already."     

He stared at Cali's face. She was like a sleeping beauty, only waiting for her prince charming to get rescued so Rui would often give her a kiss like now.     

He leaned down to give Cali a gentle kiss on her lips before he gently pulled back and stared at her face as if waiting for her to open her beautiful eyes.     

He was longing to see those gazelle eyes once more. "Please open your eyes, my lovely wife…" Rui whispered with just an inch distance of his face from Cali.     

He waited like that for minutes, unblinkingly to make sure not to miss the moment of her waking up from deep slumber and opening her eyes, but still there was nothing.     

"Please wake up Cali..." Rui whispered while his tears fell from his eyes and some droplets fell on Cali's cheeks, which he immediately wiped away and cleaned her face.     

His heart was aching so hard while he added, "I will wait for you no matter how long it will take Cali, so please know that I'm always here waiting for you to return in my arms. I love you."     

He tried to control his sobbing because he knew there was a possibility that Cali was hearing him. That was why he always talked to her, hoping she would hear his plea.     

He sat back and held her hand again. He put it on his cheek. It was warm…     

He was dwelling on himself with Cali's warm palm when Rui felt her fingers on his cheek, flinched.     

"Cali," he burst and stood to look at her.     

"Sweetheart… I felt your fingers moved? Please tell me I'm not just hallucinating? Cali, can you hear me? Please open your eyes…"     

Rui looked up, pleading and praying…     

"Oh, God… Please.." he pleaded.     

Then gently touched Cali's face.      

"Cali…" he whispered.     

He heaved a long deep sigh seeing no other signs of her waking up and was about to sit when he felt a grip on the hand holding her.     

Rui looked at Cali, whose eyes were trembling as she slowly opened it.     

"Oh my God!" Rui burst and immediately pressed the button to call the doctor.     

"Sweetheart…" Rui who was now weeping out of joy muttered and gently caressed Cali's cheeks. "You are finally awake…"      

She blinked, seeing him speak to her and crying at the same time while staring at Rui.     

"It's me…" Rui whispered.     

Cali stared at him with a questioning expression…     

"Sweetheart, how are you feeling?��� Rui asked, but Cali only kept staring at him.     

Dion and the rest of the doctors soon rushed in. Rui watched the doctors while they checked on Cali. Grandpa Lua and Nanny Shine already arrived, and both were crying with tears.     

"Nanny Shine… Grandpa… What's going on?" Cali spoke.     

"Do you recognize me, my dear?" Nanny Shine cried and held Cali's hands.     

"Of course nanny Shine. You and grandpa. Why am I here in the hospital?" Cali asked.     

Dion looked at Rui, whose shoulders dropped and his eyes were filled with sadness on her reply.     

"How about me, Cali? Do you recognise me?" Dion asked and Cali shook her head.     

"Grandpa what's going on? Where's Kane? He's supposed to treat me to dinner. Did I pass out? Why am I in the hospital? Why are you here? When did you and nanny Shine arrive here?" Cali asked in a row with a confused look.     

Rui walked towards Cali and held her hands.     

"Sweetheart, it's me Rui. Don't you recognize me?��� Rui muttered with a smile as tears kept falling out his eyes.     

Cali pulled her hands and said, "I don't know you…" Rui closed his eyes as a stream of tears gushed out of his eyes. At that moment all he wished for was that Cali be fine and never had to suffer with the pain of surgery again.     

"Cali, he's your.." Nanny Shine was about to say husband but Cali suddenly cried, "Ahhh!"     

She held her head that she felt was bursting in pain and immediately the doctors dismissed everyone from there to check further on Cali.     


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