The Doctor Who Loves Me

At Risk

At Risk

3Meanwhile, at another room, Xander was fuming in anger when the video of his wife in Yun's captivity reached him. He watched his wife, tied to a chair, while she delivered her message.      4

"Don't worry about me darling, I'm fine. Do what you've got to do…" That was Yera's message on the video with a calm, composed face and a smile.     

He helplessly slumped on a chair, and the mobile phone dropped from his hand. His body was trembling, and he felt so weak. His heart was pounding so hard that Xander felt it would burst anytime soon.     

At that moment, all he wanted to do was to kill Yun on the spot. He wanted to break his neck, slit his throat… All ways of torturing flashed past his mind and he wished he could use all methods of killing on that one monster right then.     

"I will kill that old bastard!" Xander raged. He stood up and ran on his way through the door.      

Chad tried to control him from attacking Yun who was in the opposite room. He pinned Xander down on the ground and yelled, "Calm down, Xander, calm your anger. This is not the time to lose your temper. This is exactly what Yun wants. He wants to show that you are trying to implicate him in the wrong way. He has almost lost the case. If you lose it now, we will never be able to win."     

The message Yun gave was clear. Xander needed to drop all the charges for his wife and unborn children to live, but they knew well the high possibility that Yun would never keep his word. The chances of him to kill Yera once he got what he needed was quite high, then Xander would be next. That was how dirty Yun played his tricks.     

"Xander calm down please and trust me when I say this. I somehow feel that everything will be in our advantage." Lana muttered with a hesitant voice.     

Chad and Xander both looked at Lana with confused eyes. Lana bit her lip wondering as well if her suspicion was right but her hunch was telling her she was right.      

"I know Liam too well�� And I think they have a plan. He told me, earlier, not to panic even if the situation comes to worst and just continue with the trial and present everything that we have so that Yun can get punished. He told me you should do the same no matter what happened. Now I believe that he knew some underhanded tricks like this would be played for sure, but he assured me that nothing bad would happen to your family Liam." Lana explained.     

"But that's my wife and our babies, Lana… how do you expect me to risk it? Do you expect me to just believe some unclear words from him?" Xander growled as tears swam out of his eyes. He was in significant pain at the thought of his wife and babies being in danger like that.     

Chad heaved a long sigh and said, "I agree with Lana Xander…. Even if we pull out now, Yun will not keep his word and you know that. I am sure Zach would be able to rescue Yera in no time. The military is already on it..."     

Xander felt his body weakened, ten folds… His world was crumbling apart. He was aware of Lana and Liam's point, but how could he compromise his wife and babies. Yes, the possibility of Yun not keeping his promise was too high, but still… there was at least a chance for him to get his wife back if he backed out from the case!      

What other choice did he even have to assure Yera and his babies' safety? There was only one choice… He could only take a risk with the choice to pull out and drop his charges against Yun.     

For the first time in Xander's life, he could not easily decide on what he should do because in whatever decision he should make, he was aware that his wife and babies' lives were at risk.     

"Is there any news from Zach?" Xander asked Chad in a cracked voice. They knew Zach was doing his best to rescue Yera but time was very crucial for now.     

Chad heaved a sigh and shook his head. Lana looked at the wall clock. "Fifteen minutes more before they would call us back inside the courtroom…" she whispered, waiting for Xander's further instructions on how she would proceed further once again called for the trial.      

The trial would end today, and a verdict would soon follow. Lana was confident they could win and make Yun pay for all his crimes. However, because Yun had Yera in his hands, the table could be turned around if Xander dropped the charges.     

Lana sympathetically looked at Xander… He had to make a crucial choice at this point, and she knew it was hard for him.     

Xander's heart was pounding as he closed his eyes. He was praying, asking for guidance and wisdom on what to do.     

Time flew away quickly and soon everyone was called out to go back to the courtroom. Yun had this triumphant smile and a big grin over his face while he exchanged glances with Xander, who was also about to enter the room.     

Yun could easily make out how defeated Xander's look was, and it was then that he became more confident of his victory. Very soon all his enemies would be killed and the only one left to claim the throne would be him and no one else. Even if his brother would not wake up, that bi*ch Raine would have no claim to the throne. He had every right. No woman could claim the position as a leader.     

Liam was walking behind Yun and his men when he accidentally bumped into one security who secretly handed him something. Liam took it and put it in his pocket and proceeded inside the courtroom.     

He looked at Lana who was also staring at him and Liam could foretell from her weary face that Xander had decided to drop the charges. And that would mean that Yera was yet in the captivity of Yun's men.      

Liam cursed and shifted his gaze at Yun, who was grinning still like a maniac, feeling he had already won the case. He was sitting in a very calm and relaxed mode, unlike his hysterical and shouting self in the court before lunch.     

'What's taking her so long?' Liam mused and looked at the clock. Soon the judge would enter and the trial would resume.     

'Raine…' Liam quietly breathed, hoping the news would reach Xander's side before the trial resumed. He looked around and saw that Chad was still not in the room. Liam thought Chad was probably waiting for any good news outside since the use of mobile phones was not allowed inside the courtroom of Mirage Triad.     


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