The Doctor Who Loves Me

Are You Ready For Some Killing?

Are You Ready For Some Killing?

4At Yang Globals Hospital.     

The helicopter landed at the rooftop of Yang Globals hospital late in the evening. Yera stepped down, paused, and looked at the city buzz from the rooftop of Yang Globals hospital. It had been a while since she last saw the busy lights of the Capital City. Her relaxed life at plumeria island was so much different from the buzzing life of the city.     

"Babies, we're back… I think I have gotten used to seeing more trees and beaches already… I've missed the beautiful lights of the city from this view." Yera murmured while she gently caressed her now growing belly. It was bigger than the normal because she was carrying triplets. She smiled at the thought of how her father-in-law would always boast about how his son managed to win over Keira's twins.     

"Dear, let's go?" Yera felt mom Liz tugging on her arm, taking her towards the elevator to head to Xander's office directly where Yera would rest. Her in-laws went down to grab some coffee.     

Inside Xander's office, she was watching a few surgery videos and reading a few details of some cases that had the same complications as Cali when the security looking after her at the door informed her that Rui wanted to see her.     

Rui immediately entered when the security opened the door for him, and Yera offered him some tea. She looked at the worried face of Rui, who was a jolly person like her husband, with empathy. She could see the dark circles under his eyes. She could clearly tell he was nervous and weary.     

"Get some rest, Rui." She could not help but comment. She could tell that Rui had cried for so long because of his bulging eyes.     

"Thank you so much Yera for doing this." Rui, with eyes full of gratitude, uttered in a cracked voice. Yera could feel the heaviness of his heart because she knew well how he felt at that moment. It was hard for him, the feeling that you could do nothing knowing someone you love would undergo such surgery.     

"It's nothing Rui so don't worry. We will do our best to save Cali and bring your wife back to you well and healthy. You guys are our family Rui. Stay strong for Cali..." Yera reassured and also advised Rui to keep on praying for the success of the surgery.     

"Cali?" Yera asked.     

"She's in her room already…" Rui answered.     

"I will go see her then." Yera said, and Rui nodded. Rui guided her to Cali's room so Yera could check on her. Dion, who was at the nurse station, accompanied her along with the nurses.     

When Yera entered, Cali greeted her and hugged her tightly.     

"Thank you," Cali whispered. She was aware of Yera's condition and how important it was for her to be safe, but still Yera travelled to do the surgery on her.     

"It's been a while… Are you nervous?" Yera asked Cali as she gently broke free from the hug.     

Cali shook her head and said, "Nope, because I know you'll do great."     

Yera chuckled and said, "You must do well too, Cali."     

Cali nodded, and Yera asked the nurse to see Cali's chart.     

"You are all set for tomorrow. Right now just rest well and relax Cali." Yera muttered with a wink. She was glad to see Cali was physically, emotionally and mentally prepared for the surgery.     


At Yue Clan Territory.     

"Boss, Xander's wife, has arrived at Yang Globals hospital to perform a surgery," Mr. Long reported. They had found out already that Yera was staying at Plumeria Island, but it was quite hard for them to get inside there with enough manpower to break the high security level on the island.     

"Make sure you'll be able to get her Long. I want her in our hands. Xander is preparing to spill more strong evidence in the next trial, and with his wife in our hands, he would surely back out with all those accusations." Yun rescinded before blowing out smoke in his mouth from his tobacco.     

Yun could feel that Xander was up to something that could give him a great disadvantage in the trial. The worst part was that the judge was a real impartial one and laying a hand on that judge was akin to asking for an open war with both other clans, something Yun could not afford to let happen. He wanted to live and rule… not die like a wild dog.     

Yun looked at Dalgon next and asked, "Have you found out what they've been hiding in their facility at country U? I heard Xander visited there often and there were a lot of transactions pumping money for some special reason in their laboratory there."      

"Yes, there's an unidentified patient and we're still trying to gain more information about the patient and his condition. The security in the laboratory is top-notch Boss. It's hard to gather enough information." Dalgon explained.     

Yun looked at his two most trusted men and hissed, "If you two disappoint me at this… You very well know how you will end up… I don't keep useless people around me and those who know my secrets can not live outside, so if you two want to stay alive make sure you do things properly!"     

"I want Yera in my hands and whatever it is Xander was keeping in that darn laboratory of his, I have to know about it before the next trial!!!!" he yelled with a clenched jaw. The next trial could be the last one before the judge came up with his final decision, and before he is proven guilty, he must have some advantageous points in his hands that he could use as insurance for his life.     

From his room, Tyron watched the conversation between Yun and his men and quickly relayed it to Raine, informing her that Yera would be in danger inside Yang Global hospitals. Raine was tailing Yera closely because Yera was the most precious person in Xander's life. Whoever was able to capture her and get a hold of Yera's life could manipulate Xander's life and his each decision easily.     

Raine, who was resting in one of her secret places, called her pet, "Draki!"     

The handsome wolf ran towards her, and Raine smiled. "Are you ready for some killing? Or should I just leave you here?" she whispered, enthusiastically playing with her pet.     

She opened the wide-screen on her place and everything that was happening inside Yang Globals hospital popped up. She saw Yera enter Xander's office.     

Raine zoomed in the camera and heaved a sigh before whispering into her pet wolf, "Look at that belly Draki… It's so big… That's why sweets are not good for our body… Especially for pregnant women.."     

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